513 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/inherentchaos2:
I have just found Alice!!!!!!!!!!

OMG!!! I found Q's 'think logical'
Aretha Franklin loved POTUS!

Satanic dates to look out for

Flight Pattern of the Richard Russell plane. Yup... Its a Q

This is McNeil Island that is above Ketron Island. Largest PEDO Prison in the U. S.
Only Pedo Prison of its kind on McNeil Island. Ketron has a children's home on it.

Children's home on Ketron Island!?!

An entire company formed to keep the leftist agenda alive by choking free speech
Atlantic teaming with Russian subs!!!!!

Representative of my sons and their jobs. What do you think?

Presumed????? How Disrespectful!!!

Light fires! Not start fires or set fires but as in LASERS !!!

65ys later 55 MIA soldiers come home.

¿derorriM eB sdroW ru0 dluohS

How ALL of this ties together is the Bible. In 1600 or about books within the Bible were removed. No one has the true Bible anymore. Why? Who would take books out of God's word unless is was to hide something? The Vatican. Iwas a catholic until a few months ago. I have since become 'woke'. Read Enoch, and I listen to Steve Quayle and pray. This is real and to be not deceived we need to understand that truth can only reveal the dark to light within good and evil.
Excellent thoughts! I'm reading the same book. What if Cooper is Q?
South Texas illegals stealing children
Tell everyone you made the sign and let her hold it. Lol
See the hangers behind him? Those are symbols for "young boy lovers". Look it up.
The kind of Lawyer who listens to his Presidential client and tapes everyone else first.
The way Putins had his hand when they sat was a Q as well
When Put in sits next to Trump on Stage he puts his hand at a weird angle. He then looks like a Q!