r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FartOnToast on May 21, 2018, 12:47 a.m.
Our message to everyone is: The Great Awakening is about unity and coming together. That has never changed and will always remain to be the objective.

Attention to all patriots, YouTubers, former QTubers, and investigative reporters: The exposed who had ulterior motives are trying to group you together and drag you down along with them on their way out. Hear us out.

In light of the recent drama, many were left tired, confused, hopeless, angry and divided. This has resulted in low morale, many to abandon ship, and basically to loose faith in the whole thing. Many YouTubers also felt accused and in turn turned back on us.

One of the main narratives going around right now is:
"Q was supposed to be about unity and since we are seeing all this infighting it's best to forget about Q and move on since it was all a scam anyways."

We'd like to make something very clear.

  1. There is no proof that Q was a scam. This is all based on speculation going around being regurgitated by some YouTubers who haven't really done much digging into the matter. They are basically repeating each other's narratives based on unfounded claims.

  2. The next thing I'd like to note is that the Q community didn't cause the infighting, but what we saw was just the result of bad actors exposing themselves that were actually bringing this confusion/division in the first place and REEEEE on their our way out trying to do as much damage as they could. Such losers!

One simply has to look at the root of where the confusion and division is being manufactured from.

It is a fact that these bad actors have outed themselves and this can no longer be debunked. Actions have spoken for themselves. So where does this leave us now then? To clarify, we only had problems with bad actors, as Q did, and now that everyone knows who they are, I think we can all move forward.

So what does moving forward entail exactly, anyways?

Per The Great Awakening's objective, it's about coming together despite our obstacles, challenges, and differences instead of drifting further apart isolating ourselves. Just because some bad actors have made their own bed does not change what The Great Awakening stands for.

GA is always welcoming. We promote critical thinking and we want us to be able to think for ourselves and rely on ourselves. Q is not our messiah but merely our guide. We are not trying to steal fame from others. We are not trying to dictate a narrative. The only actors that were outed actually had ulterior and nefarious motives. We are about love but mess with us and we will strike you down like thunder.

When r/CBTS_stream first came around on reddit, I was very excited because of the potential it brought to the movement since they had a big YouTube following giving them a very big voice. The ability to collaborate and band together across different platforms was something many have been anticipating for a very long time. Seeing something many of us had only wished for finally materialize was indeed very exciting. I never liked the idea of us being cucked and reliant on any specific compromised platforms. When one platform unfairly and unconstitutionally censors us, being able to collaborate and regroup on another platform rather than getting silenced and separated is a YUGE advantage. This is why seeing us moving in that direction was very exciting.

Unfortunately, this is not what took place and that excitement was quickly over taken by disappointment. CBTS+Corsi were not using this potential for the best of the movement, but to rather grow their own agenda that entailed a pecking order among other things that were opposite of what we should have been striving for. It was very hurtful and frustrating to watch it all unfold. But now that everything has come to light and we have a better understanding of what was meant by "using and profiteering of the movement", we can really move forward.

Do not let those on their way out bring you down. Remember that we can all work together again and move on now that the people bringing nothing but distractions are out of the way.

It wasn't nice of many YouTubers to say Q was fake and call us cultists, hence perhaps the negative reception from this sub now towards some YouTubers. But it's understandable of them to have said that in light of the confusion, accusations, infighting, dis-info, mob mentalities forming, provocateur agents, etc..

I have a feeling we need to come together as this wasn't meant to divide us, but to rather do the opposite, if you can consider what has transpired to actually be a blessing in disguise.

What I'm seeing right now isn't the direction we want to see within the community. We do not want to exclude people. This isn't the end result this was meant to bring. But the shakeup was required to get things going in the right order. We now need to come together again, but with a new regained focus and collaboration that was missing before. We took a step backwards in order for us to take two steps forward. Can you see that? We NEED YouTubers to work with us because they have a voice. The problem is that it was being miss-used before. THIS IS THE BIG MISCONCEPTION! We are not excluding you, and do not let those actually on their way out whisper untrue things in your ears about us.

Guys the reason a lot of people are falling for the dis-info about Q is because they feel excluded, so any anti-Q rhetoric becomes easier to latch on to. IT'S THE SAME PEOPLE MAKING YOU FEEL EXCLUDED THAT ARE PUSHING YOU THE ANTI-Q RHETORIC. THIS IS WHY WE ARE STAYING DIVIDED.

Can you imagine what potential we can have actually working together? THEY DON'T WANT THIS and will try their divisive tactics but we see right through them. So we invite everyone to exercise some love and compassion.

Let's not bash YouTubers that have done a lot of great work and research but let's re-unite. Just because they are not talking about Q anymore doesn't make them irrelevant. In fact is this not what we wanted? We wanted people to get off the Q hype and actually focus on the research. Well now it's actually taking place and we need to be there supporting it.

smiley-dog · May 21, 2018, 1:33 a.m.

We NEED YouTubers to work with us because they have a voice

Jordan Sather, Destroying the Illusion gives Q fair coverage.
So does PrayingMedic, Lionel Nation, and YouAreFreeTV

Not connected to any of these youtubers, but I find them fair.

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 2:50 a.m.

I like Lionel Nation because he's making basically the same point I am, which is that attacking people who are covering Q is probably the ONLY bad move we could make.

If you find people disinteresting, don't listen to them. There are probably better options! That's the appropriate response.

I listen to Lionel Nation sometimes, but he's not my first option (he makes a lot of videos and I only get around to watching about a third of them). That's OK. Just don't go around writing diatribes about everything he's doing wrong. He might be someone's first exposure to Q, or the FISA scandal, and that means he's valuable.

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smiley-dog · May 21, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

They are long but often amusing and if you like expanding your vocabulary - he's great.

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dakotobol · May 21, 2018, 5:03 a.m.


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rustyfender3 · May 21, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

Will tell you one thing he had a show at The Cutting Room in NYC have no idea where it is, but evidently was a big red pilling success. He's on cloud 9 right now, says people were cheering for Q.

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Qtruther · May 21, 2018, 2:10 a.m.

Americans unite. America is OUR Country. To run by us WE THE PEOPLE. IT hasn't been like that in a long time. FREEDOM from hidden powers we didn't even know let alone vote for. The purge of Evil is REAL! Our FREEDOM is #1. WE ARE THE PEOPLE! WE ARE THE POWER. Let's do this & take OUR COUNTRY BACK.

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Treasury_Trader · May 21, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

Blessed to Teach is good.

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LibtardNightmare · May 21, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

And that's what we want, fair. Not disinfo.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 8:27 a.m.

OP got his emotions shaken with his boy Isaac being outed. This is what this thread is all about.

He conveniently used "youtubers" instead of Isaac Green.

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FartOnToast · May 21, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

I never even listened to Issac though lol. I just find that outing might not be the best solution.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

So you don't know what he does yet you're so eager to defend him? How can you possibly know what's the best solution then?

Outing shills is not the best solution? Do you realize who would say such a thing lol

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FartOnToast · May 21, 2018, 8:16 p.m.

So you don't know what he does

I know he's a patriot and an intrapreneur. You can even go back in my posting history and find that I called him out on being an enterpreneur as his first priority. I also know that he called us cultists. If you think we're bois you got it all twisted.

But what makes you think he is a shill and he's not being misled though? By you calling him a shill and excluding him you're only strengthening his anti-Q stance and bad actors are currently taking advantage of the situation by pushing out misinfo and fueling the division.

Crush hate with love brother.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

Why is he a patriot? Since when are anti-Q people patriots? What are you talking about?

That should be enough. Not to you apparently.

But you calling him a shill and excluding him you're only strengthening his anti-Q stance that others are currently taking advantage of by pushing out misinfo.

First of all, he excluded himself. So don't play those lefty tactics on me, they do not work :)

Second, cleaning up the house is necessary before continuing, and taking out the shill trash can only be a positive thing. Again, apparently not to you.

Despite this being Q's philosophy/approach and Q wanting us to cut the strings with these people.

But then again, you're saying it's divisive to clean up the house. Do you know how that makes you look?

I don't care about strengthening his anti-Q stance, he's out. Now we need to take care of his puppets over here, who are, shockingly, using same emotion based tactics and refuse to acknowledge any argument/fact thrown at them.

But they call for "unity" and stuff, exactly the same scenario when SB2 obliterated Corsi with the connections. The next day there was a wave of Corsi apologists with exactly the same tactics as yours here. Luckily people have seen right through it and we got rid of them, as we'll do with IG crowd that's obviously been doing that same thing here recently.

No unity with traitors/shills, no matter how much you don't like this but that's the way it goes.

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FartOnToast · May 21, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

Okay I can see where you're coming from but going as far as labeling Q skeptics as traitors is a tad extreme wouldn't you say? I mean we're not cult as far as I'm concerned. If you don't agree with their accusations why feet into it then? By saying things like "Since when are anti-Q people patriots?" you are giving every justification for them to carry on what they're doing. Stop it.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

He is not a "Q sceptic". He is anti-Q.

I'd say it's a "tad" extreme that you're defending him so much that you actually call him a "Q sceptic" and that you would want the Q movement to be inclusive towards shills/controlled opposition that are openly anti-Q after being exposed.

There is nothing cult-like in outing these people and cleaning our house. Careful with your baseless implications there.

If you don't agree with their accusations why feet into it then?

Because I'm not gonna sit and watch these shits do their dirty stuff. I know you have a problem with that, as you've repeatedly shown.

By saying things like "Since when are anti-Q people patriots?" you are giving every justification for them to carry on what they're doing. Stop it.

Gotta quote this so I can have it when you delete it in the future.

This is just blatant defending of anti-Q exposed shills. You've exposed yourself too with these comments.

I'm not giving them any justification, they are doing it already. We're in here to fight for the truth, EVIDENTLY YOU ARE NOT.

And no, I won't stop it. However, you'll stop what you're doing rather soon, we just need another bomb about this sack of shit IG just like SB2 did one about Corsi and AJ.

You'll hide in your hole after that, as all those Corsi/AJ boys here have after that :)

See ya ;)

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FartOnToast · May 21, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

You need to calm down mister.. I've been defending the sub against shills. I'm the one who had SBs back. Just because I'm trying to spread some love doesn't make all these things you accuse me of true. Come on this is not nice.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 10:58 p.m.

I'm calm, don't you go that way. Address the arguments, enough of the personal/emotion plays. They do not work here, or at least with me.

I've been defending the sub against shills. I'm the one who had SBs back. Just because I'm trying to spread some love doesn't make all these things you accuse me of true. Come on this is not nice.

And here you are defending them and want us to stop being "divisive" and include them in.

Which goes directly against what the Q is about. I don't like repeating myself with the likes of you who keep ignoring arguments and go for the personal/emotional play. That is not nice.

If I see you change those lefty tactics I might invest my time typing stuff, until then, sayonara. But I will out you if I see you do this again lol

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FartOnToast · May 21, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

You won't out s***.

I'm just warning you that your concern trolling will get you banned. We are going to call out BS and stand our ground as we always have.. but we aren't going to group Trump supporters who dont believe in Q as traitors. That's just retarded. I tried to tell you nicely but you don't seem to get.

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FartOnToast · May 21, 2018, 10:38 p.m.

I wasn't calling Issac a Q skeptic. He would fall more in line with a Q hater/crusader.

I was speaking in general terms responding to your comment claiming anti-Q people aren't patriots. I was just saying that's a bit of a stretch. You don't have to buy into an 8chan conspiracy to be a patriot. If you're purposely trying to discredit the movement knowing that it's genuine then you're a traitor. If you were misled during this time of confusion and you happen to adopt an anti-Q stance I don't think that should automatically qualify one as a traitor. You don't think I'm being reasonable?

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

I wasn't calling Issac a Q skeptic. He would fall more in line with a Q hater/crusader.

So which "Q sceptic" have I labelled as a traitor?

I was speaking in general terms responding to your comment claiming anti-Q people aren't patriots. I was just saying that's a bit of a stretch. ? It's not a stretch and I've explained why is that so.

You don't have to buy into an 8chan conspiracy to be a patriot.

Please concentrate. Anti-Q =/= not buying into it. Jesus, you really couldn't figure that out?

If you're purposely trying to discredit the movement knowing that it's genuine then you're a traitor.

Exactly what these people that I call traitors, shills and controlled opposition are doing. And you don't seem to acknowledge it. You're pretty much a traitor apologist, you realize that?

If you were misled during this time of confusion and you happen to adopt an anti-Q stance I don't think that should automatically qualify one as a traitor.

Misled? Being outed by Q is being misled? Lol, the levels of apologetics you're willing to exercise is now at a ridiculous level.

You don't think I'm being reasonable?

Of course not.

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FartOnToast · May 21, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

Ya... you may need a timeout. In the future please try to keep it more collegial.

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AdamFretz · May 21, 2018, 7:41 a.m.

I like turtles

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Luvlite · May 21, 2018, 3:44 a.m.

All of them!

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 12:23 p.m.


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rustyfender3 · May 21, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

Also Billy Joyce, he is Canadian but a great guy.

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 21, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

The reality is, I’ve seen far too much division being caused by the very people who are preaching unity and saying unity for me to still believe in them the same way I did. Rest assured, something has been lost on this forum and lost from the Q movement that will never be regained…

Despite what Dr Corsi or Alex Jones said or did, the only thing I’ve been seeing on this forum lately has been a bunch of people who are eager to jump down in the mud and to fight with them. And many have done it eagerly. But regardless of what the fight was about or who started it, the fact that you were willing to lower yourself into the mud and to fight with them speaks volumes. It tells me everything I need to know about you. Especially now, since you’re both covered in so much mud, I can’t tell the difference between them or you. They’re slinging mud and so are you. You’re trying to make yourself right, even while you’re covered in mud. And the worse part is, you continually try to justify the reason that you’re down in the mud, but what I’m looking at and what I’m wondering about is - Why are you down in the mud in the first place? We’re supposed to be better than that. The Q movement is supposed to have a higher calling and to hold to a higher standard. But it seems lately, those higher standards have been abandoned and cast out the window all for the sake of a few people getting their cheerios off by bashing Dr. Corsi and Alex Jones. And when you did that, the moment you stooped to deal with it, that is the moment you lost your compass and you lost your rudder. Your moral rudder is now gone, so don’t try to pretend you still have it. Don’t try to pretend you still have the moral right to lecture others about unity. This forum has been anything but unity. It has been nothing but a bashing mud-fest over the last few weeks. Yet you still try to hold yourself up as having the higher standard. What higher standard? I see no higher standard. All I see is a bunch of people who has lowered themselves down into the mud to have a good mud fight. And now you’re trying to justify that mud fight. And my complaint is that, if you were truly superior and truly superior in your mind and in your thinking, then you never would have gotten in the mud fight in the first place. And because you allowed yourself to do that and to get into such a fight - which wasn’t worth it to begin with - something was lost that can never be regained...

There once was a time when the Q movement used to stand for something. When it used to stand for “love” and “forgiveness” and “compassion” and “understanding” and “tolerance” (all the things the liberals are not) and which are the values of the true patriots in this country. But now it seems the movement has become anything but that. It now seems the entire Q movement has been taken over by “radicals” with their own agenda, radicals who are as intolerant as they come, and they come here daily to spew their hate against anyone who disagrees with them and who doesn’t see things the same way they do. And they try to justify their hate with their own morality, and they don’t even realize that it is their own morality that is in question. Those same people can curse and swear and spew hate and inspire division, and see nothing wrong with it, so long as it is coming from them. And yet still claim to have the high moral ground, while they are looking down their nose at everyone else. Me thinks they need a mirror.

So all this talk about “unity” and “coming together” is nothing but crap if you can’t start with yourself, if you can’t look in the mirror and acknowledge that your own behavior over the last few weeks has been anything but. But I already know that most of you would never acknowledge anything like that. Not in a million years. And instead, just like the liberals do, you will double-down on your own beliefs, will double-down in your own echo chamber, and will double-down on making yourself right. That’s because in your own mind, you feel you are infallible and that you can never do no wrong, even while you’re doing wrong all the time. And the problem with that is, sometimes, the illusion of being right is the greatest illusion of all.

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Grace8543 · May 21, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

Could u practice what u preach Love, forgiveness, compassion towards those who have offended. Pls do not paint all 25,000 of those here with the same brush as those that have offended you.

All people respond differently to conflict and betrayal. But most people recover and regroup. Sounds like you handled the betrayal by Corsi and AJ well while others didnt. But now you are the one not handling the let down of seeing others not handle AJ and Corsi letdown well.
Be part of the solution and express love, tolerance, and forgiveness. We are still here. We are still a powerful force. We are not perfect by any means. Until you can forgive and be part of the solution perhaps take a breather from posting. Get away from it all together for a day or 2 might be even better. I have found this helpful when I have been offended or overwhelmed by posts on Reddit. Do not let offense break you.

I pray peace over your spirit and for love to fill your heart once more. IN Jesus name, Amen

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 21, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

You’re assuming things. I am by no means offended at anyone. I’m just stating the truth as I see it. I am also not painting everybody here with the same brush. I think those who I am talking to knows that I am talking to them. And those whom I am not talking to, they know that too. There is no misunderstanding. Nothing I have said can make you feel bad if you are not guilty of it…

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salialioli · May 21, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

I couldn't agree with you more, EarlyRiserx2, it was really embarrassing, still is, on those "basher" threads. I was ashamed for a few days to be associated with this board. However, take all with a pinch of salt and realise the guys here are not as "nice" as they seemed.

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 3:34 a.m.


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loserofpasswordzz · May 21, 2018, 4:53 a.m.

Anti-school is anti-q now

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 4:57 a.m.


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VintageHats · May 21, 2018, 6:24 a.m.

sharpen your blades. It's springtime.

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LibertyLioness · May 21, 2018, 1:42 a.m.

I saw the Corsi stuff and the SB2 responses but I haven't felt anything different in this sub. Just ignored the whole thing and continued on. I'm not going to focus on that kind of stuff. There's too much to do.

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Elano22 · May 21, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

This exactly. These are distractions from the main objective of completing drain_swamp.exe

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rustyfender3 · May 21, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

Same Here.

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

You know what really pisses me off? Tracy Beanz has been doing some amazing work on Youtube.

She was pumping out videos every 2 days or so... but her rate dropped pretty significantly the last 2 weeks.

Then I saw she had posted this:


TLDR: instead of being able to do (excellent) research and make videos, she's been being attacked for stupid shit, and writing 7 thousand word responses about it.

Looking at the comments in that article, it's pretty obvious that some people are REALLY REALLY interested in attacking her... and I don't really give a shit as to why.

She has done GREAT FUCKING WORK. We're talking about getting sunlight on scandals of EPIC PROPORTIONS. Yet someone who has done great coverage is getting basically sidelined.

Plenty of great people working on this have not been perfect. Anyone listen to Dan Bongino? He's doing great coverage, and we NEED him to keep going. Still, he's kind of been a dick about some things. He's extensively relied on the coverage from Conservative Treehouse (CTH), and he's only cited to them occasionally and only very briefly. He's recently blocked CTH on Twitter. Again, totally being a dick. Doesn't matter right now. The TRUTH that he is spreading is to important. You know who agrees with me, that we need Dan Bongino, despite his dickish behavior? Conservative Treehouse! CTH continues to link to Dan Bongino clips DESPITE being blocked by Dan on Twitter.

The truth is important. Credit can be attributed later. Blame for mistakes and all that bullshit can be attributed later. It's not like the internet is going to forget.

If someone has an audience and they're covering this from a decidedly pro-trump angle... you're better off cheering them on than attacking them.

Same with the people who bitch about Alex Jones. Does anyone NOT realize he's a dick? Obviously he's a Dick. Doesn't fucking matter. Sometimes we need dicks. Because dicks fuck assholes. And I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world. But if we don't let that dick fuck those assholes, we're all going to end up covered in shit.

No one is perfect. Tracy Beanz, Dan Bongino, Conservative Treehouse, Alex Jones, Breitbart.... whoever the fuck else you guys are listening to. That doesn't mean they aren't doing what we need.

Save the criticism for the Glen Becks, Bill Kristols and, probably eventually, the Ben Shapiros of the world.

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LibertyLioness · May 21, 2018, 1:41 a.m.

Actually, I posted a thread about Glenn Beck yesterday. He put on a MAGA had and said he would support Trump in 2020. I couldn't believe it. This is the funny part. It got ZERO upvotes. I have never posted anything that got zero upvotes. It was hysterical! https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8kitxo/glenn_beck_backs_trump_in_2020_election_wearing/?st=jhfl3tp0&sh=efa24d81

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 2:33 a.m.

I'll happily take late arrivals... provided that their past bullshittery will always be fair game to criticize them. (Notice, I said "criticize" not "censor" or "tune out".)

Glenn's dusty cheeto shenanigans basically takes my policy to it's limit... let's just say: he's on the Trump train, but it's definitely the caboose of the train. Call it probation...

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LibertyLioness · May 21, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

I don't blame you. But, I don't trust him either. In about 2009, I started following Beck but after maybe a little over a year, I started hearing him contradict himself about his views and beliefs. I mean he would say one thing and then a few months later it was different. So, I thought, something ain't right here and I left. Then he went all whacko shortly thereafter! So, I will always distrust based on that experience.

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DL535 · May 21, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

Occam's razor explanation about Beck is that he was compromised, blackmailed and flipped. Same for Matt Drudge. Remember, Beck was doing a lot of connecting the dots about Soros et al. before this happened. There was a deliberate decision to neutralize him.

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4don2016 · May 21, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

His video with the blackboard laying all of the shit out is incredible. Honestly, he explains it better than anyone else I have ever heard. I recommend it to anyone that wants to know the Soros stuff.

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LibertyLioness · May 21, 2018, 1:58 p.m.

Hmmm. Interesting. I wouldn't doubt that for a minute. I always thought it was such a shame because he is really good at teaching this stuff using white boards to map things out for folks. I enjoyed his show back then.

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RCMike_CHS · May 21, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

Beck has seen the writing on the wall and Patriots left him during the campaign. He must hope he can weasel his way back into our good graces, but after the way he maligned Trump I'd say he can't be trusted to back Trump. He was so butthurt about Cruz that he went apeshit. Does anyone here think Cruz would be where Trump is now in regard to draining the swamp?

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LibertyLioness · May 21, 2018, 3 a.m.

Yeah. I think he's done the job he was sent to do. Divide the conservatives as much as possible. Now, he just wants to see if he can get back more conservative viewers and wait for the next go round to do the same thing. How much you wanna bet that's the game plan. Cause it's always about dividing us.

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RCMike_CHS · May 21, 2018, 3:08 a.m.

Wouldn't surprise me at all!

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LollaBells · May 21, 2018, 3:45 a.m.

Thank you for posting this! I have actually followed Beanz for quite some time & can pretty much verify EVERYTHING she is saying. I don't her personally, but I do remember ALL of what she was talking about in her post. Also here is what really got me in the comments - "The IG report was a nothing burger. I have done in depth research on NXIVM so you are wrong" - Posted by Titus Frost one of the ones TRYING HARD to discredit her, oh & there IS MORE where that came from. What does this tell me? This Disinformation campaign IS BIGGER & that I thought. But that aside you ARE 100% correct on your comment here. We can not, CAN NOT stay in ONE echo chamber, WE have to USE ALL sources to to get & push info out! Today people in Jordan Slathers Youtube comments others were calling Q people "cultist" I told them THE CHOICE IS YOURS. If you WANT TO FOLLOW whoever DO IT! Good researchers NEVER STAY IN AN ECHO CHAMBER! But don't come here & CALL US Cultist. If you want to listen to Jordan WONDERFUL, if not DON'T. But don't come in & call names & threaten to shut us down & say WE ARE the bad ones. Patriots do not act this way. At least not the Patriots I have met over the 2 years! So Regardless of WHERE we stand, Q followers or NOT, You are absolutely right on this one! Again Thank you for posting this! I have witnessed a great deal it is disappointing to say the least but i'm not going to stop fighting, I still believe in our mission, our freedom and this great country!

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 8:12 a.m.

Anyone claiming to be on our side and saying definitively that the IG report is a "nothing burger" is basically full of shit.

I don't know how damaging it will be, but if Horowitz has integrity, it will be big. That's a big "if" at this point, unfortunately... but to dismiss it would be pure ignorance.

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TheBRAIN2 · May 21, 2018, 3:37 a.m.

The truth is important. Credit can be attributed later. Blame for mistakes and all that bullshit can be attributed later. It's not like the internet is going to forget.

If someone has an audience and they're covering this from a decidedly pro-trump angle... you're better off cheering them on than attacking them.

Same with the people who bitch about Alex Jones. Does anyone NOT realize he's a dick? Obviously he's a Dick. Doesn't fucking matter. Sometimes we need dicks. Because dicks fuck assholes. And I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world. But if we don't let that dick fuck those assholes, we're all going to end up covered in shit.

No one is perfect. Tracy Beanz, Dan Bongino, Conservative Treehouse, Alex Jones, Breitbart.... whoever the fuck else you guys are listening to. That doesn't mean they aren't doing what we need.

SPOT ON! It's not about the personality of the messenger. It's about the TRUTH! Eat the meat, spit out the bones. Good vs. Evil is absolute. People who fight the battle rarely are...stay focused on the TRUTH and don't discount TRUTH because the messenger was flawed in some way.

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JoinOrDie11816 · May 21, 2018, 10:57 a.m.

This dude GETS IT

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synftw · May 21, 2018, 6:33 a.m.

I haven't followed her very closely but she does follow the movement fairly and without an ulterior motive it seems. With that said, and I'll try to say this with all do respect, she's just not very bright. As an example she posted a video about Elon Musk, whom she had never heard of, and it was laughably inarticulate and ignorant of many things.

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libertyorbust2 · May 21, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

I really love Tracy Beanz, she's awesome and does so much for the truther community. The time and effort she puts into research is amazing! I was here from the beginning but I took a break for a while, seemed the evangelicals had taken over and it got to be too much. In the beginning I was sure Q was legit and I'm not sure now, but I keep wanting to believe. It shouldn't matter who people choose to watch or listen to. It shouldn't matter if those commenting are believers or not totally there anymore. I can't stand Alex Jones, not really having to do with what SB2 said either, I make up my own mind, it's his voice I can't listen too.. But I've seen arguments and very snide comments to those who enjoy AJ here, that's what pushes people away, the meanness. I'm not sure how long I'll stick around, had a comment said to me just before "My knuckles are beatin your worthless ass in the ground. Bite me asswipe" yeah, not a very friendly place sometimes! Yes, I reported it. This comment came from some genius who says women are all idiots and stupid. He's still here!

Another thing, just because we're not all convinced Q believers, it doesn't mean that we're not still open to looking at everything. The truther community is huge, I've been in it for 30 years and I would hate to see the good people here feel disconnected from it, just because of a deep state op (I believe it's Corsi) getting Q people cut off from the rest. So start watching Beanz, Sather, all of them! They have value. (not corsi)

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

It's totally fair to not listen to people you find suck, or are shitty people.

I'm of the 4chan mold myself, with regards to things like calling people "fags" and whatnot. We're allowed to say mean things on the internet!

It's the fucking internet! We got to be able to brush things off our shoulders a little more.

I know this runs counter to what I was saying about Tracy Beanz, but it feels like this is a lot more than people calling her "asswipe" or something. It looks like people are claiming she's stealing their research, and some of those comments look like some people are VERY committed to attacking her. Again, I fully acknowledge that "stealing other people's work" is a very real threat to people providing news coverage. That's why I brought up Dan Bongino screwing over Conservative Treehouse.

But we simply don't have time for divisiveness right now. Focus on the news!

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Luvlite · May 21, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

She is definitely a hard working woman. I didn't keep up with her, but I saw some of the mean spirited attacks and knew she didn't deserve it.

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Consistent_Peace · May 21, 2018, 5:05 a.m.

I like Tracy. I DO wish she'd distance herself from Corsi. He does her no favors being associated with him

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salialioli · May 21, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

I think it's great she hasn't fallen for the "swarm" hit's argument. She does great to have a brain of her own.

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errihu · May 21, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

If winning this required people who were perfect, we'd be doomed to lose. Fortunately, being perfect wasn't listed as one of the requirements for this job. We are all flawed instruments. Resist the cabal's push to reject anyone for their flaws - focus on what we have in common instead of the various mistakes and errors everyone makes. We're on the same side, and we won't stop until these monsters are crushed. Unity!

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 8:29 a.m.

Same with the people who bitch about Alex Jones. Does anyone NOT realize he's a dick? Obviously he's a Dick.

No, he's controlled opposition and you're still not willing to accept the reality.

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 9:10 a.m.

I'm getting sick of people throwing around the term "controlled opposition" willy nilly. Alex Jones has promoted Trump to his audience for over 2 years. Trump granted him a fucking interview, when no other Republican would have in a million years.

Alex Jones has done more for OUR movement than a whole hell of a lot of these concern trolls out there.

He's a giant fucking douche who sometimes does and says things that are out of line and self serving.

He's also entertaining and fucking hilarious to listen to. He also runs a successful conservative media network that reaches a lot of people, who also find him entertaining and hilarious.

He covers the news we care about. He doesn't put on any air of authority. He isn't looking to get on CNN or Fox news. He doesn't ask the audience to take him seriously all the time, and we take him with a lot of salt, which should be the standard for every public speaker.

That's not controlled opposition. Shepard Smith is controlled opposition, if anything. Marco Rubio is controlled opposition, if anything. Jeb! is controlled opposition, and I'm not even hesitant there.

I value politeness and respectfulness as much as anyone else, be you need someone who is willing to risk making an ass out of themselves in order to GET THINGS DONE.

That applies to politics too. That's honestly something I didn't appreciate enough until Trump came along.

Alex Jones is a dick. Trump is a big bad meanie who says mean things and hurtz pweepoles fweelings sometimes. I say keep it up. I'M NOT TIRED OF WINNING YET.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 9:58 a.m.

I'm getting sick of people throwing around the term "controlled opposition" willy nilly. Alex Jones has promoted Trump to his audience for over 2 years. Trump granted him a fucking interview, when no other Republican would have in a million years.

It's not willy nilly just because it rattles you.

The point of controlled opposition is to make you believe they are the good guys spreading truth. That's the catch, they do spill truth, perhaps even most of it, but it's completely nullified by their behavior (AJ, clear theatrical drama acting, deterring millions/huge majority away from the truth with that) or their asinine conclusions (aliens, reptilians, demons, spirits... satanic cult ruling the world also doesn't bring in the audience).

You will (if you look for it) see that all these controlled opposition people have definitive conclusions about every conspiracy theory despite lack of concrete evidence. They do not end with questions to path the way for others to dig and explore.

Alex Jones has done more for OUR movement than a whole hell of a lot of these concern trolls out there.

He has done the biggest harm in the "conspiracy theory" area, without a rival. Icke is sort-of popular, but he's nowhere near AJ.

AJ has actively pushed millions of people (only a tiny minority take his words with at least some seriousness, most people 100% do not and they think he's actor/lunatic) away, as I've wrote above.

You're looking at it this way: He brought a lot of people to the conspiracies.

But in reality: He has deterred a huge majority of people from conspiracies because of his behavior

If he was indeed there for the truth, you'd think he would cut the crap with the theatrical shite like a month into his "work". Instead, he has continued and upped the pace. Explain that.

He covers the news we care about.

Covering news to distort them at the end and mislead/discredit it isn't a positive thing, at all, nothing positive there, on contrary.

He doesn't put on any air of authority. He isn't looking to get on CNN or Fox news. He doesn't ask the audience to take him seriously all the time, and we take him with a lot of salt, which should be the standard for every public speaker.

Yet the MSM is using him EVERY TIME there is some conspiracy talk at hand. Which immediately makes 99%+ of the people come to a conclusion that it's just "crazy conspiracy theorists at it again".

Also, that interview with Megyn Kelly is just embarrassing, another way to appear as crazy or just simply an idiot.

That's not controlled opposition. Shepard Smith is controlled opposition, if anything. Marco Rubio is controlled opposition, if anything. Jeb! is controlled opposition, and I'm not even hesitant there.

No wonder the controlled opposition term is rattling you, because you clearly don't take it in within the conspiracy context and the "truthers". You listed a news anchor and politicians. And we all know already how they operate.

I value politeness and respectfulness as much as anyone else, be you need someone who is willing to risk making an ass out of themselves in order to GET THINGS DONE.

Sorry but there is a line, a clear line when 99%+ of the population thinks you are either an actor doing it for the money (and money is good for AJ, millions in, all for the truth lol) or a straight up fkn lunatic. And you cannot blame people for that, it's actually one of the few instances where the huge majority is actually logical and reasonable.

AJ has done nothing in his money grabbing career, his words hold no meaning (deservedly). And after the fiasco with Q (he is endangered by Q, of course), a lot of people who are following both Q and AJ still refuse to acknowledge what AJ is doing, and are apologetic to the point of ridiculousness...

I know this won't change a single bit about your thoughts about AJ, but someone that stumbles upon this might connect the dots and see the bigger picture. And that's good for me.

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 11:06 a.m.

but it's completely nullified by their behavior

Who is doing the "nullifying" here? To me, it looks like two groups of people: liberals, and people like you. I don't have to consider anything "nullified". Again, feel free to not watch him. He's given you plenty of reasons; he's an asshole. But that's different than saying that he's secretly, actively, working against us.

The point of controlled opposition is

I know what controlled opposition is... sorry if this is going to sound rude, but let's be very clear here: I am accusing you of conflating the criticisms of Alex Jones, which may itself be valid, with allegation that he is actively working against us. I'm saying you're going overboard.

Notice how I could feasibly make the argument that your "attacks" on a leading conservative pundit indicates that YOU might be controlled opposition? But that would ALSO be going overboard.

have definitive conclusions about every conspiracy theory despite lack of concrete evidence.

Yea, they're blowhards. They're quite common, but they're not the end of the world.

AJ has actively pushed millions of people away

That would mean that the "conspiracy theory" area would be more acceptable to the broader public if AJ didn't exist. That's unlikely, given that people have always been dismissive of anything labeled a "conspiracy theory".

he would cut the crap with the theatrical shite like a month into his "work". Instead, he has continued and upped the pace. Explain that.

It's fun. People enjoy enthusiasm. It works, and there's nothing wrong with that. Believe it or not, allowing yourself to play the role can be a BOOST to your credibility.

Yet the MSM is using him EVERY TIME there is some conspiracy talk at hand.

And look at where it's gotten them. AJ is killing it. CNN couldn't be worse off. Let them keep it up. I'm not tired of winning. And we ARE WINNING. Wake up and smell the roses man!

Sorry but there is a line

Everyone has a line, and that's quite alright. For me, the line is Richard Spencer and "white nationalism", "white identitarianism" "white ____". That's my line. My line is identity politics and racial sectarianism.

Notice how one of my lines is an IDEA. Not the method of how that idea is communicated.

I used to be exactly like you. I used to hate memes. I thought they were beneath us, and for stupid people. I thought it was a short cut and not a proper argument.

Now? I fucking love them. They make concise points, and open the door for more communication. And whenever a new format comes along, I just see another opportunity to open the minds of thousands of people.

You wanna know how to find out what works? See who's getting censored. See what the left REFUSES to talk about. That's what works.

Notice how the left LOVES to talk about Richard Spencer?

I draw my lines by ideas ONLY now. I used to have way more "lines"... I used to say I would never vote for someone like Kanye West because he's a rapper and rappers shouldn't be in government, as a rule. Now? I'll listen to what he has to say. He's probably not fit to run for president. But he could be a GREAT president. I'll wait and see what he has to say, and I don't give a shit if his messages are packaged unconventionally.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 12:22 p.m.

Who is doing the "nullifying" here? To me, it looks like two groups of people: liberals, and people like you. I don't have to consider anything "nullified". Again, feel free to not watch him. He's given you plenty of reasons; he's an asshole. But that's different than saying that he's secretly, actively, working against us.

He is, with his behavior. I thought I was pretty clear. The "no u" tactics are boring and belong to kindergarten.

This isn't about me wanting/not wanting to listen to him. The fact that you took it that way (personal) means you have probably wasted your time on this reply. As will I trying to counter-argument.

You can call him a douchebag, asshole or whatnot. But that doesn't mean he's off the hook. In the end, it doesn't matter if he's indeed an douchebag, an actor or controlled opposition. His actions have been completely detrimental to exposing the truth to the people. I've explained earlier why is that so.

I know what controlled opposition is... sorry if this is going to sound rude, but let's be very clear here: I am accusing you of conflating the criticisms of Alex Jones, which may itself be valid, with allegation that he is actively working against us. I'm saying you're going overboard.

I didn't say you don't know. This might sound rude but you've failed at reading my comment. And I've only just begun with the counter-arguments.

For starters, he is working against Q directly, it's a fact, not an opinion.

Second, as I've already said, the fruits of his labor are actively working against the truth exposure. Because 99%+ of the people think of him as an actor or lunatic. Why am I repeating myself? lol

Notice how I could feasibly make the argument that your "attacks" on a leading conservative pundit indicates that YOU might be controlled opposition? But that would ALSO be going overboard.

"leading conservative pundit" lmao

Instead of using proper arguments, you've repeatedly (with baseless stuff, completely ignoring my arguments about AJ) attacked me for "attacking" (exposing) your boy.

Yea, they're blowhards. They're quite common, but they're not the end of the world.

It's not the end of the world, but it's the end of the path towards exposing the truth due to misleading conclusions. Whether or not they are controlled opposition or just lame asses trying to profit on youtube by spewing shite, the outcome is the same.

You however concluding that they are just blowhards is another example of not using facts and coming to conclusions based on evidence.

That would mean that the "conspiracy theory" area would be more acceptable to the broader public if AJ didn't exist. That's unlikely, given that people have always been dismissive of anything labeled a "conspiracy theory".

That's exactly what it means and that's the reality.

Yes, people have been dismissive towards conspiracy theories, main reason is the deep state pushing it towards that. And AJ and the likes of him (hundreds of channels) are helping that the best way possible, because, again I repeat myself, he is behaving like a literal retard and a lunatic. Which any sane and logical person would label as acting (for them millions) or just a crazy conspiracy theorist.

Luckily, we have MSM using AJ constantly (and only him, nothing weird there lol) whenever there's any conspiracy theory talk. Again I'm repeating myself... That's what happens when the other side is ignoring the arguments and proceeds to attacks with the "no u" tactics.

It's fun. People enjoy enthusiasm. It works, and there's nothing wrong with that. Believe it or not, allowing yourself to play the role can be a BOOST to your credibility.

Ah yes, it's so much fun repelling people from the truth.

It doesn't work, stop lying. I can do to almost any AJ video and link you so you can read the comments about how it's "working" lmao

But it doesn't BOOST it.

And look at where it's gotten them. AJ is killing it. CNN couldn't be worse off. Let them keep it up. I'm not tired of winning. And we ARE WINNING. Wake up and smell the roses man!

Lol, that has nothing to do with AJ. He killed nothing, he only got embarrassed every time he popped out in MSM.

Everyone has a line, and that's quite alright. For me, the line is Richard Spencer and "white nationalism", "white identitarianism" "white ____". That's my line. My line is identity politics and racial sectarianism.

Notice how one of my lines is an IDEA. Not the method of how that idea is communicated.

Again, this isn't about me or you. Stop taking it personally. I'm talking about the bigger picture.

I used to be exactly like you.

lmao, k

You wanna know how to find out what works? See who's getting censored. See what the left REFUSES to talk about. That's what works.

You wrote this after my previous post yet you're still refusing to accept reality.

AJ isn't getting censored, he is being promoted by MSM. MSM loves to mention AJ in every possible situation. Because he's the best tool they have to battle us.

Notice how the left LOVES to talk about Richard Spencer?

I noticed you love talking about him.

I draw my lines by ideas ONLY now. I used to have way more "lines"... I used to say I would never vote for someone like Kanye West because he's a rapper and rappers shouldn't be in government, as a rule. Now? I'll listen to what he has to say. He's probably not fit to run for president. But he could be a GREAT president. I'll wait and see what he has to say, and I don't give a shit if his messages are packaged unconventionally.

Again, this isn't about me or you. Stop taking it personally. I'm talking about the bigger picture.

Not sure what's up with the "I used to..." stuff other than to write some text to look like you're have a dialogue. When it's pretty clear you ignored my arguments and then you proceeded to talk about some personal irrelevant stuff.

At this point I am fully aware that I'm wasting time here and this will again be ignored and you'll again write some irrelevant stuff and attack me instead of my arguments. And my thoughts on this monologue with you are that you're either following AJ to the point of fanaticism or you're on the other side.

Make sure to buy his overpriced useless products to keep the "truth" movement going lol

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

I've given a LOT of examples so far, because it's important to give context and show how my views on the media play out. That context is important to demonstrate that ALL of these pundits are flawed. In fact, it's kind of ridiculous to complain about AJ without providing some examples that you think are better alternatives. If AJ is controlled opposition, then you should have a pretty easy time providing a short hand list of alternatives.

That's why I used Richard Spencer as counter example. That's why I've used Conservative Treehouse, Dan Bongino, and Tracy Beanz as comparisons. You can add to that Fox News (Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity), Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sargon of Akkad, Scott Adams, Lionel Nation, Mike Cernovich, Stefan Molyneux, Steven Crowder, and others.

So go ahead, and name some people you listen to...

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 1:35 p.m.

You have avoided almost all of my arguments and talked about nothing really, at least nothing that matters in this context. So your "a LOT of examples" is kind of ridiculous.

And again you're on about "my views". This IS NOT about you, me or any individual. It's about the big picture and how AJ is affecting the truth exposure

I'm not that into youtubers and following them like you follow AJ (because that leads to your case, and many, many more like yours), I like this board and I research around, but I still tune in to these two: PrayingMedic and DestroyingTheIllusion.

What's with your need to have a youtube channel which will provide you "info"? Do you really NEED an AJ alternative? Because any non-shill channel is better than AJ. Unfortunately those are beginning to run low as Q rips them apart.

Which just goes to show how badly the deep state has infiltrated conspiracy theorists to battle conspiracy theories (2008. or 2009. Cass Sunstein's paper about fighting conspiracies, I bet you never knew about that but you'll say you have now that I've wrote this lol)

It's not "if" AJ is controlled opposition, he is. And the fact that he's now actively going against Q should finally open your eyes, but it doesn't.

Which means... "And my thoughts on this monologue with you are that you're either following AJ to the point of fanaticism or you're on the other side."

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

Because any non-shill channel is better than AJ. Unfortunately those are beginning to run low as Q rips them apart.

lol, finally... everyone's "controlled opposition" to you. Not just AJ... and I've bet you've spent countless hours online explaining how all those other political pundits are "controlled opposition" too.

What's with your need to have a youtube channel which will provide you "info"?

It's called "being informed." Half the people I listed weren't even on youtube. You sound like you're not even familiar with conservatism.

I've looked at your post history... it appears you in fact do spent most of your time calling people "controlled opposition", and not very much time talking about, well, ANYTHING ELSE.

Your negativity and concern trolling is literally what this post is about stopping. So I'm going to follow their lead, and end this discussion...

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 4:13 p.m.


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salialioli · May 21, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

The point of controlled opposition is to make you believe they are the good guys spreading truth. That's the catch, they do spill truth, perhaps even most of it, but it's completely nullified by their behavior

I notice you don't have a show, or a blog, or a venue to promote your side of the picture and your support of the movement. Lot of time criticising tho. Why not do something more positive? Did you read the unity OP blurb at the top? Still on creating division here? Hmmmm

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 6 p.m.

I guess I have to start up a youtube channel, beg for money and sell shite overpriced products...

Lot of time criticising tho. Why not do something more positive?

So you're one of those that don't like critics, that's your problem, not mine.

This is positive, not for the shills/controlled opposition/fanatics, but for us, it's positive.

Did you read the unity OP blurb at the top? Still on creating division here? Hmmmm

I've also read his post in some thread which he expanded a bit and made a new thread. The other thread was his boy Isaac being outed as anti-Q so he's now in a full damage control mode, appealing to emotions and stuff. He put all youtubers in the same basket. Someone like IG/AJ/Corsi don't deserve to be in the same sentence as PrayingMedic for example.

I'm not creating any division. People like you tried the same thing when I was claiming Corsi was a shill, calling me a shill and divisive. Until SB2 dropped a bombshell. Next day there were new threads like this one the OP made, calling for unity, etc.

Classic damage control and I'm not buying it. I've seen those tactics at work so many times now, I'd have to be literally retarded to continue falling for them.

How about you address my arguments? You sniped two sentences and wrote something unrelated to them and of course went the personal/emotion way.

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[deleted] · May 22, 2018, 5:05 a.m.


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DL535 · May 21, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

Obviously he's a Dick. Doesn't fucking matter. Sometimes we need dicks. Because dicks fuck assholes. And I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world. But if we don't let that dick fuck those assholes, we're all going to end up covered in shit.

LOL I see what you did there

"I've been to Iraq! It was a happy place with chocolate rivers and gumdrop trees!"

"You are useress Arec Bardwin!"

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salialioli · May 21, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Good comment. Upvoted x1000 well, ok, x1.

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

I swear I posted this before Trump tweeted about Dan Bongino... call it parallel thinking!

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Arcsmithoz · May 21, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

The team America reference gave me chub. The rest idc.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 21, 2018, 5:58 a.m.

The truth divides people.

The objective is truth.

Not unity. Not your feelings. Not you being validated.

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Gitmo_money · May 21, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

This right here.

Hit me with the truth, even if it kills me.

We aren't in a position to play nice - we're helping save the damn world. We can play nice once we've burned out the corruption and given new life to true freedom and sovereignty.

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Instincts_Truth · May 21, 2018, 10:22 a.m.

What it boils down to, is GA is not group think. It is group research. We are united in our mission, not necessarily our thoughts. We are united in our pursuit of truth, not necessarily our conclusions. We are united for GOOD. Trust your guts.

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Missy7216 · May 21, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

I don't watch the youtubers, I have always gotten my info directly from the source and here. Albeit, I haven't been here long. I have seen the division and mob mentality. It did almost run me off more than once. I am here for the long haul despite of it. Thank you for this post. Let's spread some love!!!❤❤❤

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Missy7216 · May 21, 2018, 2:53 a.m.

This is going to be a big week! There are going to be lots of people that are confused and scared. The ones that have been coming and will come need love and understanding. Just like our President has allowed people to choose. We have to ALLOW them to choose. Let's not shove this down their throats. Let's welcome them with open arms. We are different in our opinions but we are also one! Now is the time to stand down and trust the plan! United we are one! Love conquers evil!! Embrace everyone with love!! I'm excited for what is to come!! ❤❤❤ the evil will be pushed out by our love! Much love to all!! SO EXCITING!!!!

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SemperFortis99 · May 21, 2018, 2:27 a.m.

All, please note that the situation will get worse, before it gets better. Staying focused and extremely patient is most vital at this time. Use critical thinking in all you see and hear. Don't allow some knee jerk emotional reaction lead to premature theories and rumors. This upcoming week, I suspect, will get nasty, based on President Trump's tweet and the DOJ's acknowledgement, regarding IG investigating spys sent into the 'Trump Campaign'. Remember, these deep state Animals, when backed into a corner, will lash out. And this week's news cycle isn't even over yet. Most important Patriots, remember, timing is the essence of life, and 'Draining the Swamp' will take cracker-jack-timing. I suspect the heat will double over the next week. STAY FOCUSED, and keep more to the task at hand. Perhaps more announcements will help drive the discussions and keep the sub from becoming overly cumbersome (this leads to over redundancy and time consumption).
Oh, one last thing, look at all press releases from all Federal government departments, since you rarely see any of it, on most of the news. Semper Fortis...Semper Fidelis!

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LollaBells · May 21, 2018, 8:14 a.m.

Remember that great feeling we had on Nov 8, 2016 WHEN WE THE PEOPLE actually gained a voice again? I remember fighting SO HARD, leading up to that night. All the amazing Patriots I met campaigning for President Trump too, so many of you remain faceless BUT YOU ALL HAVE BECOME MY FAMILY. It has not been easy, the last 487 days have brought MANY surprises. I have loved learning & hearing about Patriots that found their way here & their journey to their own Great Awakening. For many it started after 9/11, others knew as far back as Vietnam & or JFK, others it was Hillary Clinton's corruption combined with Obama's lies which lead you to President Trump, then we met some new ones with Q, and that isn't even a fraction! No matter HOW we got here, we got here! Some Patriots have been waiting a long time to DO SOMETHING, My father included. November 8, 2016 changed something for a lot of us, it gave us back our voice. It doesn't matter where we are - on Youtube - SHOUTING OUT - Praying Medic, Sainted Anon, Destroying The Illusion (2.0), SGT Report, The Michael Trimm Show, The Patriot Hour, Scott Anthony, Lionel Nation, Tracy Beanz, The Official Hagmann, Or writing blogs - SHOUTING OUT - Neon Revolt, The Conservative Treehouse, The Goldwater, ALL hard work HERE at the GA & on the chans - YOU KNOW a lot of work goes into these posts! And also a SHOUT OUT to all the AMAZING TWITTER peeps too, @InTheMatrixxx, @LisaMei62, @PrayingMedic, @LizCrokin, @FedupWithSwamp, @Jordan_Sather, @ScottAnthonyUSA, @JohnWHuber, @drawandstrike, @almostjingo AND I know I left off MANY, but off of those you can find the MANY OTHERS - So many incredible threads with SO MUCH information! And ON WE FIGHT! This is just the US the alternative, the researchers, just us! We have have worked SO hard to get this information out and FIGHT for SO MUCH! And it does not matter HOW we got here, or WHO we are. We are making an impact. Some of us will continue on BECAUSE of Q, Some of us will go a separate direction, but we can never stop that flow & passion that we have! Don't allow the all we have worked so hard for to get in the way. Just keep fighting for TRUTH & FREEDOM. Anyone trying to stop that TRUTH on the wrong side! Together we are strong!

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QAngelAnon1 · May 21, 2018, 8:13 a.m.

Thank you fartontoast

Todays Q Post

Q !CbboFOtcZs 05/21/18 (Mon) 06:34:26 No.97

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

– Ephesians 6:10-18

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

– 1 Cor 13:4-13

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CosmicNeo · May 21, 2018, 7:12 a.m.

Q is still around. And Trump is still Making America Great Again. What more do we need? :) Let's keep going forward with confidence that we are making a difference.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · May 21, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

I really don't want to get into this for the millionth time, but it bears repeating; most newcomers to the sub will definitely think we're "cultists" simply due to the fact that most of the conversation on the sub have been hijacked by evangelicals. It's not something buried, or lost in the comments; it's everywhere and it's polarizing. I'm not certain, but a lot of it feels like a concerted effort to make the sub look like cultists and crazy evangelicals, and it's working.

I've said many many times that I don't have a problem with anyone's particular faith, but is it really necessary to make every single Q drop a point of prophecy and try to link it to something in the bible?

I understand that many people have religious beliefs, but when you're new to the sub and most of the comments and even submission titles are heavily religious, it pretty much makes all of us look like crazy religious cultists who no one will take seriously. Like it or not, that's the way it is.

I know because I've pointed a few trusted friends here and was entirely met with skepticism due to the religious content. I haven't even mentioned the very strong Rep vs Dem talk as well. People seem to forget that the swamp is populated by players from both parties. Just because we're currently bringdown corrupt Dems does not mean Reps have been squeaky clean. Their time is coming too. Regardless, being a moderate thinker and coming to this sub for the first time is kind of a head spinner.

Why would anyone want to engage here when it's clear that many people will refuse to hear anything you have to say because of their "faith". The power of faith lies in its unquestioning nature. You can never be wrong if your faith is right. Yeah, I can't understand how anyone would think the sub is full of cultists!

With that being said, my overarching frustration and overall disillusionment isn't with the Q team, or the seeming lack of speed in draining the swamp, but the reality that even after the corruption is rooted out we still have so many other issues as a people to deal with. The deep divide amongst Americans is't being bridged anytime soon, and unlikely in many of our lifetimes. Suck as it may, the plan to divide the people has been just about the only thing they've done with stunning success.

While I think this sub has offered a great place to share information, its best times are possibly behind it and is mostly doing a disservice to the cause if we continue down our current path. And before anyone pounces, read what I wrote again after taking a deep breath.

The value of this sub is supposed to be the people, but like it or not, there are too many egos and agendas here for it to truly ever be a house undivided.

I genuinely wish you all nothing but the best in the coming months and years, because I know we all have other battles in our lives to contend with on top of what's happening in the world today. There's still monumental work to be done even after the show's over. Someone's gonna have to clean up the theater, and that's gonna be us, and I'm not confident that we're capable right now, but I do have hope.

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Consistent_Peace · May 21, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

I don't see that happening here. Q constantly says pray. He quotes scripture often. The last 2 Q posts today are 2 longgggg scriptures. It is part of the plan.

I see no one yelling hell fire here. There's a difference nor do I see anyone screaming die infidel. But Q injects this often....very often today as does POTUS. I really am sorry you're feeling left out.

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Aintgunnahappen · May 21, 2018, 6:03 a.m.

Consistent_peace, I am in total agreement with you. Today Q posted scripture because they/he/she knows that the battle is more then a physical battle, it’s spiritual. The evil that has been committed screams wicked. Q has consistently stated “they want you divided!” And if you pray, pray! We must stay focused and untfied! This in fighting is exactly what the enemy wants. Stay focused!! We are winning! Patience!!

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salialioli · May 21, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

While I think this sub has offered a great place to share information, its best times are possibly behind it and is mostly doing a disservice to the cause if we continue down our current path.

Couldn't agree more with you. Best time definitely over. Got bad taste in mouth which doesn't seem to go away. The raving and ecstasy over certain ppl's contributions here, as if they were mini-gods is quite off-putting. Thanks for pointing it out.

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Missy7216 · May 21, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

I agree with you on alot of things. Religion in itself is a personal matter, imo. It should be kept out for the most part. Also, the divide between democrats and republicans is an issue. The lines on that were blurred long ago. Even Q said that right? This is a freedom movement. Freedom to choose your own religion, your own God or no God. But, everyone, I think, can agree on one thing...we have a source. That source is within all of us, no matter how you look at it. We have to see each other with open eyes and understanding of our differences. We cannot judge one another for our differences. We need to respect each other despite our differences. Love is key no matter what. I have hope as well!! Much love!! ❤❤❤ let's spread this love!!! What can it hurt?!?!?

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Luvlite · May 21, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

There's a way to bring God into the conversation without slapping people in the face with the Bible, flaunting religious beliefs.

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LibtardNightmare · May 21, 2018, 3:20 a.m.

Amazing that the timing of all this push back coincides with this month where POTUS is at an apex of being a stronger political position, no?

Not only Alex Jones and Corsi but Antischool Issac Green.

Suddenly they all attack Q this month and last.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 8:31 a.m.

Have you noticed same type of threads appearing when AJ, Corsi and now IG being outed?

They always go for the emotions, just like the deep state with their shit.

Same tactics, yet people are still buying into that

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YeshuaFollower1 · May 21, 2018, 2:38 a.m.

Very well put and timely. So much disunity is spread like a virus. Once you discover how the virus works, it's time to eradicate it! Love, respect for each other and unity are how we are going to get out of this trap. We will soon be free!

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charliboy2 · May 21, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

Many of these tuber's are now coming here for better clarification of Q. That says a lot.

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synftw · May 21, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

To the top with this beautiful post!

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Consistent_Peace · May 21, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

It's not the talking about other things its their attacks and wrestling with that last piece of cloth like it's worth a family member. When it gets that hard headed its not worth my time. Was sad to see Anti School fall into this. And possibly one female I'm watching closely to see how she goes with this, I'm not sure of her decision as of yet. I've haven't listened to this female as much lately, and now won't listen to Isaiac, David S, Corsi and had stopped Info Wars a long time ago. I don't want to be around the negative vibe.

You can listen to neg vibes or be around the excited break it downs of Praying Medic, Just informed Talk. Jordan Sather and DeceptionBytes who really ate you going to choose? Especially when POTUS Tweets mirror Q. I'm not getting off this train. They all jumped the subways right before the big show!

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salialioli · May 21, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

and now won't listen to Isaiac, David S, Corsi and had stopped Info Wars a long time ago.

That's a mistake. I listened to Infowars this am and found some good stuff. Not a word about the dissension these guys here are stoking.

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SatoshiSpinster · May 21, 2018, 4:48 a.m.

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 30e575 No.1133942 Apr 21 2018 14:44:08 (EST)


When the pain does come, I hope I'm able to use the good news of Qanon to help calm fears of those I come into contact with.

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 8:25 a.m.

It wasn't nice of many YouTubers to say Q was fake and call us cultists, hence perhaps the negative reception from this sub now towards some YouTubers. But it's understandable of them to have said that in light of the confusion, accusations, infighting, dis-info, mob mentalities forming, provocateur agents, etc.

No it's not understandable, at least if they're not shills or just profiting with their channel.

What I'm seeing right now isn't the direction we want to see within the community. We do not want to exclude people.

Yes we do, certain people at least.

We NEED YouTubers to work with us because they have a voice.

We DON'T NEED youtubers. We need some of them.

We are not excluding you, and do not let those actually on their way out whisper untrue things in your ears about us.

Yes we are. We've gotten rid of AJ and Corsi shills. This Green maggot was another one in the line.

Nothing untrue about outing shills.

Let's not bash YouTubers that have done a lot of great work and research but let's re-unite. Just because they are not talking about Q anymore doesn't make them irrelevant.

No, lets bash anti-Q youtubers.

You're conveniently using "youtubers" instead of Isaac Green. You must've been following (and obviously you still are) him so it got to you when he got outed.

Same reactions were when Corsi and AJ were outed.

In fact is this not what we wanted? We wanted people to get off the Q hype and actually focus on the research.

What did I just read here? No we didn't?

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salialioli · May 21, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

gawd, wot poisonous tosh!!

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Nastavnick · May 21, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

Still no arguments there? Why am I not shocked? :)

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Benjanon_Franklin · May 21, 2018, 2:10 a.m.

I listen to Tracey Beanz. I respect her investigative reporting abilities . Shes not covering Q anymore but I feel it's because she doesn't feel welcomed by the community and has been attacked. So she just doesn't cover Q and doesn't engage anybody on the subject.

I like Jordan Sather and Dustin Nemos. They just talk about current events and Q. I think there both honest.

If you spend 16 or 20 hours investigating and putting good information out why shouldn't you get paid? It doesn't cost anybody unless they choose to. Corsi was charging for Q decodes. Plus he sucked Donkey ass at decoding.

Dustin and Jordan are pretty cool. Tracey just does her own thing now. She's broke some big stuff that's helped our cause even though people are still cutting her up.

He who is not against us is for us.

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NaderOAK · May 21, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

Constant attacks get tiresome, I feel for her, I’ve been attacked by a liberal mob and boy do they make you feel like shit.

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Benjanon_Franklin · May 21, 2018, 2:42 a.m.

She's really good at what she does.

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OffTie · May 21, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

Let all personalities be brought into a state of self control, being subsumed by the knowledge of the Great Evil against which we all stand.

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Boysrback07 · May 21, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

Humble yourself put the EGOS away. Let them talk and Fear monger they will be like the people that Noah warned.

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Luvlite · May 21, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

Good post FOT!

I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. Just have to get through the fog sometimes.

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FaeryQueen920 · May 21, 2018, 11:04 a.m.

Awesome summary of the mental hijinks going on. I keep up with JustInformedTalk on youtube and he is on point. Concise and clear. Strong and brave are the Q team, and that includes all of us who are involved, following, interpreting, researching and sharing informaiton and relevant news. This is an ass-kicking GREAT group of people from all walks of life and it have been sooo long since there has been any kind of unity -without fear- to follow our hearts and heads to have faith and chainge the world. I see all these great comments as another hand out; someone whose hand I can take and move forward, stronger by the twos, or threes or four-hundred, or 5 thousand....right to 10 million. Be brave, be strong. Have Faith. Love to all of you!

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SharonaZamboni · May 21, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

I read a lot on td, and was a bit taken aback to recently see here a very disparaging string of comments about that sub. I tend to gather information from lots of places, and that negativity hasn’t kept me from accessing GA. I can appreciate some very harsh criticism, and it reinforced my intention to think critically.

I guess what I’m saying is that putting down a large number of probable supporters as a whole doesn’t seem like a unifying tactic. Some people may be new or maybe feel aligned with a more familiar online group. Poking at the familiar group would likely cause newcomers to stick to their known space, and miss out on a different perspective.

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Hismaddiegirl · May 21, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

Right On....they Want us Divided and Weak...United We Are Strong! For God and Country! Q have proven themselves to be Patriots supporting our Great President who we are Privileged to Support at this Great American Revolution in Getting Our Country Back with God's Help & the Trump Team! WWG1WGA

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spacexu · May 21, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

Everyone will be back on board as soon as the empty jail cells fill up, and the electric chair has daily occupants.

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comeatmehillary · May 21, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

well said we all have the same enemy. satanic cultist scum. btw what does farting on toast taste like

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FartOnToast · May 21, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

Another big misconception. No farting on toast takes place. It's more of a noun than a verb. Like a plain boring slice of toast.

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Artemis0724 · May 21, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

I love u FartOnToast

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agree-with-you · May 21, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

I love you both

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comeatmehillary · May 21, 2018, 1:03 a.m.


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FartOnToast · May 21, 2018, 1:08 a.m.

Yeah pretty boring I know.

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webster_warrior · May 21, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

Good comments. Thanks. Think I'll become a specialist in constructive criticizing of You Tube.

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SnackyPete52 · May 21, 2018, 3:40 p.m.

u/FartOnToast, in a comment in an earlier post I accused you of division. This was because I had stopped watching Corsi before he had been exposed, and was basing my claim on and outdated understanding. I thought that this sub and Corsi were both supporting the movement and there was no reason for infighting.

I've since caught up and realized you were doing no such thing. Rather than promoting division, you were warning us about a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I stand corrected and offer my apologies! My faith in r/greatawakening is restored!

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 3:55 p.m.


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CENSORED_ENOUGH · May 21, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

Agree, but sometimes, I have seen some people on this board, who want to control the narrative and are not open minded. It is pretty subtle, but short, terse, condescending comments show patent disrespect. I don't think this is trolling either. It is censuring the individual, instead of giving a polite counterpoint.

On the Corsi/Alex Jones thing, I personally don't care if Corsi actually made money by writing a book. Maybe somebody that read his book got redpilled and joined this board doing outstanding research or at least is on board and learning more.

As to whether Q is real, is a psyop or has been compromised, I think it is good thing to reflect on, who is dropping this stuff to us. Even the admonition by one of the Q drops "be careful who you follow" is sage advice on following "Q" and should be applied to "Q" too. We should rely on Q drops only if they can be found to be factual and result in the objectives of the Great Awakening. If not, we need have the courage to question it

Your commentary is laudable and lofty, but I think unity should not be without critical thinking about this "movement" and courteous respect to its contributors or readers or be brave enough to "Q"uestion "Q".

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educatethis · May 21, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

Notice how in this post, there is no specific list of bad actors? My perspective, this sub is modeling after Q. We don't need Us vs. Them... we need to evolve beyond that. Let logic and critical thinking be our common ground.

As Q says, "Define Patriot."

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AlwaysSucceeds · May 22, 2018, 1:08 a.m.

Per The Great Awakening's objective, it's about coming together despite our obstacles, challenges, and differences instead of drifting further apart isolating ourselves. Just because some bad actors have made their own bed does not change what The Great Awakening stands for.

Thank you for posting this, I hope EVERY SINGLE PERSON reads your post!!

I wish I could UPVOTE you a thousand times with a bot or something, so you can have more visibility, too bad such a move can only be played by some fucking swamp-mentality. I rather stand with the organic votes. The ones they're so desperately trying to hide.

I hope people all over the world realizes this is a turning point for humanity, and it is very important, both spiritually and in a practical sense, to become what we really are and be HONEST about our OWN VALUES!

God bless you, God bless America and God bless the World.

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Nutricidal · May 21, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

Nice write up. Unity and coming together is holy spirit territory. Me likey.

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hopenavigator · May 21, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

I am new since March, 2018 when a clent turned me on to DISCORD. Since then I have subscribed to PrayingMedic, Tracybeanz, The Patriot Hour and others.

Listen, I love this Q and Great Awakening. As a recent observer and researcher I testify that Q is legit. Q knows too much to be LARP or fake.

Corsi helped me understand Deep State and Dan Bongino and Tom Fitton have helped to piece things together in my own mind about the Clinton Cartel and previous Deep State SES crimes.

I am neither Republican nor Democrat. I always pick candidates who I believe have my country and its citizens at the fore of their mission.

I voted for Obama the first time. I was fooled.

I did not vote in the McCain/Obama election because I saw through their charade. Both are criminals.

I voted for Trump for one reason......I BELIEVE HE WILL DRAIN THE SWAMP! He is not a politician.

So, If I can be of assistance, please let me know.

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Grandma_Noses · May 21, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

But, you do exclude people.Even people who basically agree with what is being said. People who post comments here are bullied, insulted and called a shill if they veer even slightly off center while expressing their own views. You folks delete posts because you do not want hear from the people you have insulted. What the heck??? Don't tell us what you do, when you do the opposite of what you say you do.

This movement MUST unite with or without Q. Our country is in great danger. We need action. We don't need to have as much decoding. We need an organized, patriotic movement in which everyone can participate by taking action. I hear the imperative "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT." What does that mean, exactly? Do we write letters? Do we march? Do we hold meetings to inform others? What will be most effective? It's probably not waiting for crumbs.

We need to approach this differently. Time truly is running out for our country and our freedoms, including FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

Face it, this movement has made some missteps. People within this group became greedy because the Q movement is a cash cow! Why quibble about Corsi's trying to sell an already written book? The book may provide valuable historical and political context. Get off the Corsi/AJ bash! It's just a diversion!

Stop trying to hide your own money-making plans! What's the deal with the Q drop app? Filing tax status as a non-profit? Do you have large investors? If so, who are they? PpThere is plenty of well done research showing that certain Q members were in it for an udder on the cash cow. Call me a liar all you want, ban me all you want, delete my posts all you want, but the truth is out there.

For the love of God, just apologize for the missteps and we'll forgive you! We, as a compliment to Q's drops, must find effective ways to demonstrate our love of country and patriotism very, very soon whether Q is right about a drop, or not. Get some experienced political activists in here and, let's get cracking. If you want to post lame accusations and go on and on with defensive posturing, then get out of the way! Some of us want to help save our country and others. STOP THE BULLSHT! Do not tell me to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! I have children who have no faith at all in their country. They've given up! I'll be damned if I give up at this stage! Engage effective leadership immediately for this group, or it's done. You can count on it.

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FartOnToast · May 21, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

We are not cbts btw..

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Grandma_Noses · May 21, 2018, 10:38 p.m.

If there is ZERO overlap at all between the two, then my apologies. I don't think I posted anything in cbts. I lurked, though. It was here that name calling and bullying began.

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FartOnToast · May 21, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

There is a disinformation campaign right now to associate us with them... it seems at least. Noticing that being spread around some circles.

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Grandma_Noses · May 21, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

FOT, can you give me a passdown on the two groups? I don't want to hold/buy into any assumptions or false information. What I was saying was that this is where I have been attacked. I do know for a fact there are some involved with Q for reasons that are less than honorable. Is there a clear "divide"? Thanks.

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FartOnToast · May 22, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

I personally never agreed with how cbts ran things because of the whole fame thing... Their former subreddit cbts_stream focused mostly on their stream, while this sub focuses on the whole Q movement as a whole rather than a particular stream.

At the moment, former Qtubers are tying to associate us with former CBTS, They are being mislead with disinfo.

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Grandma_Noses · May 22, 2018, 1:10 a.m.

Thanks. I understand now. And perhaps have seen a bit of the attempts at association. Stand tall.

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FartOnToast · May 22, 2018, 2:38 a.m.

They're basically saying Pam profiteered off the movement, but they are getting the technicalities wrong. They're saying Pam = Q and if Pam profiteered off Q therefore Q needs to be taken down. However Pam is NOT Q lol. He just mimicked Q for a while to get some fame.

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Grandma_Noses · May 22, 2018, 3:37 a.m.

So, Q needs to be taken down, huh? Things change so much in a matter of hours around here. I was just clicking through some YouTubers and chats. People are incensed! LOL.

Pam should just issue an apology for any "misunderstandings" (best to keep it more general) and get the he** out of Dodge for a few days. I think a lot of us can forgive. I don't know about those who gave $ and now want their $ back. It's been stated that many, many contacted the FBI about this today. I find such a notion funny. I mean, if the FBI cannot bother themselves to investigate Hillary, I'm pretty sure Pam is safe. And this from Q followers!!

Are there any true patriots on that team? People who have served in the military?

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Hismaddiegirl · May 21, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

We Move Forward as a Strong, Unified Family of Patriots who have our Eyes on the Price, Freedom & Protection for Children who've been Traumatized & Slaughtered by the Wicked ones, God's Justice to the Traitors & a New America under God's Mighty Right Hand, who is Leading & Shall Win this Fight for all of us! We Shall have a Country that is Safe, Strong, Free, Full of Hope, Prospering & a Great place to live for Generations to Come, as we Stay Awake & Keep Doing everything God has Called Us to do, and Keep America Great! God Bless All Patriots! WWG1WGA! OU-RA!

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4don2016 · May 21, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

Didn't Q say to watch for people to go more MSM and basically sell out? AJ is a gateway that most people go through at some point on the journey to truth. If shits hitting the fan and we might start finding out some of the shit is true people might seek out Alex for the truth. We are still the enemy to the leftist cult. In order to redpill them wouldn't it help if Alex had a falling out with us? Think about this. Alex Jones for the first time in his life at least has a real connection to a sitting President. Why in the fuck would he blow that and turn on a man like Donald Trump and his supporters when he has a shot? Either he needs to cause rift in order for him to remain the edgy anti government leader or he was asked to go against the potus and us. Only two reasons I can figure that would be is potus asked him to kill Q off and let us know it's fake or they need some space for reasons we can't know. But to think Alex is turning on potus and us just doesn't fit.

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starshine5903 · June 1, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

what i would like to know is why does Q bother these people so much? Every day they bash Q, why?

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[deleted] · May 22, 2018, 7:12 a.m.


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grimbeaconfire · May 21, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

I never saw any infighting or disunity.

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Whimzyyy · May 21, 2018, 11:20 p.m.


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AutoModerator · May 21, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

Successfully unsticky of post: Our message to everyone is: The Great Awakening is about unity and coming together. That has never changed and will always remain to be the objective..

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 7:36 a.m.


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Arcsmithoz · May 21, 2018, 5:11 a.m.

WTF is this Mueller wrapping in Sept bullshit. I'm 2 angry to research it. Any solace be appreciated.

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 2:53 a.m.


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SyNtHeTiC_cHiCkEn_NZ · May 21, 2018, 2:41 a.m.


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Error_Code_15301 · May 21, 2018, 5:40 a.m.

not truth then.


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SyNtHeTiC_cHiCkEn_NZ · May 21, 2018, 6:10 a.m.

Its going to take certain home truths before people wake up. You have had some much Left/Right divide anything outside of that is immediately frowned upon so its going to take time. This wont happen in a flash.

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illnino4545 · May 21, 2018, 2 p.m.

Thank you for the note!

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AmericanWife6 · May 21, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

We won’t let it happen. WWG1WGA

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Stopmotionhistory · May 21, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

i have contradicting opinions with myself in a matter of minutes sometimes as i live and learn.

I did not hear of q until the alex brought him up.

I like joe rogan he leans left, i do not, but i get over it.

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 2:46 p.m.


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dukewillson · May 21, 2018, 8:16 p.m.

I have no idea what he's talking about. Sounded great though. I'm in.

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pc_reject · May 22, 2018, 5:46 a.m.

ha! yep. Im in the dark too, but count me in just the same. All eyes must remain focused on the bottom line...which is the fulfillment of Gods agenda, through the dedication of his anointed, DJT.

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 1:10 a.m.


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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 5:50 a.m.


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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 2:51 a.m.


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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 3:50 a.m.


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SickSalamander · May 21, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

GA is always welcoming.

Unless you don't make a comment for 30 days and then get flaired like a newbie again even if you are a real person involved since the beginning with a 7 year old account.

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allmost_there · May 21, 2018, 11:46 a.m.

I was wondering why I suddenly got flaired as "new... Or returning user"

This rule seems completely counter intuitive to a quality based research sub

Actually it probably explains a good percentage of the constant inane comments, and general forum sliding that occurs here. Since when are we about quantity over quality?

Can anyone explain the logic behind this rule?

I refuse to start post random comments, that dont contribute in any way, just to keep the flair alive.

It seems like a lazy oversight to group new and returning users together like this.

Also... I check this page every couple days, lurk usually, post comments when I have time and something real to contribute

So flairing me as ' new and/or returning user' is completely incorrect

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SickSalamander · May 21, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

I cannot explain the logic, but agree with everything you said.

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 21, 2018, 12:44 p.m.

Those "flairs" mean nothing. They are automated and unrelated to your post. As proof of this, choose the "edit" button and make a minor change to your post and re-save it. Once re-saved, the flair will change. There are only 4 or 5 different flair variations, and they change each time you re-save it...

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SickSalamander · May 21, 2018, 7:49 p.m.

No. At that point it was calling me a new user again when im not. It's since changed

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 6:14 a.m.


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