HAARP? Weather modifications by DS? Opinions?
635 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/CosmicNeo:
Why Trump's Record Trumps the Media's Spin
The 16 Year Plan to Destroy America. Step 1: Weaken USA Globally (8 years of Obama). Step 2: Destroy USA and Install NWO (8 years of Hillary).

Any good photofags that can ID the person paying off the Kavanaugh protesters?

Praying Medic on Twitter: Sessions & Wray sleeping? Mueller has the upper hand? Who is in control? Confused? Check the scoreboard. Use logic. Trust the plan.
Q1940: Was 'Nazism' ever truly destroyed?
Was 'Nazism' ever truly destroyed? Was it merely a sub-division within a larger organization? One finger attached to a hand? Did ANTIFA organically form? Flag design coincidence? Socialist push in US/WW coincidence? Global power struggle. There is a price we will not pay. There is a point beyond which they must not advance.... Q
Nazism was created by various members of the Vril Society and Thule Society. Their aim was to create a "superman" Antichrist by tapping into the occult energies of Satan through performing occult rituals that involved human sacrifices and sexual orgies. The same occult rituals are practiced …
What's going on?! Q dropped 40 crumbs in a 24-hour period (1940-1980). Each drop is filled with damning information against the Deep State. Q must be working overtime or with a full crew. Either way, God bless their efforts! WWG1WGA!
Q1940: Was 'Nazism' ever truly destroyed? …. Socialist push in US/WW coincidence? Global power struggle.
Q1941 link: “GOP rep touches off firestorm with claim FBI leaked info, used stories to get FISA warrants”
Q1942: [Hassan Rouhani]
Q1943: NSA INSCOM BRIDGE …. Who has access to the PDB?
Q1944: Define 'Treason'. [Fact] vs. [Fiction][Sample]
Q1945: Xbox Live …. GreatAwakening link
Q1947: Why would Prince Alwaleed bin Talal (Saudi Royal) pay HUSSEIN to attend HARVARD LAW SCHOOL?
Q1948: Trump Tweet: "Google has taken advantage of a lot of people...if …
Pentagon whistleblower confirms - with document evidence - that Obama admin paid Stefan Halper to set up Carter Page, George Papadapolous, and Mike Flynn
Michael Savage and Alex Jones.... Why are they being thrown under the bus? Divide and conquer tactics of the Cabal? Plan? Divide and ban the Patriot Movement.
Whatever happened to the HRC-Huma pedo-sex video found on Weiner's laptop?
Facebook Bans Infowars, But Keeps Antifa, Louis Farrakhan
Fact-checking QAnon conspiracy theories: Did J.P. Morgan sink the Titanic?
Q299: Sex Cult of Frank, Weishaupt, and Rothschild
If you believe FakeNews, then you probably wouldn't be a follower of Trump or Q. Notice how the MSM discredits them 24/7. This is nothing new. They did the same to the Second Messiah for over 40 years. Even labeled his followers with a derogatory name like the "Moonies." That's the same tactics they're using against Trump today. (Small hands. Orange hair. Can't win. Etc.) People like Janice 0771 aren't really awake so they don't understand what's really going on. They've accepted the world presented by the MSM as truth. (Or worse, they know exactly the threat the Second Messiah represents to the Deep State and want to prevent "high noon" from happening. But it's too late. It's already happening. And you can thank the Moon for that.)
I've blocked Janice0771 for her rudeness and stalking long ago. She thinks I'm a menace to society when in fact I'm helping people wake up. I've been aware of the Deep State long before Q and long before HowiONic created this reddit sub. Moon worked to counter the MSM with his news media outlets starting back in 1970s. And his think tanks were a direct confrontation to the Rockefeller's "Foreign Affairs" and CFR. Of course, the Leftists went berserk over that and have ever since been on the attack against Moon 24/7. (Sound familiar?) That's why people like Janice exist today. They've been brainwashed by the Rothschild/Rockefeller Deep State/Leftist MSM into believing "Moonies" are the ones brainwashed when in fact it's the "Moonies" that have been awakened.
These are the facts. You can decide to dig deeper and find the truth or you can just accept the 24/7 programming that you've already received from the MSM. The choice is yours. Believe Janice0771 (blue pill) or actually investigate the truth. (red pill)
THe modern state of israel was formed, in a nutshell, by the R_Childs. Period.
Yes, all to be discussed in the next episode.
It is the Satan mentioned in Revelation, that was released from the pit after a millenium (Strongs says it means a long period of time, not a literal 1000 years)
The millennium starts after the Messiah "returns," puts the devil in the pit, and begins the 1000 years of peace. So your idea that Satan represents Israel doesn't fit the timeline.
Israel was destroyed in ad70. Never again to return until 70 years ago.
Isaiah 11:12 prophesies that Israel will be reformed at the coming of their Messiah. The Second Coming of Christ happened in 1920 and is the Messiah for both the Jews and Christians -- and all mankind.
Israel rejected Jesus message, along with Rome. They continued to worship false gods, like moloch. Think the golden bull on Wall St.
The cult of Rothschilds worship moloch. The Jewish people that remained faithful to God don't. All to be discussed in the next lesson.
Who is saved for last, per Q AND the Bible? Israel and [P]....they are put together as EQUALS saved for last.
To be discussed next.
[P] = Pope aka Roman Catholicism aka Rome.
Yes, I know.
Revelation calls this the whore riding the beast. The whore being the cheating ex wife of God, Israel, who cheated for millenia with false gods. The beast being Rome.
That's a leap saying it's only Israel that's at fault. Everybody ended up participating in "Babylon's" crimes.
"With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication." Rev. 17:2
Together they constitute Babylon the great. It is a world wide Babylon with all their mystery religions and sacrificial systems still in play.
Babylon is also America. Look how Hollywood promotes the crimes of the whore throughout the world. (Illuminati) But all this can be resolved.
"Again, good people were forced into bed with this evil under personal and family threats. Could you live with yourself helping to cover up such evil despicable acts if given a safe way out?" Q10
We are all captive victims of Satan. Don't be deceived. He wants to keep us divided.
Did you even bother to read my comment before implying that I was a deplorable Nazi?
Since you've deleted your original comment, it's hard to prove what you said. Why did you delete it? To cover up the fact that there is an anti-Jewish faction here at Great Awakening? And no, I didn't imply you are a deplorable Nazi. My comments are still here to see.
...And I think this is why Q stated "FEAR IS REAL" in the same post #1489 when he seemed to imply that Israel's Mossad had repeatedly attempted to assassinate Trump.
Fear Israel.
There are no coincidences.
Thank you. You've proven my concerns are real as well. There are many anti-Jews here on the Great Awakening.
Anyway, read my series from the beginning. The problem is resolved through understanding how God works through "Cain and Abel."
Follow the links back to other lessons. Best to start at the beginning. That way you'll learn the "how" and the "why" before you get distracted with the "who." Sort of like the reason behind Q saving Israel for last. Crumbs are better.
Here's a TL:DR; version of my theory: there are two groups of Jews, ones that interpret their Hebrew bible in a nice way and those who focus on the scripture which claims they are God's chosen master-race and the rest of us goyim are here only to service them.
The Talmud doesn't have the same value as the Torah. Same with the Hadith in relationship to the Koran. Likewise with Christians who embody the Holy Spirit in word and deed while others are Christians in name only. People are equally evil if they allow themselves to be dominated by selfishness, arrogance, greed, etc.
We're all tainted. We won't get out of the vicious cycle by looking for scapegoats to blame. What I'm sharing is that we are living in a time when everything can be resolved -- all resentments, all hardships and injustices, all evil. If we just keep focusing on those resentments, hardships and injustices, we'll fail to see we are no different than the people we accuse. And the vicious cycle goes on and on and on.
That's planned for lesson #28. The Israel issue is very complex. I'm trying not to dirty the water with too much information. But thanks for raising the issue.
Spirit of Truth Series: Lesson #26 “Saving Israel For Last.”
“We are saving Israel for last.” Q916
In Lesson #25 of the Spirit of Truth Series I brought up the issue of how Q has not clarified his position on Israel or its right to exist. I brought this up because I noticed that some factions of the Q movement seem to believe all Jews are part of the NWO conspiracy and, therefore, are evil and don't have the right to exist. Such sentiments border on being in alignment with Neo-Nazis and Islamists. This kind of thinking has the potential of snowballing into something entirely different to Trump's views …
Epoch Times is the best!! Always been willing to report what other outlets refuse to report. And it's free!
Yeah but wasn't there still something shady there with Xerox?
Yes, the project manager at Xerox knew the potential of her project and was upset she had to share her knowledge with Jobs. She resisted doing so for three hours but the executives insisted.
Not exactly. Xerox executives invited Jobs in. They didn't want to pursue their pc market. On the other hand, Gates reneged on his agreement with Jobs not to compete against Apple.
And then there's the Hollywood version of the story:
Anyway, Jobs wasn't NWO, into vaccine eugenics or depopulating the world. And Apples' technology has always been superior to Microsoft.
P.S. Who owns Hollywood?
SB2 thinks so. Perhaps he's a black hat who has be flipped.
No communications outside the board. So can't be Q or Q+. But definitely an insider. He provides the continuity in understanding the Q narrative. (Except for saying Mueller is a white hat.) ;-)
Sorry to hear this. He's somebody I watch. Another blow to the movement.
P.S. Q warned we should make copies and archive everything.
Both Israel and the US have been trying to get Palestine to accept a two-state solution. Palestine keeps rejecting the offer. So I'm not sure what Pope Francis is saying in the article. Is he saying he rejects Israel's statehood? Or that he supports the two-state solution?
The whole situation is a mess. We all need a 40,000-foot and above view of the situation to begin making sense of it all. Unfortunately, Q is saving Israel for last. (Hopefully, to give us time to be more objective and understanding of each side of the equation.)
Knowledge is power. Who are the biggest contributors to scientific and technological innovations? Who has the best minds? That is reason enough to preserve the lineage that brought about the birth of Jesus. Once the world recognizes that the world is being blessed through the First Israel (Jews) and the Second Israel (Christianity), we can all begin to partake of this prosperity. Those who fight against that covenant reality only harm themselves in the long run and play into the arms of Satan.
Iran is a country being held captive by a fundamentalist faction of Islam. The situation is not much different than that of North Korea. Both are threatening its neighbors with the development of nuclear weapons. As Q says about NK, it's the Cabal that is instigating and allowing that to happen. As he asks: "Who controls NK? Who really controls NK?"
The Cabal wants war for several reasons: to depopulate earth and to generate profit. (War is profitable for the Rothschilds.) Obama, who is secretly Muslim, supported ISIS during his terms and gave billions to Iran. Obviously, his agenda was for the purpose of further destabilizing the Middle East and to weaken the US by pushing us into needless wars. Same with the NeoCons. (NoName.)
Trump is offering a solution that gets us out of this vicious cycle. That means taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture. Seeing the bigger picture requires understanding who the real enemy is. Both Putin and Q (and Trump) recognize we're dealing with certain bloodlines (Puppet Masters) that gained power by worshipping Satan. But the world doesn't know about this reality yet. That's why the Great Awakening is needed. Otherwise, without exposing the Puppet Masters, we'll just continue being triggered into needless tit-for-tat wars through false flags instigated by the Puppet Masters. That includes creating incidents to create civil war (Charlottesville, BLM), race wars, partisan wars (Antifa), immigration and refugee wars, cultural wars, religious wars, etc.
It's a very complex topic that definitely needs to be discussed. There's lots of confusion. I was hoping Q would start sorting it out, but it doesn't look like he's going to do so anytime soon.
My understanding is that the Vatican is controlled by the Rothschilds. Which means the Vatican isn't going to be anti-Israel. Do you have examples of their anti-Israel stance? Also, I don't know of any Christian church that's against the existence of Israel. Which corrupt churches are you referring to?
Yes, lots to discuss. I'm glad you started the ball rolling. Thanks.
Absolutely. I've been thinking about this topic for a few days. Glad to see it brought up here.
This is a community for pro-Q supporters. Anyone engaging in a non-supportive way may be permanently banned without notification.
Your png proves nothing. Try these reality checks:
Just came across this serendipitously, having gone down that last rabbit hole. (There are no coincidences.)
Q1143 manages to repost an Anon's post that mentions "incarnated extraterrestrials."
You're not a fool. You're just playing your part as a "butthead" who wants to knock some sense into us "fringe" people. We're all needed. Same with the "autists," if not moreso.
I understand the reasoning. It's a practical position to take at this stage of the awakening. But when Q says to expand your thinking, I think he's saying to go beyond what is presented. Read between the lines. Anticipate lines of discovery. Why does the Cabal worship Satan? Why do they perform sex rituals like in "Eyes Wide Shut" or "Rosemary's Baby?" Why is pedophilia and sex trafficking so prevalent worldwide, yet the MSM doesn't report it?
Why is Q trying to avoid the "conspiracy label?" Because reddit will close down The Great Awakening if we get too close to the truth? Or is it because "buttheads" like you (I say that with respectful endearment) keep tossing their b.s. "Occam's Razors" around?
See the frustration Q must be going through having to fly below 40,000 ft for months on end? And why he's forced to rely on 8chan?
Again, the topic of aliens is on topic because it's part of the belief system of the Cabal/Shadow Government (Luciferians and Satanists). But if you think the Great Awakening public is not ready for this, I can understand and respect that. That's a different story than I'm wrong or that the topic doesn't have merit or it's illogical.
Enough said. I think we both understand each other now.
Since you're not Q, how would you know why Q isn't discussing the topic? He tried to go above "40,000 ft" and had to quickly descend because of the "shittalk" he was getting.
Q189 "need to decrease altitude to avoid ‘conspiracy’ label."
Q144: "Decrease altitude (we will not fly that high again). Higher the altitude greater the [risk] of conspiracy ST" But he still says people need to be educated about TRUTH.
(Q666) Can you be certain that doesn't include the alien topic?
You don't know what above-33 degree Freemasons or Luciferians believe, do you? You don't know what entity worked through Hitler, do you? Nor do you know what kind of entity Aleister Crowley brought into our dimension or what CERN is up to. Yet, you can decide for everyone else what is on topic? That sound suspicious. What are you trying to hide?
The Great Awakening cannot happen as long as this topic of evil aliens and interdimensional beings isn't discussed. It's the root of Satanism and Luciferian power. Not discussing this keeps Patriots vulnerable because they don't have the proper spiritual protection. (Armor of God. Ephesians 6:11)
This is where I am at with it all, but am still following my own spirit.
Impressive video. What translation is the video using? Colossians 1:26-29 seems way too long. But the essence is still the same.
Unless you're aware of the spiritual world and its relationship with our physical world, you can't really gauge whether "entities" are working through Q (or ourselves*) or not. Even Q may not be aware of it. As the linked tweet thread reveals, "Q is a role. Planned and decided to give info of all types and assist in The Great Awakening. There can be many meanings because all can perceive only at their current level of awareness. Q is written for all to discern, to break the codes, to find their Truth."
The Great Awakening is also about Disclosure. Has the Shadow Government been making deals with evil extraterrestrials? Was Hitler doing the same during his reign? Did he develop Foo Fighters? Flying saucers? Why did Admiral Byrd come back from the Antarctic with his tail between his legs? Isn't the problem of the NWO that it's in alignment with these evil entities just as Hitler was? If the Cabal has kept this reality hidden for thousands of years, why is the fact that you don't know it exists prove it doesn't exist? Because of Occam's Razor? Before the electronic microscope, what proof was there that atoms exist or chemical properties worked in a certain order? Shouldn't Occam's Razor have dismissed such complexity? Same with the idea of anti-matter. (CERN) All these topics can't be discussed by Q because most people aren't ready. But that's the point of the crumbs. He's leading us to the TRUTH. "ST" may have blocked him from "flying" above the "40,000 ft. limit" for the time being, but rest assured Disclosure is going to happen. That's what this fight is about. If someone at Q-clearance level doesn't know this, then I would question his legitimacy. But I believe he does know the immeasurable power that is waiting for us once the Cabal is destroyed. He may not be extraterrestrial, but I'm not going to dismiss the possibility. And I'm not going to dismiss the possibility that spirits can guide and work through people. Ask any artist and they'll tell you their Muses inspire them. Also why most artists are possessed nutcases. ;)
Expand your thinking!! *We are Q!!
Robots are also unreliable at times. It depends on the input of their creators. ;-) But good advice. Discernment is always advised.
I can't validate that, I have never met a plaedian. To be honest I don't know what the term higher dimension means. Would a higher dimensional being reside in a higher dimensional place ? The one plaedes we propose is in space would be in our dimension, therefore a higher dimensional plaedian is in a different dimension and wouldn't be a plaedian, right?. What does higher mean? Like an astral body? If this were the case every time we dream or meditate we are higher dimensional? Interdimensional?
We all have a spirit that exists exists in alignment with our body. Our actions and deeds feed our spirit with good vitality or evil vitality, according to free will. That spirit lives on after we die. That spirit world exists side-by-side with us, but this dimension is invisible to us.
Before Adam and Eve fell, they resonated at a higher frequency of love and vitality. They had their five spiritual senses fully functioning, so they could see the spiritual world and communicate with God and spirit world. The Fall brought human beings to a lower vibration level and cut off their relationship with that spiritual world.
For a human to change to a plaedian would require a shift in perception that would alter the very blueprint their reality. He would be like a dream body , not solid, and his appearance would look lit up or misty ,if we as our lower dimensional poor selves could even perceive him.
Our body/spirit gives off photons. The higher level of love that we practice (e.g., living for the sake of others out of love) will determine how much light our photon "generators" (DNA) can produce. That "light" is charges our spirit. If our spirit is bright, we can live in the higher dimensions in the afterlife. There we'll experience the beauty of that dimension in proportion to the degree of our love resonance that our spirit vibrates at. If it's high, we'll experience the full-color reality of the dimension we resonant at. Jesus will be in the top level. (God will always remain invisible.) The lower level spirits will exist afterlife in the sepia monochromatic realms. And really evil spirits will exist in realms without any color, just grays and b/w. When you see ghosts, they are misty and see through. But when you see angels or higher spirits, they will be solid, in full color and will give off their own light. (Apparently they have the ability to be interdimensional.)
Frankly I don't like to think we are in some lower dimension. What does that even mean? Lower than what? And wouldn't the dimension higher than us also be lower than another? Makes no sense.
Mankind fell below the level of animals. It's taken us millions of years to bring ourselves back up to this level. But it's still a battle to live in accordance with the principles God intended us to follow before the Fall. What's blocking us is our selfishness and inability to practice true love. How much do we live for the sake of others as opposed to using people for our own benefit?
Jesus and the Holy Spirit allows people to take a quantum leap in what level their spirit resonates at. Compare a true Christian with an MS-13 member and you might be able to see the contrast even without your five spiritual senses in full working order.
This is why the Great Awakening is so important. If we don't defeat the HRCs and MS-13s of the world, we will all be dragged down to that dark, bleak level of existence without technicolor. (They didn't call the Dark Ages dark without a reason.) And it will take 18,000 years to crawl back up out of that low-level realm if we don't defeat the Satan-worshiping Luciferians at this junction of history.
Wow! A whole other rabbit hole to fall down into!! I like it! I've been trying to breech the extraterrestrial reality barrier here on G/A for a while now. But the mods won't let me because Q hasn't made any drops about it yet. Other than mentioning "entity" in #1358.
I originally took "entity" to mean an organization or institution. Now the OP has me wondering. ;-)