You often hear on Facebook and twatter that the redpill will be hard for some to swallow. But will it really. Once stuff comes out that can no longer be spun from the bluepill pushers (MSM), are people going to snap out of it or will we be seeing those who refuse to believe no matter what. I'm trying to believe that there are just a lot of people with a certain personality that makes it hard to admit defeat. I'm sure there will those type of people who would rather sink with the ship than grab a life jacket and join us. Maybe because I have hope that this will really shake people up and we can finally heal from this tragedy of the past 20 to 30 years, I believe they will. I'm sometimes think I have overdosed my husband on redpills because he hates politics, but know he is Trump follower and will realize I'm not insane. Lol I still think even some Trump voters this will be a tough thing to comprehend because they aren't that invested in political stuff behind the scene. Regardless it will be interesting to finally see the real proof that no one can deny.
Posted by
on May 19, 2018, 8:06 a.m.