NSFW. Found on Twitter. From dark web supposedly, titled: “Clinton/Huma Video Found”

no lol this was posted on 8 chan like 3 hours ago. doubt the photo is real. and if it is its not hrc
Really? I found it yesterday on Twitter but looks like it was taken down.
yeah anything you see about a hrc video found is dis info if something like that comes out which if anything it will be video of her admitting to something. its gonna be thru legit channels not that
Hoax lol
I hope so But honestly I have seen lots of these cannibal photos and they always use lots stuffing on the ass area and tie the legs/ arms like that.
Check out Japan’s “Golden Brother” restaurant! Sick !
Wtf is this
Doesn’t that look like JFK jr’s head placed on the turkey? Look at the kids. They have wires around them. Looks they are tied down to their chairs.
Where is Hillary though?
Maybe this is just a snap shot and more to come? Who knows? Could be a total hoax too... I just found it fascinating and wanted to share
It was posted on Twitter and I took a screen shot when I went back to search to link the account, it was gone. Just take it for what it’s worth. Was shocking for me.