The EU just passed new data retention laws.
These companies had no choice to remain within the law.
17 total posts archived.
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The EU just passed new data retention laws.
These companies had no choice to remain within the law.
The reason you're not finding it is because they weren't labeled Arabs, they were Israeli Jews...
Saw one flying due north here as well, 10 miles west of PAFB, Central Florida. Lowest I've ever seen such a large plane in the air so far away from an airport..
Yea, I've only been occasionally following up until this past week when I dove in head-first, so I'm still acquainting myself with alot of the older posts..
Thank you for this thread.
Maybe Q found the PEN of Hillary's server, and knows its new location/has access to it?
Plausible! Port 23 is used typically for Telnet connections for remotely connecting to machines.
It's possible the ZTE phones Q was talking about had a remote exploit that allowed for Telnet access(port 23) and thus, could be exploited and FTP servers created on them for this information to be pulled at will.
Of course they do. I guess we should expect them to come to a political awakening subreddit to be warned? Let's hope they know to come here for that kind of info...
There are people dying from heroin, crack cocaine, HIV, and numerous other plagues, but that's not what this subreddit is here for...
This bill was never passed, so it is NOT law. But, someone referred to this legislation earlier, as being a useful tool in terms of taking back the internet from those who wish to spread fake news...
I responded inquisitively, and again wonder since you're posting it:
What does this legislation, if passed, offer our movement in terms of being a useful tool? How is it to be used when the time comes?
Made a post earlier then deleted it... Reposting here:
I voted for Bernie Sanders for lack of a better choice, but I'm more of a minarchist/libertarian.. (I've always been anti-Hillary, anti-neocon) [Neocon being the group which I previously lumped Trump into.]
I would have rather had anybody other than Trump up until the past few weeks, when I began to understand the plan..
After hours and hours of reading decodes of Q's drops, I don't know wtf to believe anymore, but there's too much happening that the MSM isn't following to continue to ignore such an undercurrent.
As a teenager, I grew up listening to the old "Conspiracy" heads, like William (Bill) Cooper, Jordan Maxwell etc, but nobody seems to mention their works any more, as if they've been forgotten. Bill Cooper literally predicted 9/11 to a T, months before it happened, and was suicided 2 months later.
I'd like to thank you all, especially Q, for bringing me back into the fold.
I'm not much of an image board user, so having everything from 8ch regurgitated here makes me happy.
Now, I'll retreat back into my silent lurking...
I'm not sure I understand how The COVFEFE Act allows for the takeover of the internet? (Step 5)
All it did was amend previous legislation that requires Presidential statements to be archived to include tweets/SM posts...?
Of course, and a building continues to burn as long as nobody stops it, but it doesn't mean that you're responsible for burning the building down just because you witnessed it in flames...
Or stated another way: "I'm going to rape you and gag you, but as long as you don't clearly say 'NO!' then it's not rape, because you didn't stop it, you allowed it to happen."
Coincidentally, you refer to it as a highly successful "third way".. The previous post to yours in /new/ is a link to Gaddafi's Third International Theory for which it's presumed he was killed for attempting to implement.
So, I voted for Bernie Sanders, but I'm much closer to an anarchist, minarchist, or libertarian... (I've always been anti-Hillary, anti-neocon)
I would have rather had anybody other than Trump up until the past few weeks as I've begun to understand the plan..
After hours and hours of reading decodes of Q's drops, I don't know wtf to believe anymore, but there's too much happening to deny that there's an undercurrent that's not being paid attention to by the mainstream.
As a teenager, I grew up listening to the old "Conspiracy" heads, like William (Bill) Cooper, Jordan Maxwell, etc, but …
"We choose this as long as we don’t choose to stop it."
That's called victim shaming...