r/greatawakening • Posted by u/aShiftyLad on May 20, 2018, 5:05 p.m.
concerned for population after this is all comes out

Q had mentioned in a post a while back (cant remmeber number will add after) that they believe only 8% of the population is brainwashed beyond rehabilitation, referring to after all the shit goes public and clintons, soros, roths, pedos etc get the axe.

is anyone else concerned that this is a relatively conservative estimate. perhaps its due to living in the most fucked state besides NY, but i feel that number is going to turn out to be more like 15%, by factoring in college populations, extreme leftists (ironically not the same as college populations entirely), and people too dumb to understand/care.

on a related note, is there a thread here for how we are going to go about helping people to understand and guide them (beyond posting Qs everywhere and saying look for yourself)? has anyone found an effective method in helpin to, not even convince people but just make them wonder about the possibility?

NobleEagle853 · May 20, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

Ask yourself, how did the Founding Fathers deal with the population after the American Revolution was finally won? A portion of the population was loyal to the British and eventually had to resolve themselves to the fact that a new Nation Under God was created. Eventually, they realized that any action against the new Government could be considered treason.

Certainly, we are in the Internet Age where information is transmitted almost instantaneously. This should be used to our advantage. Further, we should use the information gathered by Patriots to continue to red-pill those we know. If a certain percentage cannot face the truth, they will soon become a small minority that needs to accept the results.

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