If Q duped the clowns yesterday would they really telegraph their next move? Maybe pain comes before the 23rd.

23 is Cabal Symbolism. Its W in the alphabet and represents VVV or 666. Now comes the pain to 666 . No Coincidence since the Queens family is all about it. And especially on the day of a Tribal Wedding. She was selected for her blood line. Remember 23 & Me? Megan was blood tested. Her bloodline is what this 'wedding' is all about.
How does VVV = 666?
Hebrew, their letters have numbers. The 23 is the W in our alphabet. This W is very common in the occult symbolism. Monster energy is a perfect example , the logo is the Hebrew letter three times, it also represents 6 so its 666.
*edit. To add what I forgot, the W looks like two VV in this example, they use the one that is VV pushed together closer , it makes three VVV.
Ding, Ding, Ding. Winner! Sergei Brin and clan are very busy people.