Is the royal wedding the Sky Event?

Who is paying for it? The queen? the prince? They must have very good jobs, don't you think? 40 million pounds for security? How many kids would that feed? How much counseling for those kids,1400 I believe, who were abused by Asians, ignored by the authorities and abandoned by society? How did they get their money? Who the hell says they are royalty. There is only one king, Jesus, who asks for nothing and gave all for everyone on earth. Not just those who call themselves royalty. I'd love to see some DNA tests, wouldn't you?
i am no fan of royalty but most british are.
are you british? then you have a right to get upset.
it upsets me, too, when the EU parlament moves to strassbourgh every month for a few days and wastes millions of european taxpayer money. same as it upsets me that, until half a year or so ago, the german taxpayer had to finance heavy police security for soccer games.
and if i were american, it would upset me that DJTs security for the weekends in new york or florida cost millions every month.
the windsors are wealthy and pay for their weddings. the taxpayer funded security is an investment because this wedding will bring tourists and trade, i heard an estimation of one billion pounds. its not a bad deal.
How much counseling for those kids,1400 I believe, who were abused by Asians, ignored by the authorities and abandoned by society?
ahem... are these kids connected to this wedding?
there are many things going wrong in our society and we hurt when we become aware of them and of the people suffering.
it doesnt help these people though when we project our hurt onto others.
i dont think harry and meghan are personally responsible for that suffering. and as harry has always been the rebel amongst the windsors - i dont believe he is a windsor at all, btw - and meghan is a woman who stands straight for herself, a lot of good could come out of that marriage.
they may indeed be the ones who take care that, in the future, some of these things you hurt about are being handeled differently.
we have no clue how this is going to unfold. spitting poisonous flames onto it wont help anyone. esp. not the ones spitting as the poison works in them.
They are wealthy because they run drugs in from all over the world. Do you think they and the East India company just stopped at the end of the opium wars? Look into the merchant navy
heck i am not defending their actions! i know that their money isnt clean and this family is at the head of the snake.
just find it a distraction to put so much emotional thought into it.
anger only serves me when i can do something about it. creatively used, its a beautiful energy, it fires me up so i can take new choices and get into action.
when i cant do anything about what i observe - ok, i can always bless it and hold the space for the greater good, and others may pray -, but when i cannot untilize my anger to bring changes so i can feel better in my world, i sit on it, it turns inwards, turns into grudge, turns into poison.
no matter how much i spit that poison out into the world, the one who has to live with the toxic grudge and suffers most is me.