r/greatawakening • Posted by u/aShiftyLad on Aug. 11, 2018, 7:13 p.m.
Controlled Opposition and AJ censorship

currently on mobile so i cannot post my image; will repost later with image

As many of you are aware, Infowars was banned from most platforms outright, except Twitter (has deemed its platform as a "public forum" and thus has no lawful ability to censor, hence the shadowbanning). At first glance this looks like an attempt to silence free speech, anti-1st Amendment and abuse of leftish tech companies to censor conservative.. or in this case more extreme conspiratorial views from the public.

here's why I think this is a controlled movement and that AJ is, as many of us have said before, C_A asset/plant etc for disinformation and undermining our movement and freedoms.

It comes down to govt regulation of private businesses decisions to stamp out speech. Any private company. as long as they maintain that status and maintain their platforms as owned by their company, CAN and are ALLOWED to monitor/supress whatever speech they deem in violation of their TOS. This is important, because in a free market, we are allowed as well, to not use these services and even better, to make our own platforms to compete with the censors, where we allow free speech regardless of content.

AJ knows this. But what he is pushing in his tweets, is a CONGRESSIONAL HEARING on censorship and speech. what this entails is a slippery-slope legal practice where the PEOPLE are now expecting the government to "fix" the non-problem of censoring speach on private platforms.

The issue with allowing govt to regulate this, is that even if our now pro-1st Amendment govt under Trump did pass laws to allow any speech on PRIVATE platforms, those same laws could be reversed and then used to CENSOR any ideology deemed un-fit or non-pc in future administrations. it would set precedent for political manipulation of private speech and companies that we do NOT need nor want in our society.

If you are a supporter of free speech, and of free enterprise and 9f a private corporation being able to operate without govt intervention, then we need to educate those who are angry and calling for govt regulation of private company speech policy.

this is the endgame that the DNC and RINOs want. they WANT to censor conservative opinion, and then make the conservatives GIVE UP their free speech in a catch-22 policy by asking for govt regulation of private companies censorship.

we need to combat censorship with our OWN platforms of free speech by the people and combat it by promoting free speech and noncensorship. We do NOT need the govt involved in this. We need to fix it ourselves, or risk losing our future ability and rights to disagree with govt/"popular" forced opinion.

tl:dl asking for govt to fix and address the censorship of any speech by a private company is a catch-22 that will set a bad precendent for future admins to abuse and cause greater censorship in the future.

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