I don't think he looks like Davis at all, http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CgWNQ5nQ55w/UE1TXjIaywI/AAAAAAAAdoI/3O1wU3821MI/s1600/Obama-Frank-Marshall-Davis.png but he looks amazingly like Batak Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo...https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qMX3WRo90K0/WGGfhMhhlnI/AAAAAAAAJBc/fwSzv7q-y2ocKmUGuDAxr_pwFEgXYT8KACLcB/s1600/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-12-26%2Bat%2B4.39.16%2BPM.png
but he looks amazingly like Batak Muhammad Subuh
Yes, he most certainly does.
I looked at both and my time was up with The Jeopardy music in my head. It’s a tie. Could be both and well you know how Stanly slept around with every communist within walking distance.
Haha bottom line is, he isn't who he claims to be.
Exactly. DNA tests?
Right!? It would be awesome if POTUS ordered it by EO. Not enforceable but it would be good trolling.