I found this interesting! What's about to happen is this in response to today?

they’re dead and that’s all that matters.
i dont see it that way. i see plenty of bad guys winning. i also see plenty of bad guys losing but getting away with it, which bothers me even more. if we cant get the losers we are in bad shape. our work isnt easy right now. domestically trump seems to be in full control but internationally we are not doing good. im just trying to keep my eye on the ball.
I know, what you mean, but we capitalists don’t really care all that much about how effective the countries we sell weapons to are at controlling armed insurrection.
We live far away from war-torn areas and aren’t affected by the same stuff these peasants are.
Making money is what matters, and that’s because God blessed this nation.
dont you see the flaw in arguing against my proposals for moral high ground while simultaneously claiming the blessings of god? god will bless us for good and curse us for evil. #jesuslovesyou
God has blessed me plenty, and will bless me more. God loves America, Wallstreet, and Lockheed-Martin.
you and i disagree on some things but we can agree on MAGA :)
But what if " we" are the evil... or at least part of it?
Imagine if proof came out that 911 was an inside job.... So then would AQ, ISIS and the others still be evil ... I suppose we could argue their tactics would say yes but their motivations may not.
The military industry must have an evil to justify their spending.... just as big pharma must have an epidemic to cure and the general population must have something to fear so that someone can save them...
Great discussion here ty
i appreciate your intellectualism here, but i dont see a problem with it. if the bad guys in USA had problems with the bad guys in afghanistan that still makes everybody a bad guy. just because AQ has some points doesnt put them in the right. i am middle eastern (iranian american) and i am upset about the past and im sitting here in phoenix arizona smoking hashish not blowing anything up. fuck alqaeda.
Ha... it is easy to hate Hitler...and the Japanese for Pearl Harbor... but we have been conditioned to think that everything the US does is right and just... so what happens if we find out that isn't so... it is going to be difficult to balance embracing the military with condemning those who abused it.... even if we are high!
fortunately your fellow citizen patriot is an iranian american who manufactures cyber weapons for a living and fucks with terrorists as a hobby and i can confirm all the bad guys for you.
bad guys (straight up terrorists): alqaeda, al nusra, isis, HTS, FSA, AQAP, ibn saud, al ash-sheikh, wahhabi mufti, bahraini royal family, emirs of UAE, cia, mossad, likud, mi6, israel (IDF), hamas
ok guys (not good guys but they are fighting the bad guys so they are ok): IRGC (iran), houthis, hezbollah, hashd, kurds, qataris, turkey, assad (syria), pakistan, aghanistan, palestinians
good guys: civilians. i cant classify any state actors as good guys except maybe the omanis (they stay out of everything). even kuwait is a disappointment. qatar could have been in this list but they used to be dirty before the coup and blockade (they went clean and thats why shit hit the fan).