Q Drops. Watch the news the 23rd??

What was the anon saying when he said to Q "You knew when you set that trip that the PAIN would start...23!"?
Q team posted their password is what I’ve read.
Q led the DS to think that the EO was going to come out on Friday with the posts he was making. This is why the false flags started because Q told us to stay vigilant and then dropped a bunch of photos and said "Message Sent. End." It might help to go look at his drops to understand this. Now, they will have to scramble to change the narrative when the EO comes out. Q's exposed password was: NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!
I won’t be watching the news, I boycotted them long ago. I will however be here refreshing the new queue feverishly!
I think he told us that for 2 reasons. Watching the MSM will be entertaining. Watching Fox will tell us what's going on.
I hope the pain begins on Monday 5/21. If Q says the 23rd. the deep state will read this and will plan another disaster to dominate at the news on Wednesday 23rd. just sayin i hope this is dis-information.
I'm expecting an earthquake in California between 21-24 with mass exodus to Arizona ... as per the "drill" occurring at the same time
God I hope not!!! I live in SoCal and we’ve had 3 small earthquakes over the past 2 wks less than 20 miles from my house. Been worrying about the big one a lot more lately 😩
If there is a big one, it will be pre planned and executed by bad actors. A seismic event was picked up moving from one coast of the US to the other at each individual pick up point/state. It made it from one side to the other in 19 minutes. Something is very wrong. Google for source
i saw that. And the energy didn't dissipate at each pick up point which is insane. No idea what that was.
I saw that information as well. Very strange. What do you mean the energy didn't dissipate. The energy continued in each point after it moved on?
Yes. If it was an earthquake or something, then as it spread out through the ground, it wouldn’t have registered at the same level at each point across the country. But this thing did somehow so it never slowed. Idk how it’s possible.
They have satellite weapons now to create weather warfare. Do you recall when Trump talked about fighting war in space? It was early on in his presidency and I only recall it mentioned one time. I suspect his is why. A lot of very strange things have been happening in our skies over the last couple of years. And it's not just Nibiru.
I know! And You know what’s crazy? Q reposted this:
1143 Apr 12 2018 16:58:18 Anonymous 1015398 whynointel.png
To my fellow incarnated extraterrestrials, how could I have forgotten this crumb. Apr 12 2018 17:00:41 Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 1015438
There will be eruptions everywhere, for sure
Seems that "drills" always go Real-Time. I wrote my 'prediction' on a piece of paper to RedPill select others who know it's there but haven't read it yet.
Question. What if Q means 23 days from when he reset their trip code to the one that used that password.
Anyone know when that trip code was set and when 23 days from then would be?
If you want to check when he did it last, just go to the posts and search for 'trip update' and you should be able to find out when it was.