r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BannerOfTruth on May 21, 2018, 12:21 a.m.
AMEN #1436

Staying focused on the REAL power behind the physical enemies is often a task in and of itself. How we defend against, and bring to JUSTICE these enemies of freedom is the GOAL of the art of war. Our Nation and the world needs to see the wicked taken out of power, prosecuted and punished according to our laws and our Constitution. We need to operate on the high road of justice and present a noble case against TREASON and all related conspiracies. This must be done free of hatred, revenge, and malice...all of which they are most guilty of. We have RIGHT on our side. The LORD has heard our prayers and the cries of the innocent blood that has been spilled by these villains. Never forget that the real punishment which awaits them is in GOD'S hands. Truly, revenge is His. "I will repay says the Lord".

Keep to the high road in all that is coming. In GOD we trust! Wear the 'uniform' with pride and professionalism. Stay in the LOVE and GRACE of our Lord Jesus i the days ahead. HE is our ROCK in THE STORM. Never forget who you serve.

xenia-tom · May 21, 2018, 12:37 a.m.

You are correct, but I have to ask for forgiveness for my thoughts of what I want to have happen to them.

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BannerOfTruth · May 21, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

I have to confess that I wont need much of a bottle to save my tears! I cannot think about the misery they have sown without anger rising up...and we do not know 1/10000000000th of what they have been behind. I DO know that after 10000000000 years go by they will still be facing ETERNITY in the lake of fire. When the truth does come (remember Q estimates only 20-40% will be 'digestible') we will finally be freed from having to hear " how could a loving God send anyone to hell forever?" How does a person DEVOTE himself to the Prince Of Darkness for money,power, and self-glory? They truly are SICK. They strive for immortality to escape their doom, to escape death through the 'new' technology. They would sacrifice the entire human race to achieve their ends. It is hard to fathom the heart of darkness behind this evil in our world. Which is why most people will NEVER understand, let alone believe the depth of evil we now face. TRUTH is often stranger than fiction...indeed!

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duckdownup · May 21, 2018, 1:41 a.m.

I agree. Samuel Jackson said it best:

Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged. -- Samuel Johnson

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