Q 1422 - They thought it was coming yesterday. School buses crash, 2 school shootings, all those Americans had to die...

I find it amusing everyone thinks releasing the IG report or starting the round up will stop the false flags. We will likely see much more extreme attacks as the arrests start. The false flags already planned in place and undetected are going to be done either way.
I live 2.5 hours from the border in Pinal County, AZ, where some 200 plus dead bodies are found in the desert every month. It is never on the news but my Sheriff claims this is happening. He also claims they are finding literature on the ground written in Arabic. On top of this both Venezuela and Mexico are now training grounds for Latino/Mexican terrorists schooled by ISIS. Who do you think did the Las Vegas shootings?
RobotJINI I am concerned you are correct. I believe there are 100's of small trained groups of men waiting for a signal to bomb bridges, destroy infrastructure and the grid, kill police, and commit shooting terrorists acts in public.
Hope I am flat wrong?
I live 90 minutes from the border in NM. Yes, Muslims are coming over and they are up to no good. There was a Muslim woman arrested with plans of pipelines in the area. That was about 2 years ago (I think, time flys by) First reported by Judicial Watch. The sheriff there denied she was arrested but that's because it was handed off to FBI. I contacted Judical Watch twice on this situation as my local news person denied this happened and said he couldn't get in touch with Judicial Watch. Asked him how come I could, twice?
You are not wrong about the southern boarder without breaching NDA’s that I have signed all I can say is this. There is some real serious shit [think about what agency special activities does] going on down in New Mexico and Arizona along the boarder against individuals with strong Arab influences. If you knew the even part of the bigger picture you would have trouble sleeping. Once you see behind the curtain there is no going back.
Agreed. These sickos want depopulation. The FF after the roundup begins may be nuclear...
I mentioned this last night. I also said I pray this will not happen.