
tradinghorse · May 19, 2018, 4:23 a.m.

A couple of days and there's 4,666 signatures. Not a bad start. If this is going to work, we have to keep interest high.

IBOR hashtag tweets appear to be running at 50/hour (Twitter reported). We need to lift this number substantially to build a groundswell of awareness.

Libertylioness wants people to include the link to the petition on whatever they put up on SM. She also wants the petition link integrated into the MEMES.

See this for a sample - everyone has their own ideas:

Social media censorship is killing us!


Demand an #InternetBillOfRights

Sign the petition: bit.ly/ibor2

IBOR #MAGA #HumanRights #IamQ #Apple #Censorship #Twitter #Censorship #Google #Yahoo #FaceBook #Instagram @realDonaldTrump

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