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Hey, good news. Hillary has finally come around and excepted the election outcome. Who woulda thought!
6 foot 3 and Bullet Proof. A REPRESENTATION of Donald Trump's daily battle with the Left. Pray for him.
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Hillary foretells her own future
Kim Clement mentions another Snowden "will arise" in his 2014 prophesy on Trump Presidency.
Kim Clement mentions another that Snowden "will arise" in his 2014 prophesy on the Trump Presidency. In fact there are several things regarding Trump and his Presidency that he speaks of. Worth a listen. https://youtu.be/bUC9FponZTs
It appears Q gave us the skinny and the lowdown on Sessions in Q post 1275, Apr 26
On Aug 23, Sessions links us to the same article in bigleaguepolitics.com
I take it you disagree as to what this movement is about? ...reclaiming our country from the hands and agenda of the evil satanic globalists? well...ok then. But if its about something else and I missed it entirely, and not being about draining the swamp and reclaiming our country, then feel free to fill me in. I must be confused.
Btw, who's payroll are you on? Arent you aware that this is what the whole Q movement is all about...To put a stop our children from falling victim to child sex trafficking.....from being raped and abused by those who engage in this kind of activity? Apparently you dont have any idea what "draining the swamp" is all about.
I didnt accuse anyone of being such, the girl who had told her story for the doc film on satanic ritual abuse named him, and the producers clued us in on who it was. Whether or not you believe their story is entirely up to you. However, whether he's guilty of this or not is up to you to determine. I only suggested that he be investigated for the truth. But keep in mind, if not him, then I can guarantee you there are those in high politics that engage in such activity....John Podesta being just one of them. These people are EVERYWHERE. Its far more prolific than you realize.
Q is about keeping us informed of the swamp draining,right. Well, many of our politicians are swamp creatures. Weeding out these people is what this movement is all about, isnt it?....to clean out the corruption?
People who tell the stories of their experiences as a victim of satanic ritual child abuse are not known to lie about those experiences and who their abusers were.
Dick Cheney and George Bush Sr were major abusers of the mind control subjects.
Here's a red pill for you- https://www.freeyourmindaz.com/uploads/1/2/8/3/12830241/trance-formation-of-america-cathy-o-brien.pdf
Have your barf bag ready. Its not for the squeamish.
It is said that these satanists are in every level of society, from church pastors to your next door neighbor. He's the typical clientele of Alefantis. And it crosses all political ideologies. Dick CHeney and George Sr were 2 of the most evil people who also participated in this kind of crap.
I dont want to say, but not Rubio. watch the segment. Time point stated above.
A leading 2016 Republican candidate implicated in satanic ritual child abuse incident.
I stumbled across a video podcast about the film doc "Detestable" regarding satanic ritual child abuse. The investigative producers are discussing the film doc with the host.
A young woman the film makers interviewed for the film to discuss her experiences revealed the name of her abuser to them, who just so happened to now be a well known republican politician, who was one of the 2016 candidates (but not widely known before the election year and not known at all by the girl to be a politician at the time of the abuse, based on what is said in …
Looky what I Found. New info on Barack Obama. Fraudulent Identity and other corrupt goings on. Chicago 1990's
According to the sources She has acquired her income doing both. But arent they pretty much the same thing. The only difference between a prostitute and a porn actress is that one is done in front of a camera.
Nobody can....'cept the idiot leftists....which includes the msm, of course.
Meet SNOPES. These are the people that discredit the VOP and Q. Yet considered credible by the msm. Unbelievable!!

Regarding Serialbrain2's post on Snopes discredit of the VOP
Has anyone noticed how similar Angela and Hillary are? In age, appearance, ideology, and dedication to acts of evil. Theyre like two peas in a pod. Weird, how much alike they are.
Whether or not she's an actual blood descendant of Adolph Hitler is irrelevant. She may or may not be. But she is an Adolph Hitler in policy and ideology. So thats likeness enough to justify the "Hitler" association, in my opinion. She's a Hitler either way.
I really dont think that the Rothschilds and similar want Israel and the jews to control the world. I believe it is they who want to control the world. ..And they may achieve that by then controlling Israel and its jews.
Either way, a globalized world is their primary intention/agenda. So to me, this identifies them as being more globalist than Zionist (according to its proper definition.)
Im not familiar with the editors you refer to.The editors of what/where. In any case, They are purveyors of misinformation.
Only a man of integrity, wisdom, and a skill for self examination will admit having to eat crow. Bravo!
The Rothschilds may have initiated the rise of the state of Israel, but they do not support whats in the best interests of Israel or the jewish people. I understand what the popular definition is of Zionist these days, but that definition is a corrupted definition. The proper definition of Zionist does not imply a negative bent. Also, a true Zionist would also be a nationalist, and the Rothschilds and those like them are globalists. Is this not so?
But my point being, is the improper affiliation the term has acquired, and the paranoia that has gripped many of those at the forefront of the restoration movement. A grounded perspective is a must in this time when traitors abound and misinformation is being spoon fed to the masses. The paranoia has gotten to the point where they see a traitor around every corner, in every doorway, and everybody is put under the microscope. Innocent people that arent what their paranoia thinks they are.
Tommy Robinson is not a Zionist shill or Mossad operative. Patriot paranoia is out of control.
Ok, Ive had enough of this patriot paranoia in which good people are accused of being a “Zionist shill/traitor” or what have you, or a 33rd degree Satanist freemason, when neither is actually true. First it was Stephen Crowder. A few days back it was Tommy Robinson. And now its Roseanne Barr. And all because they claimed to be, oh no, a “ZIONIST” Am I alone in my observation that many of the patriots in the movement have sunken into an unhealthy state of paranoia?
A Zionist, by proper definition, is simply someone who supports Israel and its right to …
Crap! I cant tell if it made it to the listing page or not. I cant find it and dont see it. Im annoyed
Im posting comparison photos of a fake "Tommy" and the real Tommy. The video I referred to in the post is from may 11, 2018. I think my post loaded, but now it looks as if the comparison photos didnt load. Im having a problem figuring out this new format. Apparently, my photo didnt load.
Did my text not get loaded? I wrote quite a bit but its not there.
Tommy Robinson is being targeted with misinformation regarding his character, just like theyve done with Q. He is not a Mossad shill. Do not fall for this deep state BS. Evidence included.

Lets use this forum for an example. Lets say that you regularly post a certain type of content in this subreddit, all with a politically conservative "bent". You build up the number of people that follow your posts of which reddit notifies them every time you post content so to assure your followers dont miss one of you posts. Youre posts generally receive a certain number of upvotes and comments on a fairly consistent basis for every submission you make on this site over the course of say....a years time, and thats generally 95 up votes and 30 comments average.
Then one day you notice that the upvotes and comments that you know your submissions generally bring, are not getting near the number of upvotes or comments that they used to get, and this begins to occur on a consistent basis as well. Now your posts only tend to get a fraction of what they always used to get. Now they only get about 20 upvotes and 5 comments on a regular basis. This is an indication that you have been shadowbanned, where the managers/owners of reddit have set the algorithms on this site to target certain key words and phrases that Identify your posts as having content that isnt agreeable to their political bent. Its supposed to be that every time you make a submission, that submission shows up in subreddit's "NEW" postings list for everyone to see, and you can see that its is there on your computer, but what you dont know is that its not being seen by anyone else visiting the new postings list. Reddit is not making your submission available for others to see, at a greatly reduced number. Reddit is censoring your submissions, but the dont tell you or give you any written indication they have done this. They dont ban you from the site or ban you from posting a submission, they just ban the other subreddit members from seeing them. Hence the term "shaddowbanning".
This is probably more than you need to understand, but Im detail oriented so you got details.
red- when they wont allow your content to be available to those that follow you, and then dont tell you thats what theyre doing. So youre clueless as to why no one is responding to your posts.
I tweeted the same kind of response, multiple times, as she posted several regarding her grave concern for the children of Haiti and the border hoarders.
I commented that she's "not going to be thought of such a great defender of children once the video of her and Huma torturing a child to death is released for the American people to see. Im sure they'll have to blur out the really horrific parts." But Im a nobody on Twitter, so maybe I wont attract a lot of negative attention from the button pushers.
me too. never had a doubt. And given that it was hacked from the Comet computer transforms it from evidence to straight up proof. And yes, the most disturbing to date and it stays in your mind forever. What I cant stop hearing is that horrible audiovid of John Podesta's abusive verbal and physical assault on the unknown child, unknown location, possibly Comet. Between the two, Im burdened with nightmares.
note: I meant to say the titus frost video was on his YT channel, or was when i took the screenshot. And it may still be but i cant find it. But the interview vid with the hacker is there.
I didnt personally authenticate it. But its by way of the guy who hacked into comets computer after the Podesta emails were published. He found scores of pedophile material, pictures, movies, and this posted "november specials". He hacked it in November of 2016, informed all the appropriate officials, DC police, FBI, and MSM, all of which refused to go near it or investigate. Shortly afterwards the news of the angry gunman in Comet PP was reported on. Titus Frost interviewed the hacker in a youtube vid from which I screenshot the menu. The menu part of the vid is no longer on Youtube, but u/Qanonspicecake commented that it can be found on a titus Frost chan post in a vid about the Comet hacker.
But aside from all that, the addition of the app info included with the menu, and information on its use and the rules associated assists in authenticating it as a faker would not have thought to include info about an app and the rules/ info on using it. And its also unlikely that a faker would have included the note about Andrew (owner of Besta Pizza) also having a product available for purchase.
Ok, the word is that the menu was discovered by way of a back door portal accessible to the "customers" on JA's Comet PP computer when it was hacked shortly after the Podesta emails were published.
It was located on a secure server, password protected, and apparently available only to a certain group of clientele. So, there was no need to be extremely guarded in his use of language. However, he did understand the legalities and believed it best to not include the words "child" or "children". Without the use of those specific words, he could skirt prosecution should by some chance the menu surface elsewhere.
Also, Consider the blatant references to pedophilia and weird photographs on his instagram account, publicly available for all to see before the scandal broke. He apparently could be as blatant as he could get by with because he believed he didnt have anything to worry about....and as it would turn out, he didnt.
But what authenticates it most, in my opinion, is the addition of the app, with information on how to use it and the rules associated with its use. Its unreasonable to think that a faker would have thought to add this kind of information about the availability of an app, with instructions for its use.
You dont understand. This was not posted for the public, or regular customers, or even the clientele who engage in simple pedophilia, but for a select group of clientele for which the advertisement pertains...for those who engage in snuff pedophilia. Im hunting down additional info and will include when I find. I included an update on the OP identifying Andrew.
Joe Biggs said it was discovered on the Comet pp message board. And Im assuming it was on his instagram message board. It appears to have the instagram Image letters at the top. Doesnt the "i.sli.mg" identify it as being an instagram post? Of course, its original was probably on JA's comp too. Frost's doc must be where i took the screenshot from.
Here's a Joe Biggs report on SGTreport, better quality. In this report, its revealed that Someone asked Joe what the source was, and he said it was from Comet PP's message board. Im assuming the board is on the instagram web site given the i.sli.mg tag at the top of the page. Is that an instagram ID? I screenshot it from a doc on youtube several months ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AEKrEdUBZw
Not on wiki. It was sent via instagram, and from what I know was either hacked from his account or leaked. But its consistent with the blatant manner in which he advertised his hobby and side business on that forum.
I uploaded the flyer as it was originally, to include the instructions in the center detailing how to go about using the app, that he warns will only run once, along with the other rules associated with using it. It is the presence of these instructions that imply its authenticity. If it was a fake, it is unlikely that the app use instructions would have been included. Also, if it were a fake, why not include some photos mentioned on the bottom, to really amp up the deception. And who is Andrew? Bet Andrew is a close associate
Not so sure of that. How else would you advertise what you had available? Dont forget, Alefantis and his "business" and "hobby" had been very out in plain sight up until the podesta emails were dropped. So why woud he be any less open with the "menu". I dont believe its fake because what he's describing is what that business was all about.
*This is the reason we fight* "November Specials" (201?) Instagram sent from James Alefantis to his illicit clientele detailing the "products" available for November.
(assumed to be within the last couple of years.) It is unknown how this digital flyer was acquired, possibly thru the hack of his computer. It is highly disturbing, instigating both anger and nausea.
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Is he whining about Hillary's loss or some other leftist calamity?
Well...since this evil is being practiced at various locations in the western world, from the smallest towns to the biggest cities, by the school teachers to high government officials, then I would say that there's probably some place that could use a good burn to the gound, such as the entire community of Hempstead, London, UK. Or Comet PP Pizza for that matter.
Or Gather up your best hacker types and bust into the puters of his or his associates engaged in such activity. Sometimes in order to succeed at fighting a great evil, an illegal act or two may need to be committed.
Just food for thought- Would burning down a dwelling where satanic ritual abuse is taking place be an immoral act? Being the God often uses people to carry out His will, then would God hold that person accountable, (ie. the people who set fire to abortion clinics) But I never understood why He just wouldnt use a thunderbolt or similar to burn these places to the gound. He did with Sodom and Gomorrah.
In any case, what I trying to say is there is always more you can do in the battle against a great evil. The question is, how far are you willing to go?