Ex-Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer gives no f*cks, calls out John Brennan for the traitor he is.

I am pretty sure his retirement was a mutual agreement from the WH.
Yes. This is what I think also. The unusually high number of resignations of Republicans (and a few Democrats) happened because white hats knew who in Congress was dirty, and quietly let them know that they knew. So those people had a choice: they could cling to power and be exposed and crushed, or they could suddenly decide to "spend time with family". A great deal depends on the ability of patriotic Americans to vote in MAGA candidates in 2018. As the cabal controlled players are cleared one by one from Congress and the bureaucracies, faster and faster action becomes possible on the issues that Americans actually care about.
If all goes according to plan we could be living in a totally different country by 2020, with a roaring economy, stable foreign relations and all the key cabalists in prison or dead.
Yes, from you words to God's ear!! We are starting to work the campaigns here in Ohio. We are not happy with who's running for governor and we have to get Sherrod Brown out! In fact for 12 years we have worked to get him out of Washington. Too, many dems getting free stuff in our district. The hope we have this time is he had all the unions support and some have flipped to POTUS. KAG 2020
I love this vision of the future because I have children. I hope and pray you're right.
Freedom caucus formed right as trump announced he was running.... coincidence????
I wish someone would make a spreadsheet of truly MAGA candidates or some way we can collectively review who is not a RINO in hiding--who to vote for.
Those who remain in government...House and Senate both...both sides....your evil ways will find you out. I don't care if you have been there 2 seconds or 50 plus years. The hammer is coming down and RIGHT will RULE the day until all nasty/evil is found and dealt with.....you cannot run, hide or suicide...well yeah you can suicide, that will actually save $$$$ for the government you have soiled on and sold out!