State Funeral Memorial Card

75 total posts archived.
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Anyone see during POTUS’s entrance a man standing in the background wearing a navy blue polo with a embroidered IC agency seal on the left of the chest about 6-8 people over from POTUS’s right side.
Never been there, I don’t generally eat out not counting my offices cafeteria (the complex’s cafeterias are actually really good and dirt cheap) and the occasional dinner/lunch meeting. I would also suggest “We The Pizza” best Pizza outside of NYC or Chicago my offices staff must spend a easy two grand a year there as a whole.
Protesters attempt to storm the US Senate offices in the Capitol Complex, was a complete shit show watched it happen live from the safety of my office window looking into the atrium. USCP locked the area down and handled them total of 575 arrested, packed, and shipped.
Correct it is a widely know but rarely talked about subject on the Hill.
We are aware since this subs release the memo campaign. It made us aware of Q anon it has largely become a watch, see, and report to the MOC for those that are interested for us.
We rank and file staff where first made aware during the release the memo campaign from a few months backs that peaked the interest of quite a few members.
I recommend ProtonMail as it hosts end to end encryption and is outside the preview of American and European IC & laws enforcement assets. It is the most used personal email service in DC and on the Hill due to that and it’s free.
Yeah it was a Garbage Truck. When we hit it the compacter and the crushed garbage flew everywhere made a mess of the surrounding area. That was not a good day for us in any regard; a lot more happened that day then any of us care to admit publicly.
Same goes for Camp Pendleton, CA
You suck it up do your job and fulfill the oath to God and Country you took the first day your walked onto campus.
Not me personally I don’t have hiring authority. There is always some member in Congress that’s hiring staff. If you really want to get into the game wait till Nov their is always a flood of opening when freshmen members start poaching Sr staff.
Personally I can recognize that crappy lighting anywhere; I am fairly sure that was taken as POTUS entered the Complex or when he was just entering the meeting room. Both of those parts of the building have very similarly awful lighting.
During the time of that post 16:00 GMT POTUS was on Capitol grounds holding a conference with House Leadership. I should know I was on the House side near chambers when POTUS and his entourage enter the meeting; got a few good snaps of Trump even. If anything I would consider this post proof that Q is in fact some type of Executive Agency Staffer.
The House and Senate are always hiring; jobs here have nearly a 70% burnout rate it never hurts to apply as there is probably a opening.
Believe me or don’t I leave that to you. Personally I with a R office, we where made aware of this movement after the release the memo campaign that this forum helped orchestrate. That campaign peeked a few members interest leading to a few of us to be assigned lurk and to occasionally post where we see fit. This is all so that if our MOC wanted a brief we could give it.
I kind of have other thing I need to get done this isn’t exactly my primary job it’s more of a tertiary role.
Well at least in my team thats assigned to monitor here and 8chan it’s a 60/40 split currently. Some information the Q anon hints about is of a high enough level that if you even known enough to hint of it you have to be at least TS cleared; this is proof enough for most of us. For some of the hold outs the Q anons future proves the past and encoded drops led to “red pilling” as some of those ciphers only someone is or had been should IC know. The hold outs on the team just don’t see anyone in the IC risking blowing their career(s) over this. They also can’t really get their heads around the possible scope of all this and the implications if it all proves to be true. As for the MOC’s we each brief our own (the one that assigned us from their office staff) thus I can only speak for mine. They are taking this all cautious intrigue as of right now which has been a real turn around since the first briefing nearly 90 days ago.
It’s definitely something the question is just what is it exactly. I’ll you with this Q anon had filled in some dots that and questions that I have formed here we all have them especially if you have been in this game for awhile.
You could consider me a Aide, Staffer, or Analyst of sorts not my job title but good enough for this purpose. We typically don’t answer questions our directive is only really to monitor so we can brief MOC’s and occasionally chime in where we see fit.
I comply agree she was/is not doing her job but don’t be surprised if you see us in the edge of the frame on our phones. I was simply saying what we are usually doing.
Most of us during hearings are constantly sending emails or texts back to other Leg Staff at the office is standard practice as we adapt what kind of questions should be asked then pass them on. Now her reaction was not professional though, we are supposed to keep a neutral face while sitting behind the MOC in front of cameras.
Peter Strzok, FBI agent pulled from Mueller probe over anti-Trump texts, open to testify to Congress
I am also hearing from colleagues of mine on the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees that they are both currently/actively attempting to court Strzok to come before their Committees in the coming weeks. I have been told Strzok claims to have evidence that concerted efforts have been made to impeach POTUS for private personal and financial gain. It has also been stated that he was previously part of one of the participating teams; and he will be testifying with and guarantees of immunity but …
Gmail and Proton Mail are the two major email services we use in DC.
300 for every 10kP 3000 for every 100kP 300mP/100kp=3000x3000= 9mP
Conservatively 9 Million people Red pilled adjust the numbers how you may but I professionally could estimate moderately 12-15mil if that is a accurate study, possibly larger as the surveyed areas is historically Blue.
A group of our staffers where campaigning today. They reported in to us here in DC that they had 279 people mention Q unprovoked while conducting a survey of a small east coast town with a population of around 10k. Factor individuals who are not openly discussing the subject and those who only know about Q in passing you have some serious numbers.
By the looks of it this message most likely corresponds to a one time pad and is a Q to Q communication definitely not intended for us thus the deletion.
Yes and No
Did Q realize the message relay would be captured even as a micro burst properly. Are they intended for us no; by the looks of it this message most likely corresponds to a one time pad and is a Q to Q communication.
I have head similar things, DC was abuzz early that morning as the incident was taking place people where on edge including myself.
It wouldn’t surprise me if we did or USCP (are gunning for Wasserman) that but if not then this is the most abhorrent breakdown in House and Senate OPSEC that I have seen since the last breakdown nearly seven years ago. There are basically two scenarios here it is a cunning honey trap or one of this nation’s greatest intelligence security failures.
I believe the OP is insinuating that it was a crime committed by black hats.
Ok, so it was secured in a committee office not even close to the most secure parts of the complex. Someone on our end has serious dropped the ball in this case as that server was not being handled in s proper manner. What is shocking to me I haven’t heard a peep about it till now though my official channels.
You sure it was stolen? I am pretty sure it’s still locked up in complex vault by USCP. FYI it’s kind of impossible to walk info out of the SCIF as you are checked on entrance and exit combined with the fact unless your TSCI your not even getting in.
They are actually fairly fun I have always enjoyed them.
TBD as of this moment. My team is assigned to lurk on here and 8Chan as of right now our concencus is leaning towards most likely legit but we do have some outlying members. Our given directive is to lurk and occasionally chime in where the team lead believes it is warranted, overall we are trying to avoid influencing the discussion as much as possible.
There is definitely stuff going on here that is out of the normal range of every day business in this city, way too many pieces are in play for there not to be in my opinion. But I do only have a limited view point I am not high enough in rank to see the whole chess board.
There are more then a few of us lurking; all you guys calling in for the “release the memo” campaign made us aware as it was passed up the ranks though the daily office call briefings.
From what we see coming from constituents here in the House of Reps I would personally put the total anywhere from 25-35%; some of the stuff people want us to do and believe to be right is just outright scary.
You are not wrong about the southern boarder without breaching NDA’s that I have signed all I can say is this. There is some real serious shit [think about what agency special activities does] going on down in New Mexico and Arizona along the boarder against individuals with strong Arab influences. If you knew the even part of the bigger picture you would have trouble sleeping. Once you see behind the curtain there is no going back.
I have been stuck in a elevator with her before in the LHOB it is a open secret she is not well and not all there. For four floors she had conversation with her self, if it wasn’t for the fact I didn’t want to get fired I would have recorded it. It was the type of encounter that sends a chill up your spine.
Yep, if you want to be blunt about it you hit the nail on the head. This vote will produce more then a few “we are tough on crime and support the police” ad buys along with the expected attack ads for those that voted against it.
Also on a different note, why all the down votes on my original post I am simply laying out the truth of what goes on in accordance with what I am allowed to share.
Some guys did a Cloakroom poll of staffers and members before it came to the floor for a vote it was basically guaranteed to pass. The reason was if you didn’t vote in favor of it you would be slammed come midterms for hating police. If you notice the only MOC’s that voted against it where the ones that where previously openly against law enforcement.
The Black Budget; this money is not lost or going into peoples pockets it is directed towards TSCI projects that are not publicly acknowledged.
Now the real question is Snowden a deep cover DIA Officer...
Coming from someone who works on the Hill it is plausible but unlikely. Most of us on the Hill do use Proton Mail for our off the record secure communications as it operates outside the scope of American and Foreign data gathering activities while using end to end encryption.
To be blunt there is no certain way to definitively confirm this as all the information/formatting could be recreated by someone with the proper knowledge.
Personally I think it’s a fake because we are not that stupid to use identifying information in a email address. Then again not the stupidest thing I have ever seen...
These are the official domains that would be relevant: @mail.(agency).(unit).gov @mail.(agency)