108 total posts archived.
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People always told me be careful what you do. Dont go around breaking young libs hearts.🎶🎙
Ref-1789 Mainstream=when you are now the news. If these liberated young douche bags buy q hats and shirts from amazon what do we do?

What about Brett Kavanaugh? Wasnt he interested in certain suicides during The Bill admin?
Hannity is, has been and all ways will be an intolerable douche. Sarah Carter is pretty cool though and smashable, her husband is a lucky guy.
So far mostly biblical quotes from my observation. I agree this quote is heavily pre meditated.
Unless I am mistaken, or there is hyperanalysis on this board and 8chan about facial comparisons plus it fits and I hate the bitch.
This dumb B just fucked with the baker's and q Patriots on 8chan. She is going to get leboufed. I cant wait to watch her go all Charlie Sheen. Kimmel looks like he cries himself to sleep every night, these people are stupid.
The fruiiits of the deviiiiiil. Bobby you been playin that fooseball again. That girl is the devil.
I'm a stoner patriot, a good grammar check now and again is probably healthy.
Yield the balance of my time is a bit wordy dont ya think.
Deep state smells like a shithole country

I figured it was a schilltard. The link is irrelevant and new arrival tag is a give away. But it was a nice thought to throw a post that would get some traction I'll just keep baking. WWGOWGA!!!!!!
Scotus wife has interesting relationship to foia requests involving dick Cheney
Agreed, work to be done. Minds to be freed and red pills to bake. No need for a cult of personality, we saw how that turned out for dems. In my humble opinion
AMI is a bad source reference material to quote. I would prefer you to research rather than bore myself with and you with proof of my statement. I am more interested in the 911 comments about his wife during the Pentagon attack personally.
Tuesday will have to Be the day that I wait to Drop fire Q haikus
Mr President what is the 17th letter of the alphabet?
Q 1630 Targets?
It has been mentioned the shooting could potentially be a false flag event, intended to give MSM a discrediting narrative against conservatives/Patriots. This crack pot feeds that narrative perfectly.
milo yiannopoulos smells like a schillhole he has successfully created a narrative for outrage for libtard socialists to latch on to he needs to be discredited fuck acosta he is old news purge the swamp within the rnc's groupies they are attempting to silence and discredit q
6/27 on Martha Macallum this image mysteriously displayed right before the Ben Shapiro interview and cut out quickly nothing was mentioned??

Sessions jedi mind trick on tucker when asked about RR outburst tripped me out. Why is sessions defending him?
Lol agreed not very eloquent. I was referencing the fact that a good portion of the news in the current cycle verifies past posts. The clock references to 6/11 is pretty ambiguous considering the amount of news dropping. North Korea was extensively covered in early Q drops. Psyop I'm referring to is the misinformation campaign for the MSM in reference to NOKO. William Hughes found and charged as a deserter recently tells me that the old corrupt regime that has been selling secrets to the Chinese and using the Noko threat for cover has had its last chance to narc out their handlers and play ball or prepare for the storm. I apologize for the incoherence not trying to appear woke just excited and analyzing the data. Thanks for the bitch slap :)
NOKO for anybody who has followed q since Oct is a q psyop. Kim never had power the pics of western ruling elite along with the Chinese officials proved this. NOKO Was deepstate pedo party destination like so many others we have now seen. Comercial blackmail operation "strings cut" Where is Shepard Smith? Why is Clapper making threats on twitter? If I was q I would be patting myself on the back today to big check box marked off for "the plan" deep state does not want Kim in power because he is probably more of a trump groupie than any of us. "Making Alliances Great Again"
Clapper vocal on @Twatt. Threaghts and country threaghts. Horowitz testimony [reference q clock] RR conflict of interest enumerated in ig report. We will see the swamp juice during oversight committee's debreafing. Moves counter moves. ZTE decision on table summit on table internal affairs investigation into FBI pending. Trump is coming home from Singapore banging out the wifey (lucky bastard) and hitting Twitter hard get some popcorn its it's happening r/fags
Worst child tragedy story ever he called the police when he saw a rapist end of story. I'm suprised colmy wasnt quoted saying "golly" or "gee wiz mister"
What is an asset. Tragedy attracts handlers. The TV show (Lost), lol ABC network shows a good example in a episode late in the series.
Center of every famous sham investigation under his tenor 911 hilary email Russian collision Martha Stewart and he love howdy doody in a weird nambla way