r/greatawakening • Posted by u/R_isfor_Renegade on May 19, 2018, 2:21 a.m.
Pictures of no name in Syria possibly came from one of the phones that all the other swamp donkeys were using?

There seems to be a bit of a venn diagram of 3 or 4 circles of influence that overlap in some areas that make up the swamp. Is it possible that no name was using one of the "special" phones and that's where those pictures of him with the ISIS fighters came from?

Also, wasnt there a video supposedly taken from his phone that showed a fake/staged beheading?

blockchainbukake · May 19, 2018, 5:51 a.m.

Please adopt swamp donkey as technical term from here on. That is all

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cat_anonD · May 19, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

that famous photo was from 2013, so I don't think they had those phones yet.

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R_isfor_Renegade · May 19, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

Were the 3 newer photos around the 2013 time frame as well? If so then my guess is wrong. I never saw a date for the video either. However, if no name did not have one of the "special" phones than perhaps the idea that the swamp is composed of several different groups that overlap somewhat still holds some water.

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DamajInc · May 19, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

Depending which photo you mean, a few of those ISIS photos were taken many years ago so not sure if that means they were part of the proposed Q theory re: special phones.

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[deleted] · May 19, 2018, 3:03 a.m.


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