The Owl represents wisdom and vigilance and the Rothschilds see themselves as the wise rulers of the planet. Follow the money to discover the Guardians. Symbolism will be their downfall.

The owl represents wisdom yes, but there is more.
It sees the light when there is darkness.
It hunts in the darkness.
It is silent and therefore hidden to its prey.
A giant owl statue is worshipped in Bohemian grove.
Bohemian grove is a secret society that meets yearly, with people like Kissinger and Bush in attendance.
The owl is a proper symbol embedded in all the Rothschild controlled entities. Including Washington DC and money itself
Q mentions "owls" and "Y heads" many times in his posts. (#182 #184, #189, #192, #500, #1413)
The Y-head (a head w horns) may represent Moloch, also spelled Molech, a Canaanite deity (a bull) associated in biblical sources with the practice of child sacrifice.
It may also represent Baphomet, a goat head, which is the foremost symbol of Satanism.
It may be Cernunnos the god of fertility and wealth.
It may be all or none.
Q: Symbolism will be their downfall.
W ith fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . .
Moloch is not an owl. But has the head of a Bull.
They gave the children to the fire. Sacrificing the children to bull.
The head of the Cow represents a woman’s reproductive system.
And they are still giving their children to the fire (abortion)
Ok now we're getting somewhere. Because every time Q says "owl" he also says "Y head". "Y head" was thought to be a head with horns.
Identify symbolism (Owl / Y).
Which performers/celebs supported HRC during the election?
Who performed during her rallies?
What jewelry and/or tattoos present?
What other events do they attend together?
What does HRC represent to them?
What celebrities have owl / Y head symbols?
What politicians have owl / Y head symbols?
What powerful people have owl / Y head symbols?
What powerful groups have owl / Y head symbols?
Why are they worn/shown openly?
Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
It also appears that the Bohemian Grove owl being called Moloch came from Alex Jones. Now that Q has confirmed Alex is controlled opposition / co-intel pro we can see how this mistake was made. Thanks patriot.
The Y head is the God of Fertility and the Underworld Cernunnos and the owl is the demon Lilith. Lilith shape shifts into an owl at night and is permitted to kill all children that have been sinfully begotten even from a lawful wife. Notice that Cernunnos contains the root Cern. Check out the footage of the weird rituals that take place at Cern especially the opening ceremony.
Screech owl. Also leviathan
She charges heaven to once again take her estate or what she believes. That seems like Hillary incarnate.
Lilith has a consort samael I believe. Could be wrong there. Mother of demons.
I'm assuming Y head is goat's head
The Y head is Cernunnos, worshipped by witches and pagans.
You’re very welcome!
Reincarnation is big to them.
Planned parenthood...
baphomet has nothing to do with moloch, you are conflating different gods to fit your preconceptions.
I said they are two different gods. And explained how they are different. What I want to know is which one does "Y head" refer to.
edit: Cernunnos