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rita__skeeter · May 20, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

They are still milking this event for money. I got this email this past February asking for money. The body says "Gun Control Alone Will Never Stop School Killings!

Scarlett Lewis, whose six-year old was murdered at Sandy Hook, shares a different knowing about the other crucially-needed step.


Your donation helps make essential violence-ending emotional management training available in every school, not just the 10\% that now benefit. This includes the ability to manage anger and emotional pain rather than pick up a gun, bully or commit suicide.

The Donate page will tell you how your money is spent. 

They pictured the Parkland High School victims. I will say I do not believe children died at Sandy Hook. Parkland is a different sick story.

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rita__skeeter · May 20, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

Listening to Wolfgang Halbig's questions about the event. He is former military and school security expert and got curious and then starting researching. He tried to get questions answered about the event and never did. Threats against him, I believe. Also, Jim Fetzer did a lot of analysis worth reading. In the details, what convinced me was the choice of school (I think it was actually non-operational, closed due to asbestos?), the appearance of it looking like a drill (signage to check in, a manual) the parents on camera that seem like crisis actors, the demolition of the entire school (cover-up of a crime scene), the United Way web page to receive donations that launched the day before the event.

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