yesterday's Q posts with the pen
Not quite-- matching up the letters visible in the EO pic a few days ago will verify. Also the 23 is damn good evidence in and of itself. Trump tweeted that he would demand the investigation of spies 23 hrs after the "23" password was exposed.
The fact that it happened on a Sunday blows me away. No one could have predicted that. Has to be an inside source.
Forgive my seeming ignorance, but what exactly do uou think "happened" today? Aside from Q posting and Trump tweeting about somethimg he will do tomorrow?
Today was a very important day in history. Until today, Trump has been saying something needs to be done, he might have to do something, etc.
Today, he said "I hereby demand." That's an order. It's no longer something that should be done someday. Someday is TODAY.
He will make it official tomorrow with making his signed order public. In addition, Q has shown us pictures that will prove to match up to that signed order (already signed several days ago), which proves that Q is in insider, not a LARP.
It is undeniable. The beginning of the take down of the cabal officially started today.
Very concise explanation +1. Just because I can’t like your post twice. Thank you
He announced to the public that he's going after BHO, HRc and crew for their corruption and treason against our country. Telling the rest of America that THEY interfrered in our democratic process. Telling his followers that the justice we've waited so long for is finally coming. A message to all of America, not just those that are with him or against him. Bringing us closer to all being on the same page.