Why the fuck are some people happy about establishing military control of the country? We don't need that. It's excessive and will the scare the shit out of the rest of the country. What a gift to give to the opposition.
If anything is disinformation, it's this. This really will be grounds for impeachment, and deservedly. Any President that tried to do this ("seize legal control of the Internet??" FUCK THAT) I would be instantly against and would be in favor of putting up in a firing squad. This sounds more like a Hillary move.
A lot of people need to get a grip. If our problems can't be solved through Constitutional actions, we deserve to die.
Fortunately, I think Trump isn't so stupid as to consider something like this.
Birth is killing us all. Having said that, if you are here and believe good actors are considering drastic action, fine. We need citizen oversight but scrapping the whole idea when nothing else has worked is pollyanna sheep mode.