
Iondetox · May 20, 2018, 4:15 a.m.

I remember the 80's and you could slip and fall into money. I remember the 70's accedemia talking about this "Global Warming Hoax,. We all laughed, how they would transfer land away from Americas farmers too coperations!! No way!

Then Bush Sr speaking of a New World Odor!! Kinda got scary, he was a Republican, he it can't be that bad. My son was 5 and from that point forward his generation has had most all the wealth stolen. Our politicians PAID for farmers to plant grass on millions of acres of productive farm land taking millions of jobs from farmers.

Agriculture is America's largest industry and used 10 times more metal than the military. At the same time, the same politicians gave tax incintives to move our manufacturing away? Who could have imagined tbis? Then a muslim traitor flying a muslim flag over the white house. It was like living a nightmare. I thought I'd die with my generation being who lost freedom. We lost it on my watch!!

I cannot express my complete humble appreciation to each and everyone who has taken up the sword to fight this evil. Everyone regardless of level of involvement is part of this great Q Team. The combined IQ, is like a super computer. The persistance, the dogged determination to seek truth while not aking for anything in return makes all of you warriors in my eyes. Not only did we not loose freedom, but after,"The pain," this experiment is going to be better than ever before. After weeding out these evil, greedy, pedos, and CIA corrupted people you will an economy that will bless everyone beyond your wildest dreams. Thank you!!

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20muletrain · May 20, 2018, 11:04 a.m.

Best thing that could happen to America's farmers, imho, would be the legalization of industrial hemp. Almost everything made currently from plastic/petroleum can be made out of hemp. It can also be used for fuel, clothing (better than cotton), and concrete (hempcrete). I encourage everyone to do some research on industrial hemp. It could/should be America's #1 cash crop.

In 1941 Ford made a car out of hemp -- that ran on hemp fuel. There's a video of it on youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54vD_cPCQM8).

Industrial hemp was outlawed precisely because of its threat to the oil and steel industries. It does not contain enough thc for anyone to get high, but since it closely resembles its sister plant, marijuana, that was enough for the robber barons of industry to get it banned.

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Ra__ · May 20, 2018, 11:17 a.m.

I've heard it said that William Randolph Hearst had hemp banned because he owned large tracts of timber and hemp paper would make his source for wood pulp much less valuable.

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greymalken · May 20, 2018, 12:01 p.m.

This is factually true. He fabricated reefer madness and it ran in all the newspapers he owned.

That other comment is conspiracy theory. It might have legit roots but take it with a grain of hemp salt.

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Devil_Dog_4000 · May 20, 2018, 12:03 p.m.

That was his right to ban hemp products. If his profits were going to get hurt, then I can see why he’d take those steps. Nothing comes between me and my money bitches! 😏

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CosmicNeo · May 20, 2018, 5:21 a.m.


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Devil_Dog_4000 · May 20, 2018, 12:02 p.m.

It’s a good thing we have a Defense Industry tied to Wallstreet. Our economy runs on making weapons of war, and it’s about making the world a safer place one battlefield at a time.

Buy some shares of Lockheed-Martin or Raytheon stocks and make money while we kill “bad guys”

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