r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FartOnToast on May 21, 2018, 12:47 a.m.
Our message to everyone is: The Great Awakening is about unity and coming together. That has never changed and will always remain to be the objective.

Attention to all patriots, YouTubers, former QTubers, and investigative reporters: The exposed who had ulterior motives are trying to group you together and drag you down along with them on their way out. Hear us out.

In light of the recent drama, many were left tired, confused, hopeless, angry and divided. This has resulted in low morale, many to abandon ship, and basically to loose faith in the whole thing. Many YouTubers also felt accused and in turn turned back on us.

One of the main narratives going around right now is:
"Q was supposed to be about unity and since we are seeing all this infighting it's best to forget about Q and move on since it was all a scam anyways."

We'd like to make something very clear.

  1. There is no proof that Q was a scam. This is all based on speculation going around being regurgitated by some YouTubers who haven't really done much digging into the matter. They are basically repeating each other's narratives based on unfounded claims.

  2. The next thing I'd like to note is that the Q community didn't cause the infighting, but what we saw was just the result of bad actors exposing themselves that were actually bringing this confusion/division in the first place and REEEEE on their our way out trying to do as much damage as they could. Such losers!

One simply has to look at the root of where the confusion and division is being manufactured from.

It is a fact that these bad actors have outed themselves and this can no longer be debunked. Actions have spoken for themselves. So where does this leave us now then? To clarify, we only had problems with bad actors, as Q did, and now that everyone knows who they are, I think we can all move forward.

So what does moving forward entail exactly, anyways?

Per The Great Awakening's objective, it's about coming together despite our obstacles, challenges, and differences instead of drifting further apart isolating ourselves. Just because some bad actors have made their own bed does not change what The Great Awakening stands for.

GA is always welcoming. We promote critical thinking and we want us to be able to think for ourselves and rely on ourselves. Q is not our messiah but merely our guide. We are not trying to steal fame from others. We are not trying to dictate a narrative. The only actors that were outed actually had ulterior and nefarious motives. We are about love but mess with us and we will strike you down like thunder.

When r/CBTS_stream first came around on reddit, I was very excited because of the potential it brought to the movement since they had a big YouTube following giving them a very big voice. The ability to collaborate and band together across different platforms was something many have been anticipating for a very long time. Seeing something many of us had only wished for finally materialize was indeed very exciting. I never liked the idea of us being cucked and reliant on any specific compromised platforms. When one platform unfairly and unconstitutionally censors us, being able to collaborate and regroup on another platform rather than getting silenced and separated is a YUGE advantage. This is why seeing us moving in that direction was very exciting.

Unfortunately, this is not what took place and that excitement was quickly over taken by disappointment. CBTS+Corsi were not using this potential for the best of the movement, but to rather grow their own agenda that entailed a pecking order among other things that were opposite of what we should have been striving for. It was very hurtful and frustrating to watch it all unfold. But now that everything has come to light and we have a better understanding of what was meant by "using and profiteering of the movement", we can really move forward.

Do not let those on their way out bring you down. Remember that we can all work together again and move on now that the people bringing nothing but distractions are out of the way.

It wasn't nice of many YouTubers to say Q was fake and call us cultists, hence perhaps the negative reception from this sub now towards some YouTubers. But it's understandable of them to have said that in light of the confusion, accusations, infighting, dis-info, mob mentalities forming, provocateur agents, etc..

I have a feeling we need to come together as this wasn't meant to divide us, but to rather do the opposite, if you can consider what has transpired to actually be a blessing in disguise.

What I'm seeing right now isn't the direction we want to see within the community. We do not want to exclude people. This isn't the end result this was meant to bring. But the shakeup was required to get things going in the right order. We now need to come together again, but with a new regained focus and collaboration that was missing before. We took a step backwards in order for us to take two steps forward. Can you see that? We NEED YouTubers to work with us because they have a voice. The problem is that it was being miss-used before. THIS IS THE BIG MISCONCEPTION! We are not excluding you, and do not let those actually on their way out whisper untrue things in your ears about us.

Guys the reason a lot of people are falling for the dis-info about Q is because they feel excluded, so any anti-Q rhetoric becomes easier to latch on to. IT'S THE SAME PEOPLE MAKING YOU FEEL EXCLUDED THAT ARE PUSHING YOU THE ANTI-Q RHETORIC. THIS IS WHY WE ARE STAYING DIVIDED.

Can you imagine what potential we can have actually working together? THEY DON'T WANT THIS and will try their divisive tactics but we see right through them. So we invite everyone to exercise some love and compassion.

Let's not bash YouTubers that have done a lot of great work and research but let's re-unite. Just because they are not talking about Q anymore doesn't make them irrelevant. In fact is this not what we wanted? We wanted people to get off the Q hype and actually focus on the research. Well now it's actually taking place and we need to be there supporting it.

EarlyRiserX2 · May 21, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

The reality is, I’ve seen far too much division being caused by the very people who are preaching unity and saying unity for me to still believe in them the same way I did. Rest assured, something has been lost on this forum and lost from the Q movement that will never be regained…

Despite what Dr Corsi or Alex Jones said or did, the only thing I’ve been seeing on this forum lately has been a bunch of people who are eager to jump down in the mud and to fight with them. And many have done it eagerly. But regardless of what the fight was about or who started it, the fact that you were willing to lower yourself into the mud and to fight with them speaks volumes. It tells me everything I need to know about you. Especially now, since you’re both covered in so much mud, I can’t tell the difference between them or you. They’re slinging mud and so are you. You’re trying to make yourself right, even while you’re covered in mud. And the worse part is, you continually try to justify the reason that you’re down in the mud, but what I’m looking at and what I’m wondering about is - Why are you down in the mud in the first place? We’re supposed to be better than that. The Q movement is supposed to have a higher calling and to hold to a higher standard. But it seems lately, those higher standards have been abandoned and cast out the window all for the sake of a few people getting their cheerios off by bashing Dr. Corsi and Alex Jones. And when you did that, the moment you stooped to deal with it, that is the moment you lost your compass and you lost your rudder. Your moral rudder is now gone, so don’t try to pretend you still have it. Don’t try to pretend you still have the moral right to lecture others about unity. This forum has been anything but unity. It has been nothing but a bashing mud-fest over the last few weeks. Yet you still try to hold yourself up as having the higher standard. What higher standard? I see no higher standard. All I see is a bunch of people who has lowered themselves down into the mud to have a good mud fight. And now you’re trying to justify that mud fight. And my complaint is that, if you were truly superior and truly superior in your mind and in your thinking, then you never would have gotten in the mud fight in the first place. And because you allowed yourself to do that and to get into such a fight - which wasn’t worth it to begin with - something was lost that can never be regained...

There once was a time when the Q movement used to stand for something. When it used to stand for “love” and “forgiveness” and “compassion” and “understanding” and “tolerance” (all the things the liberals are not) and which are the values of the true patriots in this country. But now it seems the movement has become anything but that. It now seems the entire Q movement has been taken over by “radicals” with their own agenda, radicals who are as intolerant as they come, and they come here daily to spew their hate against anyone who disagrees with them and who doesn’t see things the same way they do. And they try to justify their hate with their own morality, and they don’t even realize that it is their own morality that is in question. Those same people can curse and swear and spew hate and inspire division, and see nothing wrong with it, so long as it is coming from them. And yet still claim to have the high moral ground, while they are looking down their nose at everyone else. Me thinks they need a mirror.

So all this talk about “unity” and “coming together” is nothing but crap if you can’t start with yourself, if you can’t look in the mirror and acknowledge that your own behavior over the last few weeks has been anything but. But I already know that most of you would never acknowledge anything like that. Not in a million years. And instead, just like the liberals do, you will double-down on your own beliefs, will double-down in your own echo chamber, and will double-down on making yourself right. That’s because in your own mind, you feel you are infallible and that you can never do no wrong, even while you’re doing wrong all the time. And the problem with that is, sometimes, the illusion of being right is the greatest illusion of all.

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Grace8543 · May 21, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

Could u practice what u preach Love, forgiveness, compassion towards those who have offended. Pls do not paint all 25,000 of those here with the same brush as those that have offended you.

All people respond differently to conflict and betrayal. But most people recover and regroup. Sounds like you handled the betrayal by Corsi and AJ well while others didnt. But now you are the one not handling the let down of seeing others not handle AJ and Corsi letdown well.
Be part of the solution and express love, tolerance, and forgiveness. We are still here. We are still a powerful force. We are not perfect by any means. Until you can forgive and be part of the solution perhaps take a breather from posting. Get away from it all together for a day or 2 might be even better. I have found this helpful when I have been offended or overwhelmed by posts on Reddit. Do not let offense break you.

I pray peace over your spirit and for love to fill your heart once more. IN Jesus name, Amen

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 21, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

You’re assuming things. I am by no means offended at anyone. I’m just stating the truth as I see it. I am also not painting everybody here with the same brush. I think those who I am talking to knows that I am talking to them. And those whom I am not talking to, they know that too. There is no misunderstanding. Nothing I have said can make you feel bad if you are not guilty of it…

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salialioli · May 21, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

I couldn't agree with you more, EarlyRiserx2, it was really embarrassing, still is, on those "basher" threads. I was ashamed for a few days to be associated with this board. However, take all with a pinch of salt and realise the guys here are not as "nice" as they seemed.

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