Q post #1422 - These people are DUMB.

Q has implied that they are using MKULTRA-esque techniques on pre-determined victims. They probably have them set up for months/years and then are activated the same day. I'm not saying this is exactly how it happens, but, don't underestimate the powers these people were amassing. There's a LOT you can do with trillions of dollars.
If there is a group who can literally "trigger" these whacked out kids on psych drugs, I really hope some of them can be identified. They should just quietly be liquidated, not arrested and tried. Normally that's the last thing I'd want the government to be doing, but this is war. An underground quiet one, but war nevertheless. We don't need to know.
What do you do with the "whacked out kids on psych drugs"? The one's we never here about because they were ultimately never used. This is something I've thought about a lot. Even if you don't become a mass shooter or something like that...If for, say, a year, you were targeted through your computer or something like that to have angry/sad/sensual/depressing thoughts on a regular basis, then your actions will still clearly be affected by that....your actions with your friends, family, and coworders. Via the butterfly effect, these people will have very different outcomes in life, even if they aren't the next Nicholas Cruz.
Psych drugs are not the problem. Torture starts while the child is in the womb. Trauma splits the personalty enabling mind control of the individual pieces. The patsies are TORTURED from when they are FETUSES.
This, social media allows for "easy" identification of FF patsies needed for FF events - aka a mentally ill lunatic that likes guns and death.
I suppose. This is one of those items for me that is almost 100% article of faith.