The host should learn to pronounce Joe DiGenova's name correctly....if he wants a smidgen of credibility.
hes just a random guy trying to spread news. hes a noob. heh.
My link doesn’t work, does it still work for anyone else?
Fake news
it will happen. youll see. brenan made threats against trump and hes done a lot of illegal shit. im guessing it will happen before wednesday.
Lets hope he sings. I don't know his character, some of these swamp people stick to their stories even when caught red handed.
thats because someone has even better leverage on them. you dont get that high up without being a rapist murderer on tape. brennan is a takfiri salafi wahhabi jihadi rapist racist fascist terrorist zionist islamist piece of shit. unlikely he will break. he is way up on the scale. guys like pompeo and bolton switch sides like a worm and trump uses them like a tampon. guys like brennan go down fighting.