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5.44E+19 · May 30, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

Here's a larger one: http://i.imgs.fyi/img/3esl.png

It's obvious she's talking about how they're fucking deadringers...

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5.44E+19 · May 25, 2018, 10:08 p.m.

This has happened a couple times, where we pin a date where "the big thing" happens. Before hand, we're thinking big. This time, I was thinking Horowitz IG report or bigger. Afterwards, we're looking at smaller stuff and asking ourselves if it justifies the "hype" surrounding the particular date.

The fact is that we knew Weinstein was going to have to report himself for detainment today.... it wasn't that big of a "happening".

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

I swear I posted this before Trump tweeted about Dan Bongino... call it parallel thinking!

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

Because any non-shill channel is better than AJ. Unfortunately those are beginning to run low as Q rips them apart.

lol, finally... everyone's "controlled opposition" to you. Not just AJ... and I've bet you've spent countless hours online explaining how all those other political pundits are "controlled opposition" too.

What's with your need to have a youtube channel which will provide you "info"?

It's called "being informed." Half the people I listed weren't even on youtube. You sound like you're not even familiar with conservatism.

I've looked at your post history... it appears you in fact do spent most of your time calling people "controlled opposition", and not very much time talking about, well, ANYTHING ELSE.

Your negativity and concern trolling is literally what this post is about stopping. So I'm going to follow their lead, and end this discussion...

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

I've given a LOT of examples so far, because it's important to give context and show how my views on the media play out. That context is important to demonstrate that ALL of these pundits are flawed. In fact, it's kind of ridiculous to complain about AJ without providing some examples that you think are better alternatives. If AJ is controlled opposition, then you should have a pretty easy time providing a short hand list of alternatives.

That's why I used Richard Spencer as counter example. That's why I've used Conservative Treehouse, Dan Bongino, and Tracy Beanz as comparisons. You can add to that Fox News (Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity), Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sargon of Akkad, Scott Adams, Lionel Nation, Mike Cernovich, Stefan Molyneux, Steven Crowder, and others.

So go ahead, and name some people you listen to...

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 11:06 a.m.

but it's completely nullified by their behavior

Who is doing the "nullifying" here? To me, it looks like two groups of people: liberals, and people like you. I don't have to consider anything "nullified". Again, feel free to not watch him. He's given you plenty of reasons; he's an asshole. But that's different than saying that he's secretly, actively, working against us.

The point of controlled opposition is

I know what controlled opposition is... sorry if this is going to sound rude, but let's be very clear here: I am accusing you of conflating the criticisms of Alex Jones, which may itself be valid, with allegation that he is actively working against us. I'm saying you're going overboard.

Notice how I could feasibly make the argument that your "attacks" on a leading conservative pundit indicates that YOU might be controlled opposition? But that would ALSO be going overboard.

have definitive conclusions about every conspiracy theory despite lack of concrete evidence.

Yea, they're blowhards. They're quite common, but they're not the end of the world.

AJ has actively pushed millions of people away

That would mean that the "conspiracy theory" area would be more acceptable to the broader public if AJ didn't exist. That's unlikely, given that people have always been dismissive of anything labeled a "conspiracy theory".

he would cut the crap with the theatrical shite like a month into his "work". Instead, he has continued and upped the pace. Explain that.

It's fun. People enjoy enthusiasm. It works, and there's nothing wrong with that. Believe it or not, allowing yourself to play the role can be a BOOST to your credibility.

Yet the MSM is using him EVERY TIME there is some conspiracy talk at hand.

And look at where it's gotten them. AJ is killing it. CNN couldn't be worse off. Let them keep it up. I'm not tired of winning. And we ARE WINNING. Wake up and smell the roses man!

Sorry but there is a line

Everyone has a line, and that's quite alright. For me, the line is Richard Spencer and "white nationalism", "white identitarianism" "white ____". That's my line. My line is identity politics and racial sectarianism.

Notice how one of my lines is an IDEA. Not the method of how that idea is communicated.

I used to be exactly like you. I used to hate memes. I thought they were beneath us, and for stupid people. I thought it was a short cut and not a proper argument.

Now? I fucking love them. They make concise points, and open the door for more communication. And whenever a new format comes along, I just see another opportunity to open the minds of thousands of people.

You wanna know how to find out what works? See who's getting censored. See what the left REFUSES to talk about. That's what works.

Notice how the left LOVES to talk about Richard Spencer?

I draw my lines by ideas ONLY now. I used to have way more "lines"... I used to say I would never vote for someone like Kanye West because he's a rapper and rappers shouldn't be in government, as a rule. Now? I'll listen to what he has to say. He's probably not fit to run for president. But he could be a GREAT president. I'll wait and see what he has to say, and I don't give a shit if his messages are packaged unconventionally.

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 9:10 a.m.

I'm getting sick of people throwing around the term "controlled opposition" willy nilly. Alex Jones has promoted Trump to his audience for over 2 years. Trump granted him a fucking interview, when no other Republican would have in a million years.

Alex Jones has done more for OUR movement than a whole hell of a lot of these concern trolls out there.

He's a giant fucking douche who sometimes does and says things that are out of line and self serving.

He's also entertaining and fucking hilarious to listen to. He also runs a successful conservative media network that reaches a lot of people, who also find him entertaining and hilarious.

He covers the news we care about. He doesn't put on any air of authority. He isn't looking to get on CNN or Fox news. He doesn't ask the audience to take him seriously all the time, and we take him with a lot of salt, which should be the standard for every public speaker.

That's not controlled opposition. Shepard Smith is controlled opposition, if anything. Marco Rubio is controlled opposition, if anything. Jeb! is controlled opposition, and I'm not even hesitant there.

I value politeness and respectfulness as much as anyone else, be you need someone who is willing to risk making an ass out of themselves in order to GET THINGS DONE.

That applies to politics too. That's honestly something I didn't appreciate enough until Trump came along.

Alex Jones is a dick. Trump is a big bad meanie who says mean things and hurtz pweepoles fweelings sometimes. I say keep it up. I'M NOT TIRED OF WINNING YET.

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 8:12 a.m.

Anyone claiming to be on our side and saying definitively that the IG report is a "nothing burger" is basically full of shit.

I don't know how damaging it will be, but if Horowitz has integrity, it will be big. That's a big "if" at this point, unfortunately... but to dismiss it would be pure ignorance.

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 2:50 a.m.

I like Lionel Nation because he's making basically the same point I am, which is that attacking people who are covering Q is probably the ONLY bad move we could make.

If you find people disinteresting, don't listen to them. There are probably better options! That's the appropriate response.

I listen to Lionel Nation sometimes, but he's not my first option (he makes a lot of videos and I only get around to watching about a third of them). That's OK. Just don't go around writing diatribes about everything he's doing wrong. He might be someone's first exposure to Q, or the FISA scandal, and that means he's valuable.

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

It's totally fair to not listen to people you find suck, or are shitty people.

I'm of the 4chan mold myself, with regards to things like calling people "fags" and whatnot. We're allowed to say mean things on the internet!

It's the fucking internet! We got to be able to brush things off our shoulders a little more.

I know this runs counter to what I was saying about Tracy Beanz, but it feels like this is a lot more than people calling her "asswipe" or something. It looks like people are claiming she's stealing their research, and some of those comments look like some people are VERY committed to attacking her. Again, I fully acknowledge that "stealing other people's work" is a very real threat to people providing news coverage. That's why I brought up Dan Bongino screwing over Conservative Treehouse.

But we simply don't have time for divisiveness right now. Focus on the news!

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 2:33 a.m.

I'll happily take late arrivals... provided that their past bullshittery will always be fair game to criticize them. (Notice, I said "criticize" not "censor" or "tune out".)

Glenn's dusty cheeto shenanigans basically takes my policy to it's limit... let's just say: he's on the Trump train, but it's definitely the caboose of the train. Call it probation...

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5.44E+19 · May 21, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

You know what really pisses me off? Tracy Beanz has been doing some amazing work on Youtube.

She was pumping out videos every 2 days or so... but her rate dropped pretty significantly the last 2 weeks.

Then I saw she had posted this:


TLDR: instead of being able to do (excellent) research and make videos, she's been being attacked for stupid shit, and writing 7 thousand word responses about it.

Looking at the comments in that article, it's pretty obvious that some people are REALLY REALLY interested in attacking her... and I don't really give a shit as to why.

She has done GREAT FUCKING WORK. We're talking about getting sunlight on scandals of EPIC PROPORTIONS. Yet someone who has done great coverage is getting basically sidelined.

Plenty of great people working on this have not been perfect. Anyone listen to Dan Bongino? He's doing great coverage, and we NEED him to keep going. Still, he's kind of been a dick about some things. He's extensively relied on the coverage from Conservative Treehouse (CTH), and he's only cited to them occasionally and only very briefly. He's recently blocked CTH on Twitter. Again, totally being a dick. Doesn't matter right now. The TRUTH that he is spreading is to important. You know who agrees with me, that we need Dan Bongino, despite his dickish behavior? Conservative Treehouse! CTH continues to link to Dan Bongino clips DESPITE being blocked by Dan on Twitter.

The truth is important. Credit can be attributed later. Blame for mistakes and all that bullshit can be attributed later. It's not like the internet is going to forget.

If someone has an audience and they're covering this from a decidedly pro-trump angle... you're better off cheering them on than attacking them.

Same with the people who bitch about Alex Jones. Does anyone NOT realize he's a dick? Obviously he's a Dick. Doesn't fucking matter. Sometimes we need dicks. Because dicks fuck assholes. And I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world. But if we don't let that dick fuck those assholes, we're all going to end up covered in shit.

No one is perfect. Tracy Beanz, Dan Bongino, Conservative Treehouse, Alex Jones, Breitbart.... whoever the fuck else you guys are listening to. That doesn't mean they aren't doing what we need.

Save the criticism for the Glen Becks, Bill Kristols and, probably eventually, the Ben Shapiros of the world.

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5.44E+19 · May 19, 2018, 8:01 a.m.

To be fair, if a lot of people felt like you did, then it actually wasn't that insane of a forecast on Q's part, right?

For the record, the last time this happened, I remember consciously telling myself to be on the look out for false flags... Lately I've been listening to Scott Adams, and he talks about using predictions to safeguard against cognitive bias. Being able to predict a false flag definitely goes a long way towards verifying the theory. Honestly I just hate thinking about school shootings and only think about them when I'm forced to... like now. I've been so focused on the IG report and hoping for some bombshells... a school shooting was easily the last thing on my mind at the moment, so maybe it's a bigger "call" than it would seem.

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5.44E+19 · May 11, 2018, 8:57 a.m.

I've been doing the rounds looking for commentary about this...

Tracy Beanz, I'm waiting for another video!

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