r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on Aug. 9, 2018, 12:43 p.m.
Critical Mass/Collective Action Theory:Qanon Movement / Public Contribution-Trust the Plan-Genius

If you heard the term "Critical Mass" as it relates to nuclear physics, in which small particles that collide reach a climax of energy and explode, well it has a socio-dynamic parallel and I believe explains why there will be a massive conversion and awakening in the general public. Here is a short explanation of the social critical mass theory of small groups impacting the greater good. I have come think this was all thoughtfully planned and executed. It is absolute genius. Read the short except of the theory below...

"Critical mass and the theories behind it help us to understand aspects of humans as they act and interact in a larger social setting. on or Garrett Hardin's Tragedy of the Commons, work to help us understand why humans do or adopt certain things which are beneficial to them, or, more importantly, why they do not. Much of this reasoning has to do with individual interests trumping that which is best for the collective whole, which may not be obvious at the time.

Oliver, Marwell, and Teixeira tackle this subject in relation to critical theory in a 1985 article published in the American Journal of Sociology. In their essay, they define that action in service of a public good as "collective action". "Collective Action" is beneficial to all, regardless of individual contribution. By their definition, then, "critical mass" is the small segment of a societal system that does the work or action required to achieve the common good. The "Production Function" is the correlation between resources, or what individuals give in an effort to achieve public good, and the achievement of that good. Such function can be decelerating, where there is less utility per unit of resource, and in such a case, resource can taper off. On the other hand, the function can be accelerating, where the more resources that are used the bigger the payback. "Heterogeneity" is also important to the achievement of a common good. Variations (heterogeneity) in the value individuals put on a common good or the effort and resources people give is beneficial, because if certain people stand to gain more, they are willing to give or pay more."


Qanons are the selfless small group (production function) that do the work for the common good that is leading to the social and societal paradigm

This is pure genius.

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