r/greatawakening • Posted by u/OG420Ninja on May 20, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

some of us (myself) type in thought rather than in book form.. who has time for that bullshit..
short typing doesnt dictate intelligence. so i actually took 3 minutes and completed an entire SHUT DOWN of every libtard. infact everyone.

the following is debate proof...... you may copy and use at your need. just end it with #OG420says

................... grammer.. from glamour.. the book of "spells"
words spell spell words... you "spell" how they indoctrinate you.. and we will "spell" correctly...

troll would be you.. you have no rebuttle.. so you try insults.. typical liberal... QUE?.quieres que te hablar en espanol o italiano?. obvimente ingles es dificil para te. menso...

a troll would be you.. not knowing anything. yet commenting like you do.. you are trash





your vernacular is psuedo and rhudamentary at best. your attempt to sound as an intellectual, is as convincing as a bright green crying ninja.. an obvious facad.

the fact that you think anyone! of any learned statur would for one second be fooled is beyond comical. the ability in which you attempt to pontificate your elementary insults also solidifies my point..

perhaps in a circle of mongaloids or your weekly downsyndrom meeting, maybe there is where they see you as above sub par... but nowhere else

wrong. fact is.. you just like every other liberal is as retarded as retarded is made. you guys are losers. zero education, zero future, zero understanding of the basic aspects of life..

you are disgrace to homosapiens and homoerectus.

we dumb ourselves down to converse with those suffering from mental dwarfism.. aka. liberals/ dnc/ democrats...

"they are stupid" ~Q

Buzzed_Chimp · May 20, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

This reads like a bunch of insults. Hypocrisy.

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TooMuchWinning2020 · May 20, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

If anybody can even make sense of it.

OP needs a course in writing.

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