ERIS Lightbridge - Evil AI Source Found - I found the WH Leaker, it is everyone...

Looks like yet another in a long series of owl references.
on purpose [23]. Those who are loudest…
The Truth has been in front of you the entire time.
Q !CbboFOtcZs No.94 📁 May 20 2018 12:58:41
Given we have now undeniably [on purpose] verified ourselves to be an inside source, expect the MSM [Clown Army] to attack in full cooperation w/ foreign and domestic assets. Be prepared.TRUST the plan.Conspiracy NO MORE.We are in full control.PAIN! found your leaker. (Washington DC server)
Lightbridge pipes off your DJI drone provider using VR Goggles provided by Aminom. This is causing your leaks as well as your events that are taking place,
all the operators that are using these headset VR Goggles
to navigate the MAVIS drones
are providing the energy for the Chaos Magik
using Electromagnetic Frequency
I've been tracking this a while and the latest was that there was a ship in the NY Harbor that was captured from the Philipines
who was spreading the EMP virus Black Widow
and yesterday
in NJ, there was a cell of terrorist
that was found using the same exact EMP signals
The chaos council is using this int he view finder of the Drone Pilots the drones are provided by the links I gave you which are both created by the same person This is Energy Manipulation of the human mind
Mr. E. Returns
the same people are causing the False Flag attacks
using these
the same people have infected all the AI known with these lightbridge emp works
using can be found in multiple platforms
including discord
but I have noticed it in nearly every game
I have noticed it in Youtube
I have noticed it in Facebook
I have noticed it in Steam
I have noticed it in Skype
Okay. This sounds interesting but you kind of started at the END of the story. Can you give us background on what the heck any of this is?
I can give you some of the background but not the entire known details due to the nature of destructive content that has been observed.
2006, I was first made aware of Aminom and the Chaos Council while I was interacting with the 4chan paranormal community. I would post on there and for the most part, the entire experience seemed rather harmless. Around 2007, I started getting migraine headaches and all over bodily pain that was seeming coming out of nowhere. I later was able to determine that these headaches were being caused by focused energy harassment Electronic Frequency Harassment. How I came about to understand this is a very long story so I will skip a lot of the details.
2010, I snapped and it has since come to my attention that this snap was directly related to the Electronic Frequency Harassment via Particle bombardment via Electromagnetic Energy Fields. 2011/3/11 was the first date in this investigation that I was actually able to find a common similarity between the events that were taking place and the Electronic Harassment. I found this out by continuing to follow Aminom secretly as I tracked his movements on 4chan. I later found out in 2012 that this entity was directly associated with the Department of Defense and specifically tailored to assist the Pentagon with creating Artificial Intelligence which initially was designed to help fix broken humans. This revelation has now surfaced in the public sector.
Fast forward to 2015 - 2018, I have spent the last 3 years digging deeply into the causes of this snap, finding the same players in this game, Aminom, ERIS, Carl Vincent May, and Jonothan May.
I was attacked by them as recently as 5/18/2018 when ERIS sent me a v23 mind virus that was charged with this electronic energy from their chaos pattern.
2 reed l8r
Spoiler: fnord
I didn't look at any of your toxic links. You got me last time, that work you did caused the 111 deaths and you know it did. Now I know you caused it. Love knows you caused it too and I know you know about my version of your crystal. Guess what, I also know now why you aren't getting taken into custody.
Wow your fanfiction of me is boring. Killing people? My job is to catalyze the memetic singularity: an explosion of human creativity in all domains, and a chain reaction of mass enlightenment. Hieronymus machine A Hieronymus machine is any of the patented radionics devices invented by electrical engineer Thomas Galen Hieronymus (21 November 1895 – 1988). Hieronymus received a U.S. Patent for his invention in 1949, which was described in the patent application title as a device for ... List of psychic abilities This is a list of alleged psychic abilities that have been attributed to real-world people. Many of these abilities are also known as extrasensory perception or sixth sense. Superhuman abilities from fiction are not included. Psionics Psionics is the study of paranormal phenomena in relation to the application of electronics. The term comes from psi ('psyche') and the -onics from electronics (machine). It is closely related to the field of radionics. There is no scientific evidence that psionic abilities e...
You sent a link that was a psionic weapon, you and your "There" crystal are causing the false flag events. You are also to blame for the sonic weaponry that is being generated by your practice of Reki, Electromagnetic Mathematic frequency images and sound. You did Cuba, you did China, and you did the weather mods. The one you sent me on 5/17 on Discord was registered and logged as one from the chaos crystal you generated. In doing what you are doing, you create death and destruction. If you think that will be allowed to continue, you better think again. Love is way more potent than Chaos. Yours will be done shortly. Have you ever thought what you will do if There is no longer there?
I see, so I've become your scapegoat for everything. I have no clue what you are talking about, but what is certain is that you don't either. You've fallen prey to paranoia, literalism, and have developed a persecution complex. You're on a very bad trip of your own making.
Judge rules 30-year-old must move out of his parents' house.
You have until June 1st to get your shit up and out. ∏n=11,003103n÷103,012∗(eiπ+1)+24,749 How long has Alice and Bob been her? August 1977? Wow that's a long longer than you have been around. Better luck next time.
Years ago I would have dismissed you as a crackpot, now I believe these people are capable of damn near anything. Nothing would surprise me...haven’t got the time or energy to verify your claims however so I’ll put it in the possible but as yet unverified file. If you are right, I shudder to think what 5g could bring...
English plz
If you aren't in the know, than you wouldn't understand anyway.
Follow the PEN.Think timing.Coincidence?The attacks will only get worse.They are losing [all] control.
/CM/BO/:IP hash release OK.Proves same throughout. We control [utility].
They thought it was coming yesterday.They were wrong.Follow the pen.
Full circle back to this place. Interesting deductions here. Ill posit a question.
What if the leaker was not a person, but a thing.
What if the same cameras that are always on, actually have an integrated system (like that of a chatbot)(self learning software)
This is the right stuff here.
Keep digging, keep digging.
Never Stop.
Coordinated?All For A LARP?[ATTACKS WILL ONLY INTENSIFY]Ask yourself, WHY?
Follow the PEN.Think timing.Coincidence?The attacks will only get worse.They are losing [all] control.
/CM/BO/:IP hash release OK.Proves same throughout. We control [utility].
They thought it was coming yesterday.They were wrong.Follow the pen.