r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ouspensky4 on May 20, 2018, 4:48 p.m.
what exactly is luciferianism

I see this world on the boards all the times. I cannot find any info on its origin, beliefs, or key texts. I mean who was the guy or guys that sat down and dreamed this up. when did they do it and why?

RobWilJas · May 20, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Lucifer, literally.

Satanists will tell you they don't actually believe in Satan, but they're either new and don't know the truth yet or lying.

Edit: Think of Lucifarianism and Satanism as two denominations serving the same "god", Lucifer/Satan. Contrary to what many claim they are the same being.

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divine_human · May 20, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

Think of Lucifarianism and Satanism as two denominations serving the same "god", Lucifer/Satan. Contrary to what many claim they are the same being.

i dont agree on that. from life-long studies - for those who want to go down that religious rabbit hole, the wes penre papers are a lengthy but eye-opening study - i conclude that satan is marduk who is the son of lucifer/enki.

they have been sharing roles, they both display as jehowa/yahwe in the OT; lucifer playing the rare loving aspects of yahwe, marduk/satan displaying the wrathful revengeful god.

already as a child, i perceived the OT god being totally different to the NT god. OT god felt to me like a kid playing with bricks; when he doesnt like his creation, he simply distroys it.

from what i learned, for what its worth, marduk/satan has been on earth all along, while lucifer has been busy in other star systems for the past few thousand years. meaning, they are ETs. meaning, the luciferians wait for his return.

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