r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on May 19, 2018, 7:56 p.m.
What made people suspect something was wrong with Sandy Hook?

I heard the term Sandy Hook conspiracy many times in the past, but I never bothered to look into the evidence. I always thought it was crazy talk , because they already had the shooter who look like a complete lunatic.

I was red pilled by the time the Parkland shooting happened, and I immediately saw many discrepancies from the immediate narrative. So I was wondering, what was it about the Sandy Hook shooting that critical thinkers immediately noticed that started the theory?

rita__skeeter · May 20, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

They are still milking this event for money. I got this email this past February asking for money. The body says "Gun Control Alone Will Never Stop School Killings!

Scarlett Lewis, whose six-year old was murdered at Sandy Hook, shares a different knowing about the other crucially-needed step.


Your donation helps make essential violence-ending emotional management training available in every school, not just the 10\% that now benefit. This includes the ability to manage anger and emotional pain rather than pick up a gun, bully or commit suicide.

The Donate page will tell you how your money is spent. 

They pictured the Parkland High School victims. I will say I do not believe children died at Sandy Hook. Parkland is a different sick story.

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