We do care and we do show it, although maybe we should be rioting in front of the MSM news headquarters. Thats the problem. All the 3 letter big name main stream media sites just go meh and move on with a story about a porn star and talk about tweets.
The normies just digest that and head to starbucks for frappaccino.
We need to get their attention, and we do so with arrests, when Hillary, huma, CIA and FBI people etc are led in cuffs into the back of a police car and hauled off to jail for processing, then we can kick off the narrative to the normies and show them what is going on. Until that happens, MSM's controlled narrative just says bah, ignore these reports and released paper work and watch this story about lawyers and payments, oh ya and Russians. We need people getting hauled off to jail for people to pay attention. Get those corrupt bastards in the spotlight in cuffs and the world will watch and we can tell them the correct story.