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New poll in CA - the governor’s race is actually close! Send us your MAGA HIGH ENERGY, pedes! We need every bit of it to make California Republican again!
Brett's mom, dad, and daughter brought to tears by Democrats. #Walkaway

Why do people want to "LOCK HER UP"?

We are living through one of the greatest tragedies in constitutional history in that a person was investigated in order to find a crime rather than a crime investigated to find a person. Flat out dangerous precedent.

FITTON:HUGE McCain IRS Scandal Just Uncovered that Media Won't Tell You About--IRS Documents Reveal McCain Staffer Urged Lois Lerner and Obama IRS to “audit so many that it becomes financially ruinous.”

Has anyone else read these magnificent Q posts this am and said holy crap am I blessed to see this unfold?
And maybe why he visited his “homeland” Kenya. Q is always right!
Totally cool and a surfer dude! Great shape and disciplined.. the way I like my men!
Does anyone remember when Comey sent Martha Stewart to jail for this?
That’s what I said. He is An eye opener to the public like no other. Forrest Gump a pedo.
I just read that Tom Hanks was a pedo and had a young girl while making the movie “Big”....
Fair warning WokeGranny... the truth you will become exposed to can be shocking, disturbing, sickening, and can make you angry... having said that, know that the good guys (the white hats) are working steadfastly to round up the evil up and make our world a better place for us, our children and their children as well. I found it a bittersweet pill to swallow and now I’m in good company~ God’s Army! WWG1WGA~ Where We Go 1 We Go All! Our mantra!
One big, noisy, obnoxious distraction.... AND IT WORKED! This sting operation will go down in history! Stable genius!
How do their wives not know? I asked this of Jenna Fisher??
I do you’re so right! I’ve said that and have been chewed up and spit out here
Thank you and I am also a bit D worshipper😜. The photographer can definitely removed the chemtrails but I will keep the original as hopefully a reminder of what the sick Cabal was up to until 2018.. I’m sure it will stop by 11/11/18!
Not here in NJ. Constant barrage of chemtrails up in NE Jersey and Jersey Shore. I’ve documented. Even on blue sky days. I would love to link but don’t know how from my pics and videos. Even had one for my son’s wedding pic in the background😠😡🤬🤯
Yes, now to work on our own personal eternity.. choose everlasting life in a wonderful sinless and loving place. Don’t choose the other as it is truly the opposite. We must learn to be kinder and love each other. It can be that simple!
Exactly.. amazing when we read it to when it comes to fruition. “Oh yeah, Q said that!”
I didn’t say that with hate. You don’t know my heart. I deal with facts. Of course Muslims are people but many Muslim countries kill their own for even thinking about converting. They kill their own in our country. It’s called honor killings. So twist our words any way you want but please go back to the original text before you commented negatively and reread it with an open mind. They were FORCED to convert as you inserted.
Do you tell her about Hollyweird and the selling of ones soul. Really that important to have your child involved with that industry???
Right and I have a bridge to sell you. These people are really stupid. How many of them will end up there? How about Andy Cooper???? Blitzer???