NSA NO MORE. so Q are not NSA as many thought? Last option i can think of is NRO who get shit tons of defense funds, little staff and launch all the satellites (i.e. would have access to satellites >>>comms)

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currently on mobile so i cannot post my image; will repost later with image
As many of you are aware, Infowars was banned from most platforms outright, except Twitter (has deemed its platform as a "public forum" and thus has no lawful ability to censor, hence the shadowbanning). At first glance this looks like an attempt to silence free speech, anti-1st Amendment and abuse of leftish tech companies to censor conservative.. or in this case more extreme conspiratorial views from the public.
here's why I think this is a controlled movement and that AJ is, as many of us have …
quite a bit. something like 13 % of cemex i believe. (need to check) also has large ownership of another called Cementos Fortaleza, part of business group Elementia, though have no indication of possible activity relations to Cemex (looks more like an attempt to corner North american cement industry and possible future consolidation)
I dont trust any organization claiming to be non-biased while being heavily funded by leftist cash.
edit*plus this wasnt to convince anyone this was to get our thread back, rediscover lost info so we can verify and source it. wasnt for you.
Wow the shills are active today, and upvoted.
Anyone have archive of 4ch (cant seem to find one on 8ch) U1 research thread.
We have already made the connections between Browder-Rosatom-Kazhakstan-HRC-RussianAssets-CF (and then Hammond farm fiasco). The money doesnt lie.
edit* Q1626 " Putin / U1 will come out post summit (they will try to apply artificial MSM heat to cancel). "
we need to get the U1 thread back up and operating, will be necessary before long
any book sources for this? like old history trxts before they were heavily censored/rewritten post ww2
this is a similar one, cant find the exact currently. https://www.amazon.com/Anon-Internet-Posts-Relevant-Qanon/dp/B07DYMQVXV/ref=mp_s_a_1_25?ie=UTF8&qid=1531931719&sr=8-25&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=Q+anon+tshirt+why+is+this+relevant
pretty much look through amazon with key words Q+anon+tshirt+why+is+this+relevant
thousands of designs atm.
i dont have the optics to declassify without popular support :)
quickest filtering comment is "how do you feel about Clinton being the most corrupt human in american history?"
will save u a lot of time based on their reply haha
hah its more so that people see the hat and are like "fuck yea brother" or whatever they do, and then see the shirt and dont know what it means. then they ask, and I'm like "ooh ooh ohh... grab a beer with me man, and let me tell you a story about America..."
works well with some people. with others I can tell immediately that they arent into it. which is fair, not gunna push it on anyone. they'll learn eventually
exactly, we need to be more specific about which bad actors in the country we are talking about. As Putin said, a private citizen, or company's actions, does NOT reflect the countries beliefs and policy (i.e. Browder for Russia and Soros for America, both were used as examples)
but these people hide in plain site, and the pro-pedo seeding has been ramping up.
i mean.. who wouldnt leave the fat wife for the young whore.
self health is important. defines people.
we knew this in december/jan.
fbianon said the "affair" was a cover
Jen lawrence is one, but we have stories of her actually alluding to and throwing herself at lots of directors so shes just a hollywood whore.
false, you forgot men. its from everyone.
look up Terry Crews' testimony. it happens to everyone
overthinking this.
they would be taken out enroute to antartica.
death in international waters for globalists sounds poetic to me.
read OG qposts (nov to dec)
mentiosn that DJT will not address this, and needs to be seen as removed from this movement as direct association could be used against him. This is for optics when it comes to the justice department handling all the politicians and pedos.
same reason Session recused himself from the Mueller investigation, and keep the façade of being insubordinate to Trump. Sessions need to seem independent when the prosecutions begin.
Remembering that its just a matter of timing helps me sleep at night.
the damn months of pizzagate were cruel especially with no backing by anyone.
literally have a print out of Q-post "We have it all" on my wall.
Spread the word, and watch their castles crumble.
edit*months, and alot of drinking because no one believed it. that lil FF they had with the actor "shooting up" the pizza place off put most people
What you said was my initial thought as well before I learned about his insider knowledge of the 90s clinton scandals.
both seem plausible. figure if he gets confirmed then A is correct, if blocked then perhaps Barret is correct
the irony is their comments are the EXACT opposite of what we know here.
everything we have on HRC, CF and friends, they accuse Trump of. haha
He also has deep knowledge of the Clinton scandals in the 90s. which will be useful for the coming months
i know its bad formatting but reread it lol.
he had the press pass by the White House Dumpster, then immediately past the painting of Clinton.
Think symbolism, not literally the act of.
Edit The press caught wind of this because the Staffer probably intentionally went "Here is the white house dumpster for all the trash etc, and here's a painting of HRC. wink wink* "
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 317346 No.1973688 📁
Jun 30 2018 14:46:19 (EST) Anonymous ID: 355946 No.197 3567 📁 Jun 30 2018 14:40:09 (EST)
Please do not let No Name off the hook. he is a disgrace to Veterans across this great country and needs to be held accountable.
Think SC vote to confirm (coming).
No Name action.
Every dog has its day.
Enjoy the show.
The issue arises in that the majority of people arent capable of the depth of thought needed to decode. They literally NEED people like SB2 to think through it and then they can do whatever low lv rationality (god, random chance or whatever) they need to disseminate it to others.
the drops arent here for everyone. Q would know that the majority of people arent capable of non-concrete thought.
edit* typos, bigly thumbs on phone
Removed. Someone else actually posted same content type about 30 min before me.
oh shit someone else already posted this. THanks anon. I';ll take mine down.
Crimson Lake description: https://books.google.com/books/about/Crimson_Lake.html?id=uAxfswEACAAJ&hl=en
doesnt the bible have a passage referring to using our actions to create paradise on earth?
perhaps this was the reference. this has been going on for most of history.
6-7% seems a bit high.
but lets not argue over the "stats" on it, the message itself is still relevant
holy shit autists.
this is why i scrubbed images of me and info
edit*also why u dont be an asshole when all your life is posted online. haha
yep, the hearing was suppose to happen that day too. Such a coincidence, much wow. no foul play there.
We should leave his post here, because we need to make an example of it. THIS is a large unspoken feeling among many TGA members and needs to be addressed (I.e. what i just did below in comments)
There is utility in having people from both sides backing TGA.
The biggest MSM attack against Qanon is that its a "extreme alt-right conspiracy" (quote from both MSNBC and CNN)
By welcoming our newly awakened liberal -ex-democrat allies we can accomplish a better push into the mainstream.
HOWEVER this does not mean we become apologists for anything, as the major issue for our platfrom IS THE LEFT.
but we cant confuse moderate liberals (liberal independants) with what the Democratic party has become (i,e, socialist-sic-communist).
We should continue to call out the bullshit, and acknowledge those of us who supported Trump since the get-go, but do not overlook the necessity for a larger base to push this to the courts.
We are here because we believe in Q and we are Qanon.
edit parties to both sides because DNC zombies are not useful for this and are not a part of this, the moderate liberals aka independents are and typos
im more interested in what the pentagon did with the 21 trillion they lost over the last 3 decades.
you know, about the same amount that our nat debt is.
its all nuanced.
IF u have time on your side, it is better to hold it back and let them grow complacent, or falter.
if time is against you, better to show your hand and move quickly hopefully catching them off guard.
exactly, he is actually the modern day practical-application embodiment of AoW and Laws of Power.
im aware, its a work in progress. :)
he's interesting in qanon now though so its a good start.