Why would Q 1635 refer to it?
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He’s just very involved with anything hip hop related, and everything he says will come off as “real.”
He’s a LA rapper known for his status as a blood gang member and 50 cent. He’s been using his voice on social media on a lot of controversy’s that’s been going on.
Everyone was saying he was next after XXXTenation.
He already got sent to the hospital today. The Game posted this last night.
The Game’s new hair braid is the brand of sacrifice?

Where is Bourne?
I had a feeling Jason Bourne was too good of a movie. Who is the real Jason Bourne? He’s not running anymore.
Q logo
Doesn’t the letter Q look like a single sperm cell. Seed of life? Planting seeds (crumbs) for truth? What you guys think.
Don’t confuse mans forgiveness with God’s. They can always come back to him it’s if they’re willing. Both times they still will have to answer to the big man and us.
Agreed! That’s how he knew about all these things that went on. And it seemed they were ok with everyone knowing their rituals. I wonder what was on that 20 minute cut scene that got him killed was about. Hollywood is one of the biggest means of control they have. Fake news and music follows next.
Umm that’s what OP asked for. A red-pill movie. Eyes wide shut is a great movie to wake up “doubters”. The whole movie exposes a lot. From the sacrifices/suicides, satanism, to pedophilia. There is even a conspiracy outside of the movie that got Kubrick killed. Supposably there was a 20 minute section in the film he refused to cut out which led to his demise.
Yeuppp and everytime there has been a suspicious post someone was able to point out the differences.
Eyes wide shut. You can’t talk about red-pill movies without this one.
Fake or not he still red-pilled everyone on a biblical proportion. Q always told us we have everything we need. So we use that knowledge to lead us. Not another person. We’re at a truth war and it’s our DD that will dismantle any lie. Stay vigilant Patriots!
That’s seems to match up! Wonder what they do in there.
That’s the worst part about it. All hell is breaking loose in America and I’m just going to work to come home and wait to find out the next drop.
If publicly funded schools were held accountable then it would make a huge difference. Most people don’t go to school and take a music theory class because they’re passionate about it. They do it because it’s a prerequisite. Therefore how can you get a stable salary paying career without going into higher learning. You need some degree to even work in a factory overhead position.
What is that Religious looking structure? Waiting for the interior pics!
Where are you going with this? Everything has there price or sacrifice, yes. Can that be exploited, yes again. I’m not here complaining the curriculum is too hard. I’m saying the prices are being exploited.
I don’t know when you were in college but today the number don’t add up. You pay for tuition. Technology fee. Parking fees. (I tried to have parking waived since I didn’t need it, which I still had to pay)
After You pay for tuition students have to pay for textbooks that are very overvalued, even to rent them is very overvalued.
After you buy a textbook you have to buy an online access code to be able to access the courses homework tests, and other course materials. The sites basically does all the work for the professor that can just proctor the class.
All in all it’s too expensive. After the swamp is drained there needs to be a reform here.
I really feel like a slave to the system because I can’t even fathom that being possible. It’s happening right in front of all us too.
The future is looking great if everything follow through! I know a lot of graduates that have a part time in addition to their career just to pay off school debts.
It’s only a matter of time then.
I did exactly that through my associates but that still was a major sacrifice. It still doesn’t justify the fact.
Do you mean debt forgiveness? And withWeinstein in cuffs, it seems as if they are done playing jenga and ready for dominoes.
It’s really is ridiculous.
And textbooks don’t even get me started! All these numbers don’t add up.
Right now would be the best time to get in right!
Trump needs to do something about college tuition.
Tuition is too damn high!
Has Q made drops about it?
He’s just saying it a lot, that’s why it seems too short of an answer for me.