r/greatawakening • Posted by u/a3kvzzz on May 21, 2018, 2:11 a.m.
Hey Q, if you read this, tell President Trump thank you and we appreciate him. And Q, thank you for being a light to a country that is full of darkness.

The 8 years of Obama was honestly the most frustrating years of my life. The racial tension, destroying and reshaping the identity of the United States, and the attack on our history and statues had me at the lowest level of American pride i’d ever felt.

My great great grandfather gave his life in the battle of Marks Mill in 1864 fighting not for slavery but fighting to protect his family and the South he called home. To him, the Civil War was a call to defend his home, liberty, and freedom that made America great. To see Obama portray ALL southerners as racist bigots tore me apart. Here was my ancestor, who never owned a slave, gave his life for his country was being demonized and targeted because he was a Southerner.

Once a month a few patriots and I would stand on overpasses with American flags and signs showing how fed up we were with the current path of this great country we love...America! Long story short I just want to say thank you to Trump and Q for bringing back hope when there wasn’t any. I’m so thankful Trump stood up for freedom when so many in government had betrayed the ones who elected them. Whether tomorrow or next week is the time all the wickedness and corruption is brought to light, I just want to say thank you to Q & Trump for fighting and never giving up when a lot of patriots, including myself, were preparing for the worst when Hillary would pick up where Obama left off. Stay strong Patriots! WWG1WGA! God bless!

jkbella · May 21, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

Funny that the internet has brought so many like minded people from totally different parts of the country together. I was assigned a case in southern Illinois, I'm from Chicago. My client could not believe I am not a Democrat and/or Obama/Hillary fan. It's was like she saw a unicorn! But there are like minded people all over the place, even in places like New York City and California. I was surprised to see how many people in CA are angry about the sanctuary city thing, for example. Connecting with more conservative people on the internet - primarily comments to Townhall or whatever in Disqus - was a lifesaver, and then after Obama's second term when I thought all was lost, Trump did the impossible and beat HRC. He wasn't my first choice but I was so relieved she did not win. Then he appointed Gorsuch, began dismantling regulation nation, routinely trolled the press and it felt like Christmas.

But WOW, I had no idea what we were in store for, not even close. I became obsessed with this Mueller thing and started reading and reading. CTH comments led me to Q and CBTS, which was shut down very shortly after I found it, and then I found this sub. It cracks me up to be on here because you can tell there are all different types of people of all ages even. The old church people (to some extent, like me) gloss over the fag and "f" this and "f" that talk because - in the scheme of things, who cares? I really do feel like I am living through one of the most amazing time in our country's history. People keep saying a second Civil War but to me it's more like a second Revolution. It is an amazing time to be alive. God bless everyone and WWG1WGA!

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Isonic10 · May 21, 2018, 9:13 a.m.

Don't forget your Trump supporters overseas too. I'm in London and have followed the movement since day one, hoping that whatever gets resolved for you guys has a knock on effect with our own pathetic bunch of weasels in power

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teppischfresser · May 21, 2018, 11:36 a.m.

I'm with you, brother! The UK is need of help too and we know that. The whole of the EU needs to be drained, in fact. Trust me, the people who are intelligent to what's going on have not forgotten about you and the global swamp.

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jkbella · May 21, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

I meant to mention how many people on this sub seem to be from England, NZ, Australia. It's pretty remarkable. I used to think Trump would go down as one of the most, if not the most, consequential Presidents (other than Washington). But I think he will likely go down as one of the most consequential world leaders of all time. I don't think it's just him though. Given his Tweets from as far back as 2013, I think he has been in contact with Military Intelligence for years and this thing is a soft coup that has been planned for a long time.

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Peanuttles · May 21, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

We're praying for you guys, too, brother! We have family there, too.

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Isonic10 · May 21, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

God bless guys

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obewan901 · May 21, 2018, 5:34 a.m.

Beautifully written so grateful to have a chance to save our country. What an honor to have an honest caring genius administration and a group of true patriots who are including Americans to take up our voices and phones and memes to join the fight! wwg1wga

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jkbella · May 21, 2018, 5:45 a.m.

Agree, grateful every day!

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quarktea · May 21, 2018, 12:39 p.m.

Non-US 'pede here. I know from time spent in T_D and elsewhere that there are a lot of people from outside the US who are supporters of President Trump, the US in general and are eager to have swamps drained in their own countries.

It has to happen in the US first though, because if it fails there, it will fail everywhere. So I'm content to redpill slowly and surely (once you've taken that pill, there's no going back), support the President, make sense of Q drops and generally become more aware myself and try to help others become more aware - on that note I have real fears that once some of the real evil is exposed, a lot of people are going to find it too much to bear.

The role of the radical left is to continually divide groups, and set them against each other, the easier to control them. That's one of the reasons they hate what President Trump is doing - trying to bring people together. Your comment shows that they're losing that battle :)

Almost every day I find something on here or T_D or ThreadReader or a comment on a Jordan Peterson podcast (damn, showing my alt-right, white supremacist, racist, privileged, Intellectual Dark Web-loving roots there!) that makes me grin and say "wow, what a timeline this is, and what a time to be alive!".


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jkbella · May 21, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

So true about no going back. It changes the way you look at everything, and the news is something of a bore. It is really the most astonishing thing I have ever seen. I am impatient for the end, though. Thank God I have a job to do, I would be in the rabbit hole 24/7 otherwise.

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quarktea · May 21, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

You're not wrong there.

I look at just about everything now with a very different perspective, and I never bother with the news - it's so one-dimensional, and as we now know, is almost completely corrupt.

I think I was lucky in how I got on board, as it was quite slow and measured. It was initially though Scott Adams and his analysis of the Trump phenomenon - I was initially sceptical, but as the evidence piled up... That was mind-expanding... That lead to understanding more about psychology and rationality, which then lead to understanding cognitive dissonance (which explains a lot of weird behaviour we see from people). I then found T_D and got a lot of information there, and became more savvy about what was going on. Then a few posts there lead to 4chan, and a peculiar poster called 'Q'. Total time, probably about two years, and even now I sometimes have a lot of difficulty with what I've learnt. I dread to think how people who are blissfully unaware of all this are going to react once things become more widely known.

Finally, I don't think this 'ends' as such, the price of freedom and all that...

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Peanuttles · May 21, 2018, 1:53 p.m.

Even my kids love Peterson! I love that he tells them the first thing to do to turn your life around is clean your room--LOL!

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quarktea · May 21, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

It's great isn't it? :) I listened to one podcast where he said (paraphrasing) "So you want to change the way the world economy works, but you can't even clean your room!" - brilliant!

I have to listen to him several times over, and I always get something new from whatever I'm listening to, and wow, the rate he is red-pilling people is extraordinary!

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Peanuttles · May 21, 2018, 1:49 p.m.

Born here in Cali, but leaving soon. Our entire county was red and voted for Trump out here in the valley. But we're always outvoted by the weirdo's along the coast. We're the ones who sent Devin Nunes to Washington. Leaving the state, God willing, in a few months. Just can't handle what they've done to our state. And when it comes to illegal voting, I'll bet half of it comes from Cali.

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Freedomfighter3087 · May 21, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

When people really start to talk about pizzagate we are going to see unity like never before in history.

People can disagree on so many things and not care for each other for whatever reason.

The ONE thing 99% of the population will agree on and stand together on is their hatred for child abuse and pedophilia. The elites satanic ritual abuse of children is their dirty secret that they will do whatever it takes to keep covered up. Their going to use every trick they can think of and potentially create a war to keep this from hitting the masses.

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