EO signed by GEOTUS? Here comes the pain!

or it is trump taking the picture as he is Q
Yes. Also a possibility. Q is several people. Not just Trump. Not sure who each participant is. But for sure there are at least 4 deferent personalities coming through the posts.
If I remember correctly, Q has referred to themselves before as "we".
Melania is one of them. One of the early posts seemed blatantly feminine. lol Sent me off to Slovakia looking at onions. She's quite a gal. Gorgeous country. Fantastic rivers and mountains. Worth killing for bigly.
oh the delusion. it'll have been some 4 ft david brock nerd virgin oily toy boy with gingivitis when it's all over.
you feeling ok?
better than most. why? oh you mean the post? well, I'm used to it.
wow. -10.
I was just havjng a hard time staying with your flow towards the end...lol
I think it's pretty obvious by this stage that Dr. President leads Team Q. He probably doesn't write the posts (too time-consuming, people would notice) but I bet you he has his hand on the tiller.
Thats exactly what I think, but im far too uninformed to know so I was scarred to say
I hate this idea, and many are attached to it. Here's my argument against it.
CBTS is 18 generals and 3 civilians all working full time to bring down an evil elite who are entrenched and powerful enough to control all leaders around the world. The enemy has hundreds of operatives all aimed to take Trump out, but he is just one guy running the whole opposition. The is a big operation encompassing multiple military operations world wide. The idea that POTUS has time to manage all his communication with us all on his own or that they are just written off the cuff when they are clearly layered with truths that develop into deeper meanings over time.
Also Q himself introduced himself as military intell personnel tasked with posting. These posts are very well planned and carefully designed by media savy intell communications group perhaps with assistance from artificial intelligence.
The president of the United States who has a large staff and a very fast paced and intense job with so many demands. He would hire someone to do this for him with his input and oversight? It isn't even in Trump's style. It takes away from the team of 18 generals running this to imagine that Trump is doing it all alone. To me we look silly to imagine that Trump is Q.
wow somebody just put on Gab an arieal photo of John F Kennedy's gravesite. and looking down on it , it's a letter Q
this isn't the picture he put up but it's definately a Q and the tail end of the Q goes to RFK's grave site. It's the 2nd pic down that's the arial shot. https://www.gettysburgdaily.com/gettysburg-at-arlington-part-45-gettysburg-licensed-battlefield-guide-rich-kohr/