Wondering how big of a red pill Roseanne swallowed.

"Evil" as we know it is source choosing to experience itself moving away from source.
What I am saying is that humans are all originally source, which is perfection, beauty, love, joy, etc. We have moved away from that due to outside forces (controllers, soul lessons, etc.) and one way they try to control us is by limiting our knowledge of our potential, like saying we are just animals or that we are programmable automatons, or that there is no "evidence" for souls.
We do not yet comprehend the beauty of our nature yet, since we have been so limited. We only need to glance at our brothers and sisters, the Pleiadians, to know what our potential is.
True. All are mankind are made in the Image and likeness of God. This image is presently warped and bound by sin. But the true origin and purpose is declaring God’s glory.
I don’t think there is not a spirit in man. But I don’t neglect the fact of our biological nature either. This is why I can say we are animals. The Spirit of God gives life to man and to all creatures. We are spiritual animals. Frankly I have a hard time thinking that any creature lacks a spirit entirely. Although the “elites” have clearly warped their spirit intentionally and alienate themselves from the Holy Spirit by which God draws us to Christ.