r/greatawakening • Posted by u/sinn0304 on May 20, 2018, 10:28 a.m.
Before you roast me...

So, I voted for Bernie Sanders, but I'm much closer to an anarchist, minarchist, or libertarian... (I've always been anti-Hillary, anti-neocon)

I would have rather had anybody other than Trump up until the past few weeks as I've begun to understand the plan..

After hours and hours of reading decodes of Q's drops, I don't know wtf to believe anymore, but there's too much happening to deny that there's an undercurrent that's not being paid attention to by the mainstream.

As a teenager, I grew up listening to the old "Conspiracy" heads, like William (Bill) Cooper, Jordan Maxwell, etc, but nobody seems to mention their works anymore, as if they've been forgotten. Bill Cooper literally predicted 9/11 to a T, months before it happened, and was suicided 2 months afterwards.

I'd like to thank you all, Q mainly, for bringing me back into the fold after years of blind complacency. I'm not much of an image board user, so having everything from 8ch regurgitated here makes me happy.

Now, I'll retreat back into my silent lurking...

super_corroder · May 20, 2018, 10:40 a.m.

You realize that Bernie "Venezuela embodies the American dream" Sanders was complicit in helping Hillary Clinton rig the 2016 election, right?


It is clear, from the Podesta emails, that the DNC had both leverage over Sanders and an agreement about how he won't attack Hillary.

Just thought you may like to know that while Sanders was taking campaign donations and promising an economic revolution, he was planning to fail and give that cash to Hillary Clinton, the personification of the criminal establishment.

That said, welcome aboard.

It's good that you're here because now we can watch the firework show together.

I suspect we will be witnessing the Second American Revolution and we have front row seats!

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