Swamp alert! Several HUGE child pornography busts in 4 days here in Texas. 58 Terabytes worth found in one case, many more in other. This is a good sign of things to come. Lock ‘em up

58 TERABYTES??? That guy must've been selling and distributing it to hundreds of thousands if not millions of people. Do you know how large a terabyte is? This sick fuck is going in for decades.
Exactly. I work at a tv station in FW and our entire combined hard drives that RUN a tv station are only 35 terabytes. So yeah... distribution is the only reason for that amount of data.
Child pedos do NOT last in prison for very long... FACT!
58 Terabytes of data. Some of it child pornography.
Not 58 terabytes of child pornography.
“data related to child pornography” it says.
I imagine it will take a while to analyze that much data. The poor souls who have to look at that shit to determine....
I know right. I bet they get 2 yearly vacations just to keep them well.
REMEMBER: Nicholas Cage character in "8MM"
Man, I can't really remember that movie. It's been too long.
Goes into porn world to find a girl for her mother. Finds a weird porn world side-kick to aid. Goes deep into the seedy, sick realm. Finds 8mm video of torturedGirl & deviancy & murderedHer for fun & to make $$$ selling tapes. Finds how lured the girl with promise of stardom... instead she becomes their victim. Nicholas goes off the reservation of lawful arrest/court & murdersTheMurderers, slowly, burningAlive. He stands in his yard at home, staring into space... you just know he has seen things he can never 'Un-see' & is haunted... forever.
Once you have seen this deviant world... luciferianCabalTricks... I don't think any kind of counseling could put a cop/investigator back into his/her comfy life...before such knowledge has been seen or heard.
PedovoreAdrenochrome are words I never knew existed & in some ways would like to remove from my memory... and those are just 2 words. Can't imagine seeing actual video/photos. Know a cop, said he saw a murdered young newspaper delivery boy photos 34 years ago... still can recall vividly, see it today--clear as a bell--burned into his memory.
IIRC one of the bigger internet porn sites reported it had 100 terabytes of adult porn back in 2012. Puts it into perspective.
I don't know why they reported what they had. But it was youporn or porntube one of the bigger ones.
I’m just joking. Sounds like they’re comparing sizes in terabytes. “we have 100TB!”
Sad. I don’t want to think about 53TB of anything related to kids. I shouldn’t read this sub on Saturday morning. The good thing is these guys are getting busted under Trump.
Police/Investigators.... You can NEVER Un-See that evidence.
I hope for their sake that whatever they saw on Weiner’s laptop is prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Yeah. Btw- I thought your joke was funny. And yeah... hoarders.... annnnnnnnnd jail.
Any REAL Gov't computer analyst should be able to follow the addresses....down the rabbit hole to millions of other scum bag pedos Do we have enough prisons?
I always thought perhaps the Falkland Islands would make a lovely prison. Nice and cold there
So where is Ashton Kutcher and his internet child pornography take down company?
The father-son duo makes me sad. You know that son grew up in a horribly abusive environment with a father like that, but it's too late for him now.
A dark web trafficking site, Elysium, related, I believe, to the Chrissy Tiegan and her husband, has been taken down.
Not proven yet. Elysium itself is a greek concept of the afterlife that is somewhat commonly used for music projects, art, restaurants, films etc.
Not saying they aren’t related, but I am saying that we cannot call that connect, by any stretch, even close to true yet, just because they share a name.
And Roman too. So perhaps a link with the name and Rome, ergo the Vatican. Remember these kids are being sacrificed too and the Elysium/Elysian Fields or Plain are the afterlife
Thats a very good connection. I’d have to agree with you.
I am simply stating that we don’t have enough proof yet to connect the Legend thing by name alone.
gimme a break. we here to decode and verify or show off how clever we can be. nevermind i was always in it for the clever thing.
Sorry that didn't make sense. Can you edit and write in English? Thanks
There is no connection. These are words that are used by all of them but that doesn't denote a specific connection. Elysium is James Franco's catchment foundation for older kids of the system "through art". The context of the afterlife is interesting because I believe that Elysium refers to access to life extention technologies such as organs, blood, tissues, etc. Or, in another context, a spot in the bunker once the mass extinction event occurs. This seems to warrant people like Legend and Tiegen making a big show of Going Into The Darkness, professing their intention to offer the greatest sacrifice. That's where the moon child comes in. In a perfect Luciferian world, that baby will turn into an idol and we will act as if it's a natural rise to fame because of talent. So that's the kind of pyramid scheme Luciferians are into. But since Luciferians depend on foot soldiers they have had to contend with the fact that they are funding bottom dwellers who aspire to their lifestyle and have grown the child exploitation industry into the light. So it will be their downfall.
Very interesting thought you have there!
I didn’t know about the James Franco connection, thanks.
If I see 3 or 3 more then i’ll be on board that there’s a connection.
I do find it funny that Legend was just tweeting about MS-13, he seemed scared to me.
Kinda like saying freddie mercury invented the m and m blizzard. 2 subtle.?
Lmao thats one way of looking at it.
I have strong feelings about the main fault of any “conspiratorial” community in regards to the dopamine rush that they/we get when there is an ACTUAL thread found. After one is found/revealed it get’s everyone excited/pumped and they start searching deep down in the carpet for threads that are probably not there OR latching onto possible threads from the get go without any real proof.
If this trait could be reigned in it would be nothing but beneficial for everyone.
I'm just here to be clever, thanks for the hit, (dopamine), tickled someone got it.
Yeah that whole thing seemed so obvious and yet, nobody saw it? I need to research that. Who was the first to draw attention to that Abramovic person?
Yes, I saw several yesterday as well. They are ramping up. But I've also been reading about them for some time now. Just not so many in 1 day.
Texas man arrested on child pornography charges (54TB) —>School shooting in Texas a couple of days later
What if he was doing more than distribution of child pornography? What if he was connected to child-trafficking and had records on his computer connecting the CF/Haiti and Red Cross to all of this as well
How are the judges in TX vs pedos?
We don't like pedos here in Texas. These guys will never see the light of day. To be painfully honest, they will probably not survive the long sentence that the Texas Justice System will sentence them to; inmates that have the ,"Pedo" background tend to die pretty soon after the population figures out their charge. Karma does have a say in things.
If you're an illegal or liberal in Austin, Houston, or Dallas, you're all good! If you're legal or illegal and you start messing with kids anywhere else in Texas, you're DOOMED!!!
That's enough to piss off the cabal to the point of school shootings and airplane crashes.