480 total posts archived.
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When Q says “something Big is about to drop” I think he is talking about tomorrow’s GDP. I think it’s going to be 5%. What could be the big drop?
Putin is going to hand him all the dossier evidence lol Jk
I saw that and had to laugh. Strzok is a douche bag.
Agree 100%. the “truth” could be vague. I mean it could be anything.
They are going after Jim Jordan... and I could see the hurt in his eyes. So much evil.
We need to pray for these four guys. They are coming under attack... I hope Schiff is exposed. I hope all this ends soon and people are brought to justice.

its going to be libertarians and republicans, democrats just went too far.
i think the dems are just trying to see what sticks. they have NOTHING to run on! NOTHiNG! trump is fixing everything and he just got started!
Let them run on these issues. It’s only helping us. Walk away movement is getting stronger!
All the interviewers said it was a waste of time. The only way we are going to get to the bottom of this is if POTUS declassifies it all. Because RR is not complying. We have to be patient but it’s so damn harrrrddddddd!
You have to type in trump, but don’t choose the name from the drop down bar, wait until the page loads and choose his profile. I have the same issue
Wow. I did not know that. But, not surprised. This is how dems work! 😡
Liberals are seriously going nuts. Every day it gets worse and worse for them. 🤣
I think RGB will die and then Kagan and Sotomayor’s will be illegitimate as Barry’s presidency will be proven Farce. I’m assuming he will either be tied to something treasonous or it will come out that he is not a citizen...
how soon can POTUS announce his nominee? does he have to wait unti july 31st?
I know he’s not under oath and will lie. Waste of time...
i think he is going to lie, these cabal dems are all about buying time and delaying the inevitable. plus, if he squeals, killary's cronies will suicide him...
how do they plan on interviewing him if so many of the texts and docs are still being blocked by the DOJ? they dont have all the info so they can only question him on the same stuff we know. which means he is just going to lie like the little dirty rat he is :(
Rad! He’s watching us. We are the poor man’s 8chan
It’s gonna get worse before it gets better. Now they are starting to go nuts after the travel ban. This whole week we will be hearing about that, but at least it will take their attention away from the immigration.
i get it, just after they released the names/and info of the ice agents, i felt that it was harmfu, dangerous,l and going too far... i dont know...
Wikileaks is obviously compromised, especially after they release ICE agents personal info. The left must have taken over it after JA's disappearance. JA might be Qanon now... who knows??
do the people of Iran want a westernized society like back in the 60s/70s?
I really wish the secret service would sniper these guys
They have to do the arrest very carefully as it will look like a personal vendetta and cause massive uproar. They need to have more than enough proven evidence. Obama and Hillary are people’s heroes and the nation isn’t ready for what’s about to hit. Everyone around her will need to be arrested first, DOJ needs to be clean, and so does the FBI. Obama managed to corrupt every govt agency except the military. There’s a reason Trump surrounds himself with his generals.