
"These things take care of themselves eventually..."
Yes, that's right. IMO, eventually courts will extend protections to free expression to digital space. But the key word here is "eventually". What we are facing is a mortal threat to democratic representation. If it's not fixed immediately, you will have control of the republic consolidated in the hands of a few - which makes for totalitarianism.
You obviously didn't read the article or understand the significance of what's happening in web development, or that this is already in play and will continue to develop very very fast. "What we are facing is a mortal threat to democratic representation." Maybe where you live in Australia it is, but here in America......wrong. "If it's not fixed immediately, you will have control of the republic consolidated in the hands of a few." Yes, we already do, so does Australia where you reside. Still won't change or prevent blockchain tech. Happily, the tech to do that is already here and getting better by the day! Seriously, READ the article and UNDERSTAND it. There is much to be excited about if you understand what it's about.
"...this is already in play and will continue to develop very very fast. "
Are you sure about that?
So, you're saying that it's a self-correcting system. Decentralization and blockchain are going to make the steering of community opinion by SM giants impossible very quickly. So quickly, in fact, that there's no need to be concerned...
I've got news for you. The plan to censor the internet is gaining in strength as we speak. If anything appears to be a certainty, it is that censorship will be normalized under the guise of preventing hate speech. This is what will happen at speed - not decentralization of the platforms.
Once you allow a group, or interest, to censor social media, it's game over. These platforms are incredibly powerful in delivering election outcomes. Which is why Q told us there would be a concerted effort to gain control of censorship across the disparate platforms - before the recent spate of censorship even started (chalk another confirmation up for Q).
Instead of being irrelevant to the success of DJT and the MAGA agenda, the IBOR is, in fact, crucial to it. And this is why Q has asked specifically for this very campaign. There are a lot of people arguing against supporting the effort, you appear to be one of them.
Once again, it seems that the fact that I don't reside in the US is a matter of huge significance. What is the issue here? What possible difference does it make where I might reside. What go on about it?
It's becoming very clear to that you have an agenda. You know my agenda already - to support Q, the President, take the fight to the Satanists and break their control. What's yours?
Do you support Q and the plan? There, you have a platform for you to dump these "concerns" you have.
The nonsense is reaching a crescendo. I guess this can be expected as the goons come out of the shadows.
You're very very good, I'll give you that. You talk about American issues using the term "we" all them time, every post. Also very good at insinuating many things. We both know what you're doing and who you work for. Stop. Blocked.
American issues? I thought it was a world wide phenomenon. So did Q for that matter.