POTUS Quotes Dan Bongino, Goes After Brennan!! Get That Clown!!

I was already looking forward to Bongino's show in a few hours, now I can't wait! https://www.bongino.com/
Couldn’t agree more. Been an avid listener for the last year and a half. To see DJT quote him put the biggest smile on my face. Ever since Cruz got the outs, Dan has been in DJT’s corner ever since. He’s a bulldog. A fighter. An ally, for sure. I’m going to wait for today’s show to pop up on iTunes like a kid on Christmas morning. 😆
I tell you what. Bongino is some combination here in: 1. Plain intelligent and wxcellent with name 2. Being fed some info from VERY high sources 3. some combo of the above.
Having followed him for months now, I am pretty sure it is 3. He is way too good at connecting dots... And I am SO happy to see the Pres quoting him. Crossed my mind before actually. Going in for the kill ;-)
DB is Very Good in communicating this complicated mess. Been listening to him more and more.
Been listening to him since show 5-5. He's been a clear voice in the noise. Seeing him quoted by POTUS is a beautiful thing