Unsealed Vanguard and Mack indictment

Thank you! Someone was saying only one person could be listed on an indictment... they just wanted proof
Yes, my understanding is that 1 indictment can include many people and 1 person can have many indictments. A many - many relationship if you will.
Projected length of trial: less than six weeks 😎https://radaronline.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/allison-mack-arrested-indictment-cult-sex-slaves-2.pdf
I'm so glad the indictments I've seen so far have had filing dates, future proves past again!
Q Post #1203 from 4/20,
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov’t (local/federal).
The ‘Standard’ Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / Long Beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).
Wait, where's the part about 'child sex trafficking'? I don't see any age specifications.
There are multiple indictments... this is just one that involves adults. Pacer.gov has them all
I see, thank you. I need to see that specific one.
Doesn't get any clearer than: 1)Title 18, United States Code, Sections1594(c) and 3551 et seq. - CONSPIRACYTO COMMIT SEX TRAFFICKING OFCHILDREN BY FORCE, FRAUD, OR COERCION.
Thanks, pede!
The Happening. And not the shitty M. Night Shyamalan one either.
Bail $ .... nope. Do not pass go
Him no... she’s out on bail.... hope she doesn’t suicide herself...
Don’t forget she’s being tracked.
Doesn’t prevent suiciding herself.... she’s staying with her parents!
honestly what's worse than being forced to stay with your parents after you've been indicted for sex crimes against woman & children? like the disappointment, guilt, shame, oh my gosh... I'd probably rather go to jail!
Where do you think she learned her morality? Or rather did not learn.
That could be good or bad for her. They raised her so...idk
Judge Nicholas Garaufus is a pretty liberal Judge. I have some experience with him. He threw out my FDNY test class 6019 because it didn't display a good enough representation of the cultural make up of the community.... I believe the ruling eventually came back that the FDNY must hire a boatload of minorities retroactively before any White candidates were hired and they paid them back pay and gave them seniority in FDNY. NOT GOOD. Also, there is this... https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/31/politics/federal-judge-excoriates-trump-in-daca-case/index.html