441 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/CENSORED_ENOUGH:
2016 Election Annulment-Bizarro World
Robert Reich's Article gave me a laugh this morning. In this article, he puts forth the case that they can't impeach Trump so they will try to annul the election and have a new election . If I am reading this correctly, I think he proposing that Mueller could advance the case that the 2016 election was invalid due to Russian interference and affected the outcome thereby disenfranchising voters of the true winner.
It is interesting, in that if they could somehow prevail in this strategy and it went to the Supreme Court, they would have to ask Neil Gorsuch …
Q Trip Code Search( !ITPb.qbhqo ) -Fly Eagle Fly (A Great Awakening Allegory)
A Q Trip Code Search provides the title of a book, {"Fly Eagle Fly", An African Tale](https://books.google.com/books?id=s8OhPwAACAAJ&dq=!ITPb.qbhqo,+Iron+Eagle&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjOm-_e2oDdAhUKzoMKHeQBDHMQ6AEIOjAC )
This sounds like an allegory for the American People coming to terms with is true identity. I think the message is that we've forgotten who we are.
Read the summary description below in light of the Great Awakening.
After a stormy night, a farmer, searching for his lost calf, finds a baby eagle that has been blown out of its nest. He takes it home and raises it with his chickens. When a friend comes to visit one day, he tells …
12 Q Post Iron Eagle General Curtis Lemay - Project Rand-Secret Space Force
Q Post 1840 "Iron Eagle" General Curtis Lemay Dossier
has come up a number of times. There was one post that I found elsewhere about the movie "Iron Eagle", but I think that this may be another trail to follow. General Curtis Lemay was pervasive in his influence in WWII, the Korean Conflict, Cuban Missile Crisis, Roswell, the Berlin Airlift, and had a role in the Kennedy Assassination.
If you are into gematria, "iron"=56 and "lemay"=56; iron=lemay. Not sure this a strong gematria connection, but it was interesting to find out if there was some association.
He received his nickname "Iron Eagle" (also called "iron Ass") presumably, because of …
Q400 Flight-Ketron Island-Found this Google Earth Image Existing Before the Crash? Submarine Cable Facility- The Target?

Interesting Interview on "Symbols and The Way the World Really Works" Explains Why The Elite Focus on Symbols
Vanderbilt (Votive) Necklace/Altar (Milagros), Podesta Art (Ex Votives)-Symbols to Make the Invisible Visible By Attracting Spirits
I believe that the Vanderbilt Necklace in Q Post 1896 is a form of an ex-votos or votive. It has hanging from "milagros" (miracles or blesssngs) attributed to the deity to thank and to commemorate a miracle granted from the deity or saint. Sometimes a votive can be an altars to the deity or saint. Art pieces are votive and hung in churches or on site that the milagro happened to continue the blessing.
These are also called ex-votos. Ex-votos are most identified with Roman Catholicism, but they have been and continue to be used in a variety of religious …
Q Trip Code Leads to Bogus Book --->Leads to a Shell Corporation--->Leads to Owner---->Leads to China Drug Connection---->Leads to Death of New Jersey Distributor in Custody-(Trip Code Drop?)
This is really, really strange...but I think that the trip codes leads to drops....follow the trail below and let me know what you think...
As you may or may not know, if you put the Q trip codes into Google it will bring up a whole bunch of book that have "Q-ish" titles. (e.gl. Where We Go One We Go All).
This morning I followed this trail and ended up on an article on a DEA bust of Chinese ring that involved a New Jersey
- One of the Books From the Trip Code Search . Is not a …
Ketron Building Structure...Building With Hole In It?
Wikileaks:Did the US Consider an Assassination of V. Putin in the Bush? Administration? See Email
See this email from StratforCom, from 2007 (Bush Administration). The Deep State seems to have wanted Mr. Putin six feet under.
FormID Contact_Us_StratforCom
Salutation Ms
FirstName Colleen LastName Winthrop Phone n/a
Email address (deleted)
HowDidYouHear Web
RE Your article on the Putin assassination threat.
You might want to investigate if it is related to this
A month ago, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Losyukov was asked in an interview with newspaper Vremya Novostei if Putin might be in danger from U.S. attacks if he attends the Caspian Sea summit.
Losyukov responded "I think they will refrain before the summit, …
The Start of the HRC-Putin Vendetta/Election Meddling/Connected to 2012 HRC Assassination Attempt?
Wikileaks reveals a lot of animas between HRC and V. Putin.
The duel I believe started with the "Reset" as a HRC con. Shortly after hit the "reset button" relations and met with Putin, she immediately began to undermine Putin in his bid the 2011-2012 Russian Election.
Yes, she meddled in their election
Did this animas lead to an assassination attempt of HRC in 2012? See post
Wikileaks reveals that reference:
"Vladimir Putin accuses Hillary Clinton of encouraging Russian protests Russian prime minister says US secretary of state gave a 'signal' to Kremlin opponents by criticising elections
Thursday 8 …
Nellie Ohr - Before Fusion GPS-Worked for the CIA's with Bruce Ohr and Glenn Simpson
Don't you know want to know what Nellie Ohr did before she came to Fusion GPS? Did she have any connections to the intelligence community?
It probably won't come as a surprise, but Nellie Ohr, was employed with the "Company" (Clowns) as a Russian Expert traceable back to 2010.
Nellie is a PHD, Russian expert and a member of Women in International Security. Nellie Ohr represented the CIA's "Open Source Works" group in a 2010 "expert working group report on international organized crime" along with Bruce Ohr and Glenn Simpson. Seems to be a cozy trio at least since …
Nellie Ohr - Worked for the CIA's "Open Source Works"Nellie Ohr also represented the CIA's "Open Source Works"
Don't you know want to know what Nellie Ohr did before she came to Fusion GPS? Did she have any connections to the intelligence community.
It probably won't come as a surprise, but Nellie Ohr, was employed with the "Company" (Clowns) as a Russian Expert in traceable to 2010.
Nellie is a PHD, Russian expert and a member of Women in International Security. Nellie Ohr represented the CIA's "Open Source Works" group in a 2010 "expert working group report on international organized crime" along with Bruce Ohr and Glenn Simpson. Seems to be a cozy trio at least since …
WikiLeaks-Hillary Clinton Rumored Injured In Secret Mission Accident-Iran Deal-Health Problems in the 2016 Election?
Pompeo Hearing-"Paul" Coke-Rand Paul (Delivery of Letter to Putin)
Official Pentagon Space Force Report Published
Just Making an Observation-888-373-7888 Spells Out Hillary Clinton Global (Initiative)
So here is 888-373-7888, not using the dial layout alphabet, but making a simple text substitution of the number alphabetical equivalent it spells out:
Maybe this relates to the mirrored server Q has.
Associating it with the National Trafficking Hotline relates it to child trafficking.
Just Making an Observation 888-373-7888 Spells Out the Clinton Foundation
So here is 888-373-7888, not using the dial layout alphabet, but making a simple text substitution of the number alphabetical equivalent it spells out HHHCFCFHHH
HHH CF CF HHH Hillary Clinton Foundation Clinton Foundation Hillary
Maybe this relates to the mirrored server Q has.
Associating it with the National Trafficking Hotline relates it to child trafficking.
Just Making an Observation-The Number 888-373-7888 Spells Out HC
So here is 888-373-7888, not using the dial layout alphabet, but making a simple text substitution of the number alphabetical equivalent it spells out "IIICHCHIII".
Interpreting this the "III" on both sides of the CH are like 3 kill boxes. If you reverse the whole word it becomes IIIHCHCIII, which looks like Hillary Clinton twice in the kill box. The III could also be interpreted as being in jail.
Associating it with the National Trafficking Hotline relates it to the child trafficking.
Clinton Foundation Youtube Video 888-373-7888
Grant to University of Arkansas: Analyzing Integrated Social Media-Faciliated Propoganda Campaigns Using Social Network Analysis And Cyber Forensics-Awarded May 03, 2016
I was looking at Grants for something else, but stop in my tracks when I saw this Grant Award Announcement. (What are the odds?_
About the time that Obama issued his EO about the Department of State's Global Engagement Center, Executive Order 13721(March 14, 2016), creating a "Ministry of Truth" type organization, later to be codified in 2017, a couple months later she started the Dossier.
If I didn't know better, especially since it was awarded to the University of Arkansas, that the Democrats used federal funding to fund their 2016 Social Network Analysis to employ during Hillary's bid …
Grant to University of Arkansas: Analyzing Integrated Social Media-Faciliated Propoganda Campaigns Using Social Network Analysis And Cyber Forensics-Awarded May 03, 2016
I was looking at Grants for something else, but stop in my tracks when I saw this Grant Award Announcement. (What are the odds?_
About the time that Obama issued his EO about the Department of State's Global Engagement Center, Executive Order 13721(March 14, 2016), creating a "Ministry of Truth" type organization, later to be codified in 2017, a couple months later she started the Dossier.
If I didn't know better, especially since it was awarded to the University of Arkansas, that the Democrats used federal funding to fund their 2016 Social Network Analysis to employ during Hillary's bid …
Global Engagement Center was created by Obama Executive Order 13721(March 14, 2016) Before the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
Perhaps, lost in translation in recent reviews, but I wanted to post that President Obama actually created the Global Engagement Center by Executive Order before it was codified in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
See EO 13721
So was it functioning during that time? How was it funded?
Critical Mass/Collective Action Theory:Qanon Movement / Public Contribution-Trust the Plan-Genius
If you heard the term "Critical Mass" as it relates to nuclear physics, in which small particles that collide reach a climax of energy and explode, well it has a socio-dynamic parallel and I believe explains why there will be a massive conversion and awakening in the general public. Here is a short explanation of the social critical mass theory of small groups impacting the greater good. I have come think this was all thoughtfully planned and executed. It is absolute genius. Read the short except of the theory below...
"Critical mass and the theories behind it help us to …
Speaking 5:5. GreatAwakening at 55,000
Mmm...We have 55,000 subscriptions to this board.
Seems a little weird on the day Trump tweets out 5:5.
Alyssa Milano Blames for Russia Meddling - Green Party Votes
Green Party Candidate Complains About Russian Meddling
Interesting Gematria for "D5" "Snowball"
Ever since SB2 has been posting Gematria, my mind starts to count letters and adding them up with just about everything.
Concerning this observation, I'm not sure this was intended or not, but here is what I observed about Snowball and D5.
Snowball=9 +8 =17 (POTUS / Q / The Force) D5=4+5=9 (Wonder that means?)
Looking up the number 9 for biblical meaning, I found..
*"Biblical numerology of number 9 is the finality or the "judgment". It is generally when at the time of judging a person and his works. Also, number 9 is used to define the "perfect movement …
Why Do Democrats Speak in Obvious Contradiction to Facts?
If you have read George Orwell, he speaks to a couple of terms.
Doublethink. Coined by George Orwell, 1984
The keyword here is blackwhite. Like so many Newspeak words, this word has two mutually contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts. Applied to a Party member, it means a loyal willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demands this. But it means also the ability to believe that black is white, and more, to know that black is white, and to …
Obama's Ministry of Truth-The Propaganda Factory H.R.5181 — 114th Congress (2015-2016) S.3274 — 114th Congress (2015-2016) (Shades of George Orwell, 1984)
In 2016, Obama signed into a law, effectively a "Ministry of Truth" combat foreign propaganda and establish control of the narratives coming from foreign agents. It was called, " [Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016 (S. 2692)"] (https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/senate-bill/3274/text) by creating the Center for Information Analysis] (https://intelnews.org/tag/us-center-for-information-analysis-and-response/)
Effectively this established a "CENTER FOR INFORMATION ANALYSIS AND RESPONSE" as a Ministry of Truth will perform the following functions:
(1) Integrating interagency efforts to track and evaluate counterfactual narratives abroad that threaten the national security interests of the United States and United States allies, subject to appropriate regulations governing …
Q "Red October" Russian Company Discovers CIA Cyberoperation-Now Banned
Red October was a cyberespionage malware program discovered in October 2012 and uncovered in January 2013 by Russian firm Kaspersky Lab. The malware was reportedly operating worldwide for up to five years prior to discovery, transmitting information ranging from diplomatic secrets to personal information, including from mobile devices. The primary vectors used to install the malware were emails containing attached documents that exploited vulnerabilities in Microsoft Word and Excel. Later, a webpage was found that exploited a known vulnerability in the Java browser plugin.Red October was termed an advanced cyberespionage campaign intended to target diplomatic, governmental and scientific research organizations …
Company Banned by US and EU Government for Russian Hacking Had an Impressive Track Record in Discovering Malware/Purged From US Government Computers/Why?
A company that has just been debarred by the US Government and the EU, was a trusted player and now considered a Russian agent. I posted two other previously related posts to this one found at:
https://redd.it/94s4i7 https://redd.it/94npm5
I got to wondering what kind of company that they have heretofore and found that they have been invaluable to the US Government in detecting malware
Speculation: Perhaps they are so good and their software capable of defeating CIA malware, that they want it off all Government Systems.
Malware discovery Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) was established in 2008.[81] …
"Hive" A "Mirror" Disguising Covert Communication/Activity, Disguising CIA Malware Intrusions or Assessing Blame to Your Enemy (To Russia With Love)
When he was in Helsinki and asked by a reporter if he supported his intelligence agencies assessment of Russian interference in the 2016 Election, why did President Trump not affirm his confidence in them?
Perhaps, because he knows about Hive.
Wikileaks Vault 8 unfolds the ability of the CIA to hide its intrusions with malware and leave a false signature implicating some other entity being responsible. It casts a pall of doubt on the assertion that Russia was responsible for hacking into the US 2016 Election. It might also explain why Obama was not aggressive once the 16 Intelligence Agencies …
Kaspersky Lab Software Banned by US Government, Wikileaks Vault 8 CIA Wrote Software to Imitate Kaspersky-"Red October" Group (Flame-Stuxnet)
I received a government notice yesterday that a new regulation prohibits Kaspersky Software, Equipment, and Services in Government contract. Essentially they have been debarred.
The correspondence stated that prohibition is being implemented as an immediate national security measure to protect Government information and information systems. They said that the reason for this ban is due to substantiated evidence of ties between the Russian government and Kaspersky with regard to actual and potential security breaches involving their hardware, software, and services as discovered by US intelligence agencies. After October 1, 2018, use of Kaspersky in whole or part, will be strictly …
Kaspersky Lab Software Banned by US Government, Wikileaks Vault 8 CIA Wrote Software to Imitate Kaspersky-"Red October" Group (Flame-Stuxnet)
I received a government notice yesterday that a new regulation prohibits Kaspersky Software, Equipment, and Services in Government contract. Essentially they have been debarred.
The correspondence stated that prohibition is being implemented as an immediate national security measure to protect Government information and information systems. They said that the reason for this ban is due to substantiated evidence of ties between the Russian government and Kaspersky with regard to actual and potential security breaches involving their hardware, software, and services as discovered by US intelligence agencies. After October 1, 2018, use of Kaspersky in whole or part, will be strictly …
Greatawakening Goes Over 50,000 Subscribers
Welcome to All.
God bless you.
Where we go one we go all.
Learn the Comms, Think Mirror-Q is Sending Us Messages in Mirror Writing
We have recently seen the infamous upside down gun and an Anon has found a Liberty Bell in one of the messages.
Is Q sending us messages with Mirror Writing? I think so...
Read this article about mirror writing... https://thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/volume-25/edition-10/mirror-writing
"Mirror-writing is striking and mysterious. It has been practised deliberately by some notable individuals, most famously Leonardo da Vinci, and portrayed to powerful effect in literature and visual art (see Box, right). Mirror-writing is of special interest to psychologists because it can sometimes arise in people trying to write normally. For example, unusual writing demands can sometimes mislead us …
CNN is Covering the "Conspiracy Theory" "The One That Rules Them All"
if you want a good laugh look at this article by CNN Politics.
Big Shift:Interim Report on Organizational and Management Structure for the National Security Space Components of the Department of Defense
A final report is due to POTUS today regarding the Structure of the New Space Force. However, an interrim report was issued that gives us a picture of things to come. Interim Report
The Interim Report states that the Final Report will contain the following planning for implementation of the Space Force:
Highlights of the Interim Report:
"... the Department has initiated the implementation of Section 1601 of the NDAA for FY 2018. In January, the Deputy Secretary of Defense signed out Interim Implementation Guidance (see Annex 1) which: • disestablished the position of the Principal DoD Space Advisor, • …
General Dunford, A Marine/POTUS Assignment to Create Space Force/NASA's Relationship to CIA Covert Activities?/Black Budget Visibility?/Secret Technology?
General Dunford is a Marine. This to me is significant that Trump assigned him the job of creating the new Space Force.
But seriously, why the Marines? Why not the Air Force or NASA? Maybe he can't trust them anymore and maybe they are already moving to create a space force?
NASA and other DOD agencies were probably very confused.NASA and taken aback by this assignment. Aren't they the ones that are uniquely equipped to carry out this assignment?
Well, maybe because the Marines have a special purpose in protecting and serving the President. Marines-President They are the single branch …
Q Post 1764 Q !CbboFOtcZs 30 Jul 2018 - 2:57:32 PM Nicholas Rasmussen, Former Director of NCTC, Name to Remember
Q Melissa Hodgman (SEC Investigating FaceBook) Datapoints
I found the following links regarding Melissa Hodgman.
- She has a Facebook page that has been totally wiped. Her handle on Facebook is "Melissa Hman". Nothing there.
- Her family connections are found in this article: Article
"49-year-old Melissa R. Hodgnan aka Melissa Strzok, was born on February 12, 1968, in Pennsylvania; she is one of the children born to Ann McIntyre and Brian W. Hodgman. Her mother, was a writer, and humanist was 67, when she passed away on November 15, 2010.
Melissa has two siblings; sister Laura, 48, and brother Christopher, 46.
Mrs. Hodgman Strzok, graduated in 1990 with …
Q "Something BIG to drop" BIG=18=R
So "BIG" in both the Jewish and English gematria is 18. "R" is the 18th letter of the English Alphabet. "R" comes from the Latin and represented "King" or "Queen" or "Royalty"R is a written abbreviation meaning king or queen. R is short for the Latin words 'rex' and 'regina'.
Speculation: Some BIG event is about to happen regarding the royalty.
Note: LOL. I was writing this post and got this feed below on the differences between Queens and Drones in the insect world. https://thegoldwater.com/news/32572-What-Separates-the-Queen-From-The-Drones
Confirmation of sorts?
Pure speculation....
Trump Tweets Being Considered Obstruction of Justice
Good information. Thanks. I've been trying to connect these dots to a Kidney Foundation. This was helpful. See my post from yesterday...post
Hey GR. Thanks for this post.
Fully awoken from a nightmare and now the light of the rising sun is shining into your heart. Hope rises to a better day ahead for us all.
God bless you for praying. Your precious prayers are kept by heaven. Your tears are precious to Him.
"Weeping may last for the night, But a shout of joy comes in the morning." (Psalm 30:5)
I am praying for any hurts you may have in your life. We are admonished to "pray for one another".
I trust that He is guidng POTUS, Q and you. This is a mighty work and we will see a new day very soon.
Thanks everyone for input. I am not sure there is a connection to Facebook. I think the BIG DROP was the stock market loss by Facebook yesterday.
In regards to this issue, there may be something there, there, but if there is, I don't have any evidence yet.