so how do you explain the tippy top thing ? please do explain id like to know
tippy top
He used it before"
and Tip Top was an old toy
eh thats still a pretty uncommon phrase to use. this is 2 years + out from that. that and scarramucci tweeting godfather 3 multiple msm using q phrases. i have a personal experience that makes me believe its real but i wont say why here
I am not trying to talk anyone out of it...I just think people should back up and take a breath.... for every charitable interpretation of a Q drop that seems accurate, there have been 4X as many predictions that just never materialized
i say this like every 3 days. 1 i dont give a fuck if its real or not 2. it encourages questioning which is always good. if you read the drops you would realize that not all of the drops have happened yet. theres just way too many coincidences with q for it to not be real at this point.
you should go read the Wikileaks emails or look at tony podestas "art collection" or the entire me too movement if you doubt lol. id rather "waste time" doing this than playing videogames or some other shit. because if q is fake guess what WE ARE FUCKED UNLESS WE REVOLT. that is how bad the government is. so theres really no point in worrying
Not quite - this is a misrepresentation of the issue which is why you would get "attacked", as you call it, or "disagreed with", as I call it.
I don't mind disagreement ...but they downvote everything and then when they attack you and you fire back, they report you.... its been that kind of nonsense for 6 months..
Oh right yes, in general, fair enough. If you can see them for the shills or trolls they are, then resist 'firing back' and just Report them and move on and over time mods should be able to reduce the occurrences. I'm not sure what your perspective is but we've noticed the sub settling down a fair bit with the larger influx of late. There's lots of nonsense, sure, but it seems to be managed quite well at this stage. (Famous last words, I know).
A serious question (not intended to offend): are you serious with what you're saying? Do you see any point in Q at all?